The WEBVEW object is a control that wraps the Microsoft WebView2 Edge Browser control and allows you to embed web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) in your OpenInsight forms.
The WEBVIEW object relies on the “WebView2 Runtime platform” which is essentially the same rendering engine that powers the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge Browser – it contains modified Microsoft Edge binaries that are fine-tuned and tested for WebView2-based applications.
When you distribute an app that includes WEBVIEW objects (like the OpenInsight IDE itself), you need to consider how the WebView2 Runtime is distributed and updated on client machines, as there are two options available:
Current versions of Windows have an Evergreen version of the WebView2 platform installed as part of the normal OS, so it is always available, and by default the WEBVIEW object will use this when creating a new instance. The Evergreen runtime is always kept up to date by Windows as part of the normal Windows Update cycle (earlier versions of Windows 10 needed to have the Evergreen version installed separately, but it’s been a core part of Windows 10 since 2022 now). This is by far the easiest way to use the WebView2 platform.
It is also possible to create a WEBVIEW object from a “Fixed Version”, which means that you may choose and supply a specific version of the WebView2 Runtime for use with your application. This may be desirable when you need full control over the versioning of the platform, where you know you have fully tested against it, and where it meets your requirements. A Fixed Version Runtime will not be updated automatically by Windows and you are responsible for installing and maintaining it on client machines.
To use a Fixed Version Runtime with the WEBVIEW object:
It should be noted that when WEBVIEW objects are created by the Presentation Server, the WebView2 Runtime platform launches several instances of the “Microsoft Edge WebView2” process in order to provide web-browsing functionality. This can be seen in the example Task Manager screen shot below:
Like any other Chromium-based web browser this is part of the WEBVIEW object’s normal operation and does not represent an issue. These instances are managed and closed as required.
More information on deploying the WebView2 Runtime can be found on the Microsoft website here:
When working with the WEBVIEW object is it very important to bear in mind that it is built around an asynchronous programming model, i.e., when commands are executed the results of those commands are normally returned via an event, not by a value returned directly to the caller. The WEBVIEW object generally resists attempts to force it into a synchronous paradigm and this should be avoided where possible.
Some common examples of the asynchronous model are:
There are several different ways to communicate with the content hosted inside a WEBVIEW object, and for the hosted content to communicate with your application too.
This is the most common and easiest method of interacting with WEBVIEW content and involves executing JavaScript statements and functions via the EXECUTESCRIPT method. You may also use the ADDINITSCRIPT method to add JavaScript that is executed as pages are loaded into the WEBVIEW object as well.
The POSTJSONMESSAGE and POSTTEXTMESSAGE methods may be used to post data to the hosted content in a WEBVIEW object. The content itself needs to add a JavaScript “message” event listener to the “” object in order to receive the message, so this method is for use with content that is designed to be hosted within a WEBVIEW control (rather than say, hosted in a normal browser).
Content hosted inside a WEBVIEW object may post data to its host by using the JavaScript “” method. This in turn triggers the WEBVIEW object’s WEBMESSAGE event, along with the posted data.
(Note: The EnableWebMessages parameter in the WEBVIEW SETTINGS property must be set to TRUE$ for WebMessaging to work.)
More information on WebView2 interop can be found on the Microsoft website here:
There are some UI elements managed by the WEBVIEW object that may be integrated more closely with the hosting OpenInsight application to give a more consistent look and feel. These are:
The WEBVIEW object supports the standard OpenInsight CONTEXTMENU property, so it may be assigned a normal context menu and it will be displayed using the same visual styling as the rest of your application.
If the CONTEXTMENU property is not assigned then the WEBVIEW object displays a default context menu which normally exhibits the same look and feel as the menus in the standard Edge Browser. However, it is possible to override this behavior by setting the CONTEXTMENU property and merging the items from the default WEBVIEW context menu with the items from the OpenInsight context menu, thereby using the same visual styling as your application. This process takes place in the WEBINITCONTEXTMENU and WEBCONTEXTMENU events and is detailed more fully below.
The JavaScript language supports several standard dialog boxes:
As with the Context Menus these are normally displayed using the same look and feel as the JavaScript dialog boxes in the standard Edge Browser, but this behavior can be changed using the “EnableScriptDialogs” option in the WEBVIEW object’s SETTINGS property. If set to False then the WEBVIEW uses normal OpenInsight dialogs instead, which will match the visual styling of your application. See the WEBSHOWDIALOG event for more details.
Links in an HTML page can open content in a new window”, as can the JavaScript “” method. In this case there are three options available to the OpenInsight application:
More information on this can be found in the documentation for the WEBOPENWINDOW event below.
Some content loaded into a WEBVIEW object may require user permission before an action can be taken. Examples include:
In cases such as this a WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event is raised, displaying an OpenInsight dialog to allow the user to decide if permission is granted. See the WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event documentation for more details.
When a WEBVIEW object receives an Authentication request from the server it normally shows a dialog box to ask the user for their credentials. It is possible to override this behavior by changing the AUTHENTICATIONMODE property and handling the request in the WEBAUTHREQUEST event that is raised instead. See the WEBAUTHREQUEST event documentation for more details.
The WEBVIEW object supports the following properties
Name | Description |
ALLOWSINGLESIGNON | Specifies if the object can use Single-Sign-On with Azure AD and MS Account resources. |
AUDIOPLAYING | Specifies if the currently loaded document is playing audio. |
AUTHENTICATIONMODE | Specifies if the WEBAUTHREQUEST event is used to handle authentication requests. |
BACKCOLOR | Specifies the default background for documents. |
BROWSEREXEFOLDER | Specifies the folder containing the executable files for the browser process. |
BROWSERVISIBLE | Specifies if the WebView browser component itself is visible. |
CANGOBACK | Specifies if the object can navigate to a previous page in its history. |
CANGOFORWARD | Specifies if the object can navigate to a next page in its history. |
COLORSCHEME | Specifies the preferred color scheme for browser UI elements. |
DOCUMENTTITLE | Returns the title for the currently loaded top-level document. |
ERRORTEXT | Returns error information arising from the most recently executed property or method operation. |
EXCLUSIVEUDFACCESS | Specifies if other processes can create a browser session from the same user data environment. |
EXTRABROWSERARGS | Specifies extra arguments passed to the browser process at startup. |
HISTORY | Returns a dynamic array of visited sites when history-tracking is enabled. |
INITIALIZED | Specifies if the object is loaded and ready to accept navigation requests. |
INPRIVATEMODE | Specifies if the object is operating in “InPrivate” mode. |
LANGUAGE | Specifies the default language used by the object. |
MUTED | Specifies if the audio output of the object is muted. |
PDFTOOLBARSETTINGS | Hides or shows variable items on the PDF toolbar. |
PROCESSID | Returns the ID of the object’s browser process. |
PROFILENAME | Specifies the profile name used for the object. |
READYSTATE | Specifies the status of the current navigation request. |
SETTINGS | Specifies the configuration options for the object. |
SUSPENDED | Returns TRUE$ if the object’s browser process is suspended. |
SYNCSTATUSLINE | Specifies if the parent form’s STATUSLINE property is automatically updated by the object. |
SYNCTITLE | Specifies if the parent form’s TEXT property is automatically updated by the object. |
TARGETVERSION | Specifies the minimum version of the browser process required by the object. |
TRACKHISTORY | Specifies if the WebView tracks the sites that the user has visited. |
URI | Specifies the URI for the object to navigate to. |
USERAGENT | Specifies a custom User-Agent string for the object. |
USERDATAFOLDER | Specifies the folder used to store the user’s browsing data. |
VERSION | Returns the version string of the browser component. |
ZOOMFACTOR | Specifies the zoom factor for the object. |
The following Common GUI Object properties are not supported:
Specifies if the object can use single sign on with Azure Active Directory (AAD) and personal Microsoft Account (MSA) resources.
The ALLOWSINGLESIGNON property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$. This property defaults to FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
All AAD accounts, connected to Windows and shared for all apps, are supported. For MSA, SSO is only enabled for the account associated for Windows account login, if any.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions get_AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see if Single-Sign-On is enabled.// SSOAllowed = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "ALLOWSINGLESIGNON" )
Specifies if the currently loaded document is playing audio.
The AUDIOPLAYING property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
This property will return TRUE$ if audio is playing, even if the MUTED property is TRUE$.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_8 get_IsDocumentPlayingAudio method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see audio is playing in the WEBVIEW control.// IsAudioPlaying = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "AUDIOPLAYING" )
Specifies if the WEBAUTHREQUEST event handler is used to handle authentication requests.
The AUTHENTICATIONMODE property is a numeric value defined as follows:
Value | Description |
0 | Default. Use the WEBVIEW object’s default authentication handler. This is the default [sic] mode. |
1 | Custom. Use the WEBAUTHREQUEST handler. |
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
The default WEBVIEW behavior for authentication requests displays a dialog box with the server’s Challenge string and prompts to enter a username and password. This can be changed by setting the AUTHENTICATION MODE to 1 (Custom) and handling it in the WEBAUTHREQUEST event.
Equates for use with this property can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_10 add_BasicAuthenticationRequested method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Set the WEBVIEW object to use the WEBAUTHREQUEST event handler// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "AUTHENTICATIONMODE", | WBV_AUTHMODE_CUSTOM$ )
Specifies the default background color for documents loaded in the WEBVIEW object. This color is used when there is no web content loaded such as before the initial navigation or between navigations. This also means web pages with undefined CSS background properties or background properties containing transparent pixels will render their contents over this color.
The BACKCOLOR property is a single numeric RGB value. Note that unlike the normal BACKCOLOR property gradient values are not supported. The default color is white.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Controller2 get_DefaultBackgroundColor method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Set the default background color to Red // $Insert Colors Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "BACKCOLOR", RED$ )
Common GUI BACKCOLOR property.
Specifies the location of the WebView2 Runtime executable files. If this is null then the default BrowserExeFolder value specified in the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property is used instead. If that default value is also null then the WEBVIEW object assumes that the Microsoft WebView2 “Evergreen” runtime version is installed.
This property value may be null or may contain a relative or absolute folder path to the location of the WebView2 runtime executable files.
When set in the Form Designer it may contain OS environment variable strings in the form: %variableName% (not case-sensitive). These will be expanded with their actual values when the WEBVIEW control is created at runtime.
This property may also contain the following OpenInsight environment variables (case-sensitive) that are expanded with their Basic+ values when the control is created at runtime:
@APPID - Expands to @AppID<1> @USERNAME – Expands to @UserName
Using Get_Property at runtime returns the fully expanded version of the string.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
See the Deployment Notes section earlier in this document for further details on how the WebView2 control handles the BROWSEREXEFOLDER property.
A default value for the BROWSEREXEFOLDER can be set via the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property. Note that the property value returned at runtime is the effective value – i.e. if the object property is null, but the WEBVIEWCONFIG property specifies a default value then that default value will be returned.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions function on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Assuming the following:// //// // 1) Windows has an environment variable LOCALAPPDATA set like so:// //// // LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\AgentC\AppData\Local// //// // 2) OpenInsight is logged into the EXAMPLES app with a username// // of A_TEST// // // // 3) The BrowserExeFolder property is set in the Form Designer to// // a value of:// //// // %localAppData%\@APPID_WebView2// FolderVal = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "BROWSEREXEFOLDER" ) // FolderVal now contains the value:// //// // C:\Users\AgentC\AppData\Local\EXAMPLES_WebView2//
WEBVIEW Deployment Notes, SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property.
Specifies if the actual browser component of the WEBVIEW object is visible. The WEBVIEW object is comprised of two parts: The embedded Edge WebView2 browser component, and a very basic wrapper control that the browser uses as a surface to display to.
The BROWSERVISIBLE property is synchronized to the normal VISIBLE property, i.e. setting VISIBLE will also update BROWSERVISIBLE (but not vice-versa). The BROWSERVISIBILE property can be used to control the visibility of the embedded browser component separately if desired, although this is not normally necessary.
There are CPU and memory benefits when the WEBVIEW object (and therefore the browser) is hidden. For instance, Chromium has code that throttles activities on the page like animations and some tasks are run less frequently. Similarly, the browser component will purge some caches to reduce memory usage.
The SUSPEND method can only be used when the WEBVIEW object is hidden.
The BROWERVISIBLE property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get/Set | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Controller_8 get_IsVisible method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check if the browser component of the WEBVIEW object is visible…// $Insert Logical IsBrowserVisible = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "BROWSERVISIBLE" )
Specifies if the WEBVIEW control can navigate back to a previous page in its navigation history.
The CANGOBACK property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 get_CanGoBack method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see if the Back button should be enabled.// EnableBackButton = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "CANGOBACK" )
Specifies if the WEBVIEW control can navigate forward to a page in its navigation history.
The CANGOFORWARD property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 get_CanGoForward method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see if the Forward button should be enabled.// EnableForwardButton = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "CANGOFORWARD" )
Specifies the preferred color scheme for browser UI elements like context menus and dialogs in the WEBVIEW object.
The ColorScheme property is a numeric value corresponding to one of the following:
Value | Description |
0 | Auto (default) – use whatever theme the OS is currently set to. |
1 | Light |
2 | Dark |
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
Equates for use with this property can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Profile get_PreferredColorScheme method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Set the color scheme to Dark// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates Call_Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "COLORSCHEME", WBV_COLORSCHEME_DARK$ )
Returns the title of the current loaded top-level document in the WEBVIEW object.
The DOCUMENTTITLE property value is a string containing the title for the current top-level document.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 get_DocumentTitle method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Set the caption of the parent form to the same value as the// // document loaded in the WEBVIEW. // DocTitle = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "DOCUMENTTITLE" ) Call Set_Property_Only( @Window, "TEXT", DocTitle )
Returns any error information arising from the most recently executed property or method operation.
The ERRORTEXT property value is a string containing any error details pertaining to the most recent property access or method execution. This value is an empty string if no errors have been recorded.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
The ERRORTEXT property is cleared before a new property or method operation is executed.
// Example: Call the EXECUTESCRIPT method to get the document title and check // // the ERRORTEXT variable if it indicates a failure// If Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTESCRIPT", "document.title", FALSE$, TRUE$ ) Else // Get the error details...// ErrorText = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "ERRORTEXT" ) End
Specifies if other WEBVIEW objects can use an environment created from the same user data folder as the current WEBVIEW object.
The EXCLUSIVEUDFACCESS property value is a boolean value. When set to TRUE$ the current WEBVIEW object has exclusive access to the user data folder. Other WEBVIEW controls are prevented from accessing the folder and therefore cannot be created unless they specify a different USERDATAFOLDER property. The default value is FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions2 get_ExclusiveUserDataFolderAccess method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check if the current WEBVIEW has exclusive access to the// // user data folder.// IsExclusiveUDF = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "EXCLUSIVEUDFACCESS" )
Specifies the extra arguments that can be passed to the underlying Chromium browser process when the WEBVIEW object is created.
This property value is space-delimited string containing one or more command-line switches in the format:
"—" <switchName> "=" <switchValue>
--disable-the-thing=1 –-phase-converter-level=max
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
Default switches can be set via the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property. Note that the property value returned at runtime is the effective value – i.e. if the object property is null, but the WEBVIEWCONFIG property specified a default value then the default value will be returned.
If you specify a switch that conflicts with WebView functionality, it is ignored. Specific features are disabled internally and blocked from being enabled. If a switch is specified multiple times, only the last instance is used.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions put_AdditionalBrowserArguments method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Get the Extra Browser Arguments for the WEBVIEW// BrowserArgs = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "EXTRABROWSERARGS" )
Returns a list of sites that have been navigated to by the WEBVIEW object in the current session.
The HISTORY property is an @fm-delimited dynamic array of sites with each entry having an @vm-delimited format like so:
<0,1> Document Title <0,2> URI
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
The TRACKHISTORY property must be set to TRUE$ for this property to be active. Setting the TRACKHISTORY property to FALSE$ will clear the data held in this property, as will using the CLEARBROWSINGDATA method.
Note that this property is a simple in-memory cache of navigated sites and is not saved when the WEBVIEW object is destroyed. It is provided to allow easy runtime access to the object’s current browsing history and it is not the same as the standard full browsing history that is stored to disk in the User Data Folder as part of normal web-browsing operations. It is not affected by the INPRIVATEMODE property.
// Example: Get the browsing history and load it into the EDT_HISTORY EditTable// // control// HistList = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "HISTORY" ) Call Set_Property_Only( @Window : ".EDT_HISTORY", "LIST", HistList )
// Check to see if the WEBVIEW is saving browser data.// IsPrivate = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "INPRIVATEMODE" )
Specifies if the WEBVIEW object has been initialized successfully and is ready to begin navigation operations.
This property is a boolean value. It returns TRUE$ if the WEBVIEW object is initialized and ready for use, or FALSE$ otherwise.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
This property may be used in a loop during a form’s CREATE event processing to check if the WEBVIEW object is ready to begin navigating. However, this requires further complications such as allowing the system to process waiting events, handling timeouts, and ensuring the form hasn’t been closed (see the example below).
A better and preferred alternative is to use the WEBVIEWCREATED event, which is raised by the WEBVIEW object when it has been initialized successfully and is therefore in the appropriate state to begin navigating.
// Example: Wait until the WBV_BROWSER WEBVIEW control is ready on the form, // // timing out after 1 minute (60000 milliseconds)// Declare Function MsWin_GetTickCount64 $Insert Logical EndTickCount = ( MsWin_GetTickCount64() + 60000 ) WbvReady = FALSE$ Loop WbvInit = Get_Property( @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER", "INITIALIZED" ) Until WbvInit Call Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "PROCESSEVENTS", TRUE$ ) While Get_Property( @Window, "HANDLE" ) While ( MsWin_GetTickCount64() < EndTickCount ) Repeat If WbvInit Then // OK to start browsing...// End
Specifies if the WebView is operating in “InPrivate” mode.
The INPRIVATEMODE property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$. When set to TRUE$ browsing data such as history, temporary internet files and cookies etc) are not saved to disk once the browsing session has ended.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
This property does not affect the TRACKHISTORY and HISTORY properties because they are never saved to disk.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions get_IsInPrivateModeEnabled method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see if the WEBVIEW is saving browser data.// IsPrivate = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "INPRIVATEMODE" )
Specifies the default display language for the WEBVIEW object, which is used for browser UI elements like context menus and dialogs. It also applies to the accept-languages HTTP header that is sent to websites.
This property is a string. When null it defaults to the current user’s language settings, otherwise it should be in the format:
Where language is the two-letter ISO 639 code, and the optional country part is the two-letter ISO 3166 code.
en-gb fr-ca
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions get_Language method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Get the default language setting.// WebViewLanguage = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "LANGUAGE" )
Specifies if all audio output from this WEBVIEW object is muted or not.
The MUTED property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$. When TRUE$ all audio output is prevented.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get/Set | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_8 get_IsMuted method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Mute all audio output in the WEBVIEW control// $Insert Logical Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "MUTED", TRUE$ )
Specifies which features of the toolbar are visible when a PDF document is loaded into the WEBVIEW object.
The PDFTOOLBARSETTINGS property is an @fm-delimited dynamic array of Boolean values with the following structure:
<1> Hide Bookmarks <2> Hide Fit-Page <3> Hide Page Layout <4> Hide Page Selector <5> Hide Print <6> Hide Save <7> Hide Save-As <8> Hide Search <9> Hide Zoom-In <10> Hide Zoom-Out
Setting a value to TRUE$ hides the specified toolbar feature, while setting it to FALSE$ will display it. By default all values are set to FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
Changes to this property apply to all WEBVIEW objects in the same environment and using the same profile. Changes to this setting apply only after the next navigation.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Settings7 get_HiddenPdfToolbarItems method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Hide the Save and Save-As buttons in the WEBVIEW's PDF toolbar// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates PDFTbrSettings = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "PDFTOOLBARSETTINGS" ) PDFTbrSettings<WBV_PDFTBRSET_POS_HIDESAVE$> = TRUE$ PDFTbrSettings<WBV_PDFTBRSET_POS_HIDESAVEAS$> = TRUE$ Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "PDFTOOLBARSETTINGS", PDFTbrSettings )
Returns the ProcessID of the browser process hosting the WEBVIEW object.
This property is an integer value.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 get_BrowserProcessId method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Get the browser Process ID.// ProcessID = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "PROCESSID" )
Specifies the profile name used by the WEBVIEW object. This name is used to create the profile folder in the User Data Folder (UDF – see the USERDATAFOLDER property).
The PROFILENAME property may be null or it may be a string value which has the following restrictions:
When set in the Form Designer it may contain OS environment variable strings in the form: %variableName% (not case-sensitive). These will be expanded with their actual values when the WEBVIEW control is created at runtime.
This property may also contain the following OpenInsight environment variables (case-sensitive) that are expanded with their Basic+ values when the control is created at runtime:
@APPID - Expands to @AppID<1> @USERNAME – Expands to @UserName
Using Get_Property at runtime returns the fully expanded version of the string.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
A default value for the PROFILENAME can be set via the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property. Note that the property value returned at runtime is the effective value – i.e. if the object property is null, but the WEBVIEWCONFIG property specifies a default value then that default value will be returned.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2ControllerOptions get_ProfileName method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Get the profile name.// ProfileName = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "PROFILENAME" )
Specifies the status of a navigation request. As the WEBVIEW object navigates to a page it reaches certain defined stages, and this property is updated at each stage so it can be used to track the progress of the navigation.
This property is a numeric value. As each stage in the navigation is reached it is updated to indicate its progress:
Stage | Value | Description |
Uninitialized | 0 | The WEBVIEW object has not navigated to any pages yet. |
Navigating | 1 | The WEBVIEW object has begun navigating to a page. The WEBNAVIGATING event is raised. |
ContentLoading | 2 | The WEBVIEW object has begun loading content for the current page. The WEBCONTENTLOADING event is raised. |
ContentLoaded | 3 | The WEBVIEW has loaded DOM content for the current page. The WEBCONTENTLOADED event is raised. |
Navigated | 4 | The WEBVIEW object has finished navigating to a page. The WEBNAVIGATED event is raised. |
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
Due to the preference for asynchronous operations when using the WEBVIEW object, use of the various “Web” navigation events (WEBNAVIGATING, WEBNAVIGATED etc.) is encouraged rather waiting in a loop checking the READYSTATE property to see the status of the request.
READYSTATE is intended to be used in a loop once a navigation request has been made to check the progress of the request. However, this requires dealing with further complications such as allowing the system to process waiting events, handling timeouts, and ensuring the form hasn’t been closed, thereby destroying the WEBVIEW object (see the example below).
A better and preferred alternative is to use the appropriate events, which are raised by the WEBVIEW object as it navigates:
Using these conforms to the asynchronous programming paradigm preferred by the WEBVIEW object.
Note also that the READYSTATE property simply reflects the state of the most recent navigation event – it is not linked to a specific URI and so does not identify the navigation requests when dealing with concurrent operations, unlike the events listed above.
Constants for use with the READYSTATE property can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
// Example: Wait in a loop, checking the READYSYATE until navigation has finished.// Declare Function MsWin_GetTickCount64 $insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert Logical Call Exec_Method( @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER", | "NAVIGATE", | "" ) TimeOut = ( MsWin_GetTickCount64() + 10000 ) ; // 10 seconds// Loop Call Exec_Method( "SYSYTEM", "PROCESSEVENTS", TRUE$ ) RS = Get_Property( @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER", "READYSTATE" ) Until ( RS >= WBV_READYSTATE_CONTENTLOADED$ ) Until ( MsWin_GetTickCount64() > TimeOut ) While Get_Property( @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER", "HANDLE" ) Repeat
The SETTINGS property value is an @fm-delimited dynamic array of boolean flags that control the options for the WEBVIEW object:
<1> EnableAccleratorKeys <2> EnableAutoFill <3> EnableContextMenus <4> EnableDevTools <5> EnableDefaultErrorPage <6> EnablePasswordAutoSave <7> EnablePinchZoom <8> EnableScripts <9> EnableScriptDialogs <10> EnableSwipeNavigation <11> EnableStatusBar <12> EnableWebMessages <13> EnableZoom
Setting | Description |
EnableAccleratorKeys | When this setting is set to FALSE$ it disables all accelerator keys that access features specific to a web browser,. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableAutoFill | Specifies whether autofill for information like names, street and email addresses, phone numbers, and arbitrary input is enabled. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableContextMenus | Setting this option to FALSE$ prevents the default context menus from being shown to the user. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableDevTools | Specifies if the user can use the context menu or keyboard shortcuts to open the DevTools window. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableDefaultErrorPage | Specifies if the built-in error pages for navigation failure and render process failure are used. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnablePasswordAutoSave | Specifies if autosave for password information is enabled. Defaults to FALSE$. |
EnablePinchZoom | Enables or disables the ability of the end user to use a pinching motion on touch input enabled devices to scale the web content. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableScripts | Specifies if JavaScript is enabled in future navigations. Note that This only affects scripts in the document. Scripts injected with EXECUTESCRIPT method run even if script is disabled. The default value is TRUE$. |
EnableScriptDialogs | Specifies if the default JavaScript dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt and beforeunload) are used by the WebView control. When set to FALSE$ OpenInsight dialogs are used instead (See the WEBSHOWDIALOG event for more details). Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableSwipeNavigation | Enables or disables the ability of the end user to use swiping gesture on touch input enabled devices to navigate. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableStatusBar | Specifies if the status bar is displayed. Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableWebMessages | Specifies communication from the host to the top-level HTML document of the WEBVIEW object is allowed using the POSTJSONMESSAGE and POSTTEXTMESSAGE methods, and the postMessage function of the JavaScript object (see the WEBMESSAGE event for more details). Defaults to TRUE$. |
EnableZoom | When TRUE$ the user may zoom the web content using the keyboard and mouse. Defaults to TRUE$. |
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
Constants for use with the SETTINGS property can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Settings interfaces and methods on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Ensure that we are using OpenInsight script dialogs rather than the // // default JavaScript ones.// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates WBVSettings = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SETTINGS" ) WBVSettings<WBV_SET_POS_SCRIPTDIALOGS$> = FALSE$ Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "SETTINGS", WBVSettings )
Indicates if the WEBVIEW object is currently suspended.
The SUSPENDED property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_3 get_ get_IsSuspended method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see if the WEBVIEW control is suspended.// IsSuspended = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SUSPENDED" )
Specifies if the parent form’s STATUSLINE property is automatically updated when the WEBVIEW object’s status text changes.
The SYNCSTATUSLINE property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
// Example: Ensure the STATUSLINE control in the parent form is updated // // from the WEBVIEW object when it’s status text changes.// Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "SYNCSTATUSLINE", TRUE$ )
Specifies if the parent form’s caption text (TEXT property) is automatically updated when the title of the top-level document is changed in the WEBVIEW object.
The SYNCTITLE property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
// Example: Ensure the parent form’s caption is updated when the document// // title attribute is changed in the WEBVIEW object.// Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "SYNCTITLE", TRUE$ )
Specifies the minimum version of the Microsoft WebView2 runtime libraries that are compatible with the WEBVIEW object.
The TARGETVERSION property is four-part period (“.”) delimited string formatted as follows:
<majorNo> "." <minorNo> "." <buildNo> "." <releaseNo>
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
A default value for the TARGETVERSION can be set via the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property. Note that the property value returned at runtime is the effective value – i.e. if the object property is null, but the WEBVIEWCONFIG property specifies a default value then that default value will be returned.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions function on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Check to see if we have a target version defined for the WEBVIEW control// TargetVersion = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "TARGETVERSION" )
Specifies if the WEBVIEW object keeps a list of sites that it has navigated to during the current session (exposed as the HISTORY property).
The TRACKHISTORY property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$. When set to TRUE$ the HISTORY property may be used to see a list of sites that the WEBVIEW object has navigated to. Defaults to FALSE$.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
Setting the TRACKHISTORY property to FALSE$ will clear the data held in the HISTORY property, as will using the CLEARBROWSINGDATA method.
// Example: Ensure the WEBVIEW object is updating the HISTORY property during // // navigation// Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "TRACKHISTORY", TRUE$ )
Specifies the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the top-level document in the WEBVIEW object.
The URI property value is a string containing the identifier of the current top-level document. When this property is set the WEBVIEW object will navigate to the new value.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 get_Source and Navigate methods on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Navigate to the Revelation Software home page. // Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "URI", "" )
Specifies a default “User-Agent” string sent by the WEBVIEW object in a request.
The USERAGENT property contains the string sent in the “User-Agent” header when the WEBVIEW object makes a request to a server. It defaults to the same value as the “User-Agent” of the Microsoft Edge web-browser.
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
For more information on this property please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Settings2 get_UserAgent and put_UserAgent methods on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Specify a custom User-Agent string for the WEBVIEW object // Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "USERAGENT", "OpenInsight WebView 10.2" )
Specifies the location of the WEBVIEW object’s user data folder (UDF). The UDF is a folder stored on the user’s machine that stores browser data such as cookies, permissions, and cached resources. Each instance of the WEBVIEW object is associated with a UDF (Multiple WEBVIEW objects may share a UDF unless it is set to exclusive access as per the EXCLUSIVEUDFACCESS property).
This property value may be null or may contain a relative or absolute folder path to the location of the UDF. If this is null the default UserDataFolder value specified in the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFG property is used instead.
When set in the Form Designer it may contain OS environment variable strings in the form: %variableName% (not case-sensitive). These will be expanded with their actual values when the WEBVIEW control is created at runtime.
This property may also contain the following OpenInsight environment variables (case-sensitive) that are expanded with their Basic+ values when the control is created at runtime:
@APPID - Expands to @AppID<1> @USERNAME – Expands to @UserName
Using Get_Property at runtime returns the fully expanded version of the string.
Note that a UDF should meet the following requirements:
If no value is set for this property in either the WEBVIEW object itself or via the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property, then the object would use/create a default folder in the directory that OpenInsight is running in called “OpenInsight.exe.WebView2”. Because many OpenInsight systems are executed from a network they may not have appropriate permissions in this folder so this not an ideal scenario and must be avoided. For this reason, the WEBVIEWCONFIG property always returns a default value of:
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get | No | No | No |
See the Deployment Notes section earlier in this document for further details on how the WebView2 control handles the USERDATAFOLDER property.
Note that the property value returned at runtime is the effective value – i.e., if the object property is null, but the WEBVIEWCONFIG property specifies a default value, then that default value will be returned. A default value for the USERDATAFOLDER is always set via the SYSTEM WEBVIEWCONFIG property as noted above.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Environment7 get_UserDataFolder method, and the WebView2 “Manage user data folders” page on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Assuming the following:// //// // 1) Windows has an environment variable LOCALAPPDATA set like so:// //// // LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\AgaentC\AppData\Local// //// // 2) OpenInsight is logged into the EXAMPLES app with a username// // of A_TEST// // // // 3) The UserDataFolder property is set in the Form Designer to// // a value of:// //// // %localAppData%\@APPID_@USERNAME_WebView2UDF// FolderVal = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "USERDATAFOLDER" ) // FolderVal now contains the value:// //// // C:\Users\AgaentC\AppData\Local\EXAMPLES_A_TEST_WebView2UDF//
Returns the version of the Microsoft WebView2 runtime libraries that are being used by the WEBVIEW object.
The VERSION property is four-part period (“.”) delimited string formatted as follows:
<majorNo> "." <minorNo> "." <buildNo> "." <releaseNo>
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/a | Get | No | No | No |
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Environment get_BrowserVersionString method on the Microsoft website.
// Get the version of the WEBVIEW control// Version = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "VERSION" )
Specifies the default zoom factor for the WEBVIEW object.
The ZOOMFACTOR property is a numeric value between 0.25 and 5.0
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | Yes | No |
A zoom factor that is applied via this property becomes the new default zoom for the WEBVIEW object. This zoom factor applies across all navigations and is the zoom factor that the WEBVIEW object is returned to when the user presses Ctrl+0. When the zoom factor is changed by the user that zoom applies only to the current page.
Setting this property does not trigger a WEBZOOMCHANGED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the IICoreWebView2Controller get_ZoomFactor and put_ZoomFactor methods on the Microsoft website.
// Set the default Zoom Factor to 200% (2.0)// Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "ZOOMFACTOR", 2.0 )
The WEBVIEW object supports the following methods:
Name | Description |
ADDCDPEVENT | Allows the WEBVIEW object to receive notifications for a specified CDP event. |
ADDINITSCRIPT | Adds a script to the WEBVIEW object that is run before documents are loaded. |
ALLOWOPENWINDOW | Allows the WEBVIEW object to open a new window from the WEBOPENWINDOW event. |
AUTHENTICATE | Allows the WEBVIEW to return credentials or cancel a Basic Authentication challenge. |
BACK | Navigates to the previous page in the navigation history. |
CANCELCONTEXTMENU | Cancels a context menu request and releases any associated resources. |
CANCELDIALOG | Cancels a “show dialog” request and releases any associated resources. |
CANCELPERMISSIONREQUEST | Cancels and denies any pending permission request and releases any associated resources. |
CLEARBROWSINGDATA | Clears browsing data stored by the WEBVIEW object. |
CONFIRMDIALOG | Notifies the WEBVIEW object that the “show dialog” request was processed. |
COPY | Copies the current selection in the WEBVIEW object to the clipboard. |
CUT | Removes the current selection from the WEBVIEW object and copies it to the clipboard. |
DELETECOOKIES | Removes one or more cookies from the WEBVIEW object. |
DENYOPENWINDOW | Prevents the WEBVIEW object from opening a new window in the WEBOPENWINDOW event. |
EXECUTECDPMETHOD | Executes a specified CDP method. |
EXECUTESCRIPT | Executes the specified JavaScript. |
FORWARD | Navigates to the next page in the navigation history. |
GETCOOKIES | Returns a list of cookies from the WEBVIEW object that match a specified URI. |
MAPHOSTNAMETOFOLDER | Creates a mapping between a virtual host name and a local folder path |
NAVIGATE | Navigates the WEBVIEW object to the specified URI. |
OPENBROWSERTASKMANAGER | Opens the browser task manager window for the WEBVIEW object. |
OPENDEVTOOLS | Opens the DevTools window for the current document in the WEBVIEW object. |
PASTE | Pastes the clipboard contents at the insertion point (replaces current selection) in the WEBVIEW object. |
POSTJSONMESSAGE | Posts a JSON-formatted WebMessage to the top-level document in the WEBVIEW control. |
POSTTEXTMESSAGE | Posts a text-formatted WebMessage to the top-level document in the WEBVIEW control. |
Opens a dialog box to print the current document in the WEBVIEW object. | |
PRINTTOPDF | Print the current page to PDF asynchronously with the provided settings. |
REDO | Discards the results of the last Undo command. |
RELOAD | Reloads the current top-level document in the WEBVIEW object. |
REMOVECDPEVENT | Stops the WEBVIEW object from receiving notifications for a specified CDP event. |
REMOVEINITSCRIPT | Removes the specified JavaScript previously added with the ADDINTISCRIPT method. |
RESUME | Resumes a suspended WEBVIEW object. |
SAVETOFILE | Saves the contents of the WEBVIEW object to disk using the MHTML format. |
SELECTALL | Selects all the content of the editable region of the WEBVIEW object. |
SETCOOKIE | Adds or updates a cookie in the WEBVIEW object. |
SETHTML | Loads a HTML document into the WEBVIEW object as a string. |
SETPERMISSION | Allows or denies access to privileged resources from the content in the WEBVIEW object. |
STOP | Stops all navigations and pending resource fetches in the WEBVIEW object. |
SUSPEND | Suspends a WEBVIEW object, forcing it to consume less memory and resources. |
UNDO | Undoes the last command. |
UNMAPHOSTNAME | Removes a mapping between a virtual host name and a local folder path. |
Allows the WEBVIEW object to receive notifications for a specified Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) event. The Chrome DevTools Protocol allows for tools to instrument, inspect, debug and profile Chromium, Chrome and other Blink-based browsers.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
EventName )
Name | Required | Description |
EventName | Yes | Specifies the name of the CDP event to listen for. This is case-sensitive. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the event was added successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Use the REMOVECDPEVENT method to stop receiving notifications for the CDP event.
More information on the CDP can be found on here along with the events that are supported:
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 GetDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Listen for "CDP Log" events from the WEBVIEW object. The // // CDP offers a logging service - to monitor log entries in OpenInsight// // we can do the following:// // // // 1) Listen for the "Log.entryAdded" event// // 2) Begin logging by using the CDP "Log.enable" method// // 3) Handle the new log entry in the WEBCDPEVENT event// // 4) Stop logging by using the CDP "Log.disable" method.// $Insert Logical // Listen for the "Log.entryAdded" event// IsOk = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "ADDCDPEVENT", "Log.entryAdded" ) // Begin logging by using the CDP "Log.enable" method// IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", "Log.enable", "", TRUE$ ) // In the WEBCDPEVENT we now receive notifications when a log entry// // is added along with a JSON object containing the details.// ... // Stop logging by using the CDP "Log.disable" method// IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", "Log.disable", "", TRUE$ )
Adds the provided JavaScript to a list of scripts that should be run after the global object has been created, but before the HTML document has been parsed and before any other script included by the HTML document is run (The script runs on all top-level document and child frame page navigations).
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
Script )
Name | Required | Description |
Script | Yes | Specifies the JavaScript to add. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the script was added successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The script is added asynchronously and given a unique identifier. The actual result of the method and the identifier can be accessed in the WEBINITSCRIPTADDED event.
The identifier can be used with the REMOVEINITSCRIPT method to remove it if desired.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Display a message containing the document URI each // // time a document is loaded.// Script = "alert( window.location.href );" IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "ADDINITSCRIPT", Script ) // The results of this method call are passed in the // // WEBINITSCRIPTADDED event.//
This method should be called when handling a WEBOPENWINDOW event to allow the WEBVIEW control to open the default WebView2 window or use another specified WEBVIEW object instead.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
OpenID, |
WebViewID )
Name | Required | Description |
OpenID | Yes | ID of the “open window” request as passed from the WEBOPENWINDOW event. |
WebViewID | No | Name of an existing WEBVIEW object to use instead of the default WebView2 Window when opening a new window. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
When the content inside the WEBVIEW object requests to open a new window (e.g. via the JavaScript “” method) then a WEBOPENWINDOW event is raised. In this event the ALLOWOPENWINDOW method may be called to allow the window to be opened or redirected to another existing WEBVIEW object, or the DENYOPENWINDOW method may called to prevent it (The system prompted WEBOPENWINDOW handler simply allows a new WebView2 to be opened).
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_NewWindowRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBOPENWINDOW( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, OpenID, URI, WindowInfo, |
UserInitiated )
// Example: A WEBOPENWINDOW event handler that creates a new OpenInsight// // form (TEST_WEBVIEW_OPENWIN) with a WEBVIEW control called WBV_BROWSER,// // and directs the system to use that for displaying the content.// WinID = Start_Window( "TEST_WEBVIEW_OPENWIN", "", "" ) If BLen( WinID ) Then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, | "ALLOWOPENWINDOW", | OpenID, | WinID : ".WBV_BROWSER" ) End
Return FALSE$
This method should be called when handling a WEBAUTHREQUEST event to return the credentials for a Basic Authentication challenge, or to cancel it.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "AUTHENTICATE", URI, UserName, |
Password, CancelFlag )
Name | Required | Description |
URI | Yes | URI that triggered the authentication request. |
UserName | No | Username to return to the server. |
Password | No | Password to return to the server. |
CancelFlag | No | Set to TRUE$ to cancel the request. Defaults to FALSE$. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
A WEBAUTHREQUEST event is raised to handle a Basic Authentication request from the server when the AUTHENTICATIONMODE property is set to "Custom". At this point the handler should respond to the request by using the AUTHENTICATE method to return the credentials or set the cancel flag (so that the authentication fails).
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_10 add_BasicAuthenticationRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBAUTHREQUEST( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, Challenge )
// Example: A WEBAUTHREQUEST handler that uses a dialog box to ask the user// // for the credentials for the passed URL. The AUTHENTICATE method is// // executed to return an answer to the server.// // Assume we have a dialog box called GET_WEB_CREDENTIALS that takes // // the passed URI and Challenge string returned from the server.// DlgParams = URL : @fm : Challenge Credentials = Dialog_Box( "GET_WEB_CREDENTIALS", @Window, DlgParams ) If BLen( Credentials ) Then // Assume the dialog passed back the UserName and Password as // // an @fm-delimited array// UN = Credentials<1> PW = Credentials<2> Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "AUTHENTICATE", UN, PW, FALSE$ ) End Else // User Cancelled - stop the request// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "AUTHENTICATE", "", "", TRUE$ ) End
Return FALSE$
Navigates the WEBVIEW object to the previous page in the navigation history.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "BACK" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 GoBack method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Navigate to the previous page in the WEBVIEW object's // // navigation history// If Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "CANGOBACK" ) Then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "BACK" ) End
Cancels a context menu request and releases any associated resources.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CANCELCONTEXTMENU", MenuID )
Name | Required | Description |
MenuID | Yes | The ID of the context menu. This is the value passed in the MenuID parameter of the WEBINITCONTEXTMENU and WEBCONTEXTMENU events. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This method can only be used within the context of the WEBINITCONTEXTMENU and WEBCONTEXTMENU events.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_11 add_ContextMenuRequested method on the Microsoft website.
See the WEBVIEW WEBCONTEXTMENU event for an example of using the CANCELCONTEXTMENU method.
Cancels a “show dialog” request and releases any associated resources.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CANCELDIALOG", DialogID )
Name | Required | Description |
DialogID | Yes | A unique ID for the show dialog request. This is the value passed in the DialogID parameter of the WEBSHOWDIALOG event. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This method can only be used within the context of a WEBSHOWDIALOG event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_ScriptDialogOpening method on the Microsoft website.
See the WEBVIEW WEBSHOWDIALOG event for an example of using the CANCELDIALOG method.
Cancels and denies any pending permission request and releases any associated resources.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CANCELPERMISSIONREQUEST" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This method can only be used within the context of a WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event. Ideally permission requests should be handled by using the SETPERMISSION method, but this method can be used to simply deny a request if desired. (It is used in the system promoted WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event handler as a “catch-all” to ensure any resources are released).
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_PermissionRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, RequestType, |
UserInitiated )
// Example: A WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event handler that refuses permission for all// // requests and prevents the system promoted event handler from executing.// $Insert Logical Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CANCELPERMISSIONREQUEST" )
Return FALSE$
Clears browsing data stored by the WEBVIEW object based on the type of data and/or a date range.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CLEARBROWSINGDATA", DataTypes, |
dateTimeFrom, dateTimeFrom )
Name | Required | Description |
DataTypes | Yes | An @fm-delimited list of boolean flags representing the types of data to clear, or “*” for all.\\ <1> All Profile Data (same as "*")\\ <2> All Site Data\\ <3> All DOM Storage\\ <4> File Systems\\ <5> Indexed DB\\ <6> Local Storage\\ <7> Web SQL\\ <8> Cache Storage\\ <9> Cookies\\ <10> Disk Cache\\ <11> Download History\\ <12> General AutoFill\\ <13> Password AutoSave\\ <14> Browsing History\\ <15> Settings\\
DateTimeFrom | No | Date from which data should be cleared (expressed in internal Revelation DateTime (DT) format). |
DateTimeTo | No | Date up to which data should be cleared (expressed in internal Revelation DateTime (DT) format). |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW object raises a WEBDATACLEARED event to return the actual result of the CLEARBROWSINGDATA method.
Calling this method also clears the data held by the HISTORY property if the DataTypes argument includes the “Browsing History” type (field <14>).
Note that the DataTypes parameter represents a hierarchical structure like so:
All Profile Data All Site Data All DOM Storage File Systems Indexed DB Local Storage Web SQL Cache Storage Cookies Disk Cache Download History General Autofill Password Autosave Browsing History Settings
E.g., if you specify “All DOM Storage” then you implicitly specify “File Systems”, “Indexed DB”, “Local Storage”, “Web SQL” and “Cache Storage” as well, and so on.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Profile ClearBrowsingDataInTimeRange method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Clear "All Browsing History" in the previous week// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates DataTypes = "" DataTypes<WBV_CBD_POS_BROWSINGHISTORY$> = TRUE$ DateFrom = ( Date() - 7 ) : ".0" ; // DT format// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CLEARBROWSINGDATA", DataTypes, DateFrom, "" ) // Example: Clear "All Site Data" and "Download History".// //// // Because we have selected "All Site Data" this will also clear:// //// // 1) All DOM Storage (File Systems, Indexed Local Storage, Web SQL and// // Cache Storage)// // 2) Cookies// //// DataTypes = "" DataTypes<WBV_CBD_POS_ALLSITEDATA$> = TRUE$ Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CLEARBROWSINGDATA", DataTypes, "", "" )
Notifies the WEBVIEW object that the “show dialog” request was processed and optionally returns a value for a “prompt” type dialog.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CONFIRMDIALOG", DialogID, ResponseText )
Name | Required | Description |
DialogID | Yes | A unique ID for the show dialog request. This is the value passed in the DialogID parameter of the WEBSHOWDIALOG event. |
ResponseText | No | The value the user entered for a “prompt” type dialog. Only for use with the latter type. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This method can only be used within the context of a WEBSHOWDIALOG event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_ScriptDialogOpening method on the Microsoft website.
See the WEBVIEW WEBSHOWDIALOG event for an example of using the CONFIRMDIALOG method.
Copies the current selection in the WEBVIEW object to the clipboard.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "COPY" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW COPY method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript document.execCommand( "copy" ) method.
For more information on the JavaScript document.execCommand method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Copy the current selection//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "COPY" )
Removes the current selection from the WEBVIEW object and copies it to the clipboard.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CUT" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW CUT method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript document.execCommand( "cut" ) method.
For more information on the JavaScript document.execCommand method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Cut the current selection//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CUT" )
This method deletes one or more cookies from the WEBVIEW object, based on a combination of the name URI, domain, and path.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
Name, |
URI, |
Domain, |
Path )
Name | Required | Description |
Name | Yes | The name of the cookie to delete, or “*” to specify all cookies. |
URI | No | If passed only cookies matching this name are deleted and the domain and path arguments are ignored. |
Domain | No | If passed only cookies matching this domain are deleted. |
Path | No | If passed only cookies matching this path are deleted. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Note that this method could affect other WEBVIEW objects that are using the same UDF (User Data Folder) and profile name.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2CookieManager DeleteAllCookies, DeleteCookies, and DeleteCookiesWithDomainAndPath methods on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Delete all cookies from ""// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "DELETECOOKIES", "*", "", "", "" )
This method should be called when handling a WEBOPENWINDOW event to prevent the WEBVIEW object from opening a new default WebView2 window.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
OpenID )
Name | Required | Description |
OpenID | Yes | ID of the “open window” request as passed from the WEBOPENWINDOW event. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
When the content inside the WEBVIEW object requests to open a new window (e.g. via the JavaScript “” method) then a WEBOPENWINDOW event is raised. In this event the DENYOPENWINDOW method may be called to prevent the new window from being opened.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_NewWindowRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBOPENWINDOW( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, OpenID, URI, WindowInfo, | UserInitiated )
// Example: A WEBOPENWINDOW handler that prevents a new window from opening // // from the "" domain (not a rigorous test!)// If IndexC( URI, "", 1 ) then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "DENYOPENWINDOW", OpenID ) End
Return FALSE$
Executes a specified Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) method for the WEBVIEW object (The Chrome DevTools Protocol allows for tools to instrument, inspect, debug and profile Chromium, Chrome and other Blink-based browsers).
CDP methods are always executed asynchronously.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", MethodName, |
MethodParams, IgnoreResult )
Name | Required | Description |
MethodName | Yes | Name of the CDP method to execute in the format:\\ {domain}.{method}\\
MethodParams | No | JSON-encoded parameter to pass to the CDP method. Defaults to null. |
IgnoreResult | No | If TRUE$ then a WEBCDPMETHODRESULT event is not raised to return the results of the method call. Defaults to FALSE$. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The actual results of the method call are returned via a WEBCDPMETHODRESULT event. Note that even though WebView2 dispatches the CDP messages in the order called, CDP method calls may be processed out of order. If you require CDP methods to run in a particular order, you should wait for the previous method's completed handler to run before calling the next method.
More information on the CDP can be found on here along with the methods that are supported:
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 CallDevToolsProtocolMethod method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Execute the "Browser.getVersion" CDP method to get the // // browser version information. This method takes no parameters.// //// // The version information is returned via the WEBCDPMETHODRESULT// // event.// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", | "Browser.getVersion", "", FALSE$ ) // Example: Execute the "DOM.getDocument" CDP method to get the // // root DOM node and the subtree// //// // The DOM node is returned via the WEBCDPMETHODRESULT// // event.// // To get the entire subtree we need to pass a "depth" parameter// // with an integer value of -1, encoded as a JSON object.// JsonParam = '{ "depth" : -1 }' Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", | "DOM.getDocument", JsonParam, FALSE$ )
Executes the specified JavaScript in the context of the top-level document of the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
Script, |
IgnoreResult, |
SyncMode, |
SyncTimeout )
Name | Required | Description |
Script | Yes | A string containing the JavaScript to execute. |
IgnoreResult | No | When TRUE$ the script is executed asynchronously and no WEBSCRIPTRESULT event is raised. Defaults to FALSE$. (This parameter overrides SyncMode – i.e. if IgnoreResult is TRUE$ then SyncMode is forced to FALSE$). |
SyncMode | No | When TRUE$ the script is executed in synchronous mode, i.e. the result of the script is returned directly from the Exec_Method call. When set to FALSE$ (the default) The result of the script Is returned via the WEBSCRIPTRESULT event. |
SyncTimeout | No | If the SyncMode parameter is TRUE$ then this parameter specifies the time in milliseconds to wait for an answer. Defaults to 10000ms (10 seconds). |
If SyncMode is FALSE$ then this method returns "1" (TRUE$) if executed successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise. If SyncMode is TRUE$ then the result of the executed script is returned. If SyncMode is TRUE$ and the script times out then null is returned.
As stated previously the WEBVIEW object is designed to be run in an asynchronous fashion and running the EXECUTESCRIPT method in the default asynchronous mode is always the preferred solution (i.e., SyncMode is FALSE$).
However, OpenInsight provides a synchronous solution (when SyncMode is set to TRUE$) which essentially waits in a timed loop for the answer to be returned via the WEBSYNCSCRIPTRESULT event and passed back to the caller. This can be used for small fast requests – anything lengthy should be processed asynchronously.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 ExecuteScript method on the Microsoft website.
$Insert Logical // Example: Set the document title using JavaScript, ignoring any result// Script = "document.title = 'New Title';" Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTESCRIPT", Script, TRUE$ ) // Example: Get the document title using a synchronous EXECUTESCRIPT// // call// Script = "document.title" DocTitle = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, | "EXECUTESCRIPT", | Script, | FALSE$, | TRUE$ ) // Example: Get the contents of the document body using an asynchronous // // EXECUTESCRIPT call. The results of the script will be returned via // // the WEBSCRIPTRESULT event.// Script = "document.body.innerHTML" Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTESCRIPT", Script, FALSE$ )
Navigates the WEBVIEW object to the next page in the navigation history.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "FORWARD" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 GoForward method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Navigate to the next page in the WEBVIEW object's // // navigation history// If Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "CANGOFORWARD" ) Then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "FORWARD" ) End
This method returns an array of cookies from the WEBVIEW object that match a specified URI.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "GETCOOKIES", URI )
Name | Required | Description |
URI | Yes | Specifies the URI to use for matching the cookies. If "*" then all cookies under the same profile are returned. |
Returns an @fm-delimited array of matching cookies. Each cookie has the following @vm-delimited structure:
<0,1> Name <0,2> Value <0,3> Domain <0,4> Path <0,5> Expires (Internal DT format) <0,6> Secure (TRUE$/FALSE$) <0,7> HTTPOnly (TRUE$/FALSE$) <0,8> SameSite ("None","Lax","Strict") <0,9> SessionOnly (TRUE$/FALSE$)
Equates for use with the GETCOOKIES method can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2CookieManager GetCookies method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Get all cookies from the Revelation web site// RevURI = "" RevCookies = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "GETCOOKIES", RevURI )
This method creates a mapping between a virtual host name and a local folder path to make content in that folder available to via that host name.
Due to security issues, the WEBVIEW object may refuse to load local content such as images using the “file” protocol. In this case it is possible to map the folder containing the local content to a “virtual host name”, and then refer to the content using that hostname and the normal “http:” or protocol instead.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "MAPHOSTNAMETOFOLDER", HostName, |
FolderPath, AccessType )
Name | Required | Description |
HostName | Yes | Specifies the virtual host name to set. After setting the mapping, documents loaded in the WEBVIEW object can use HTTP or HTTPS URLs at the specified host name to access files in the local folder specified by the FolderPath parameter. |
FolderPath | Yes | Specifies the local folder path to map to. Both absolute and relative paths are supported for folderPath. Relative paths are interpreted as relative to the folder where OpenInsight.exe is located. This parameter must not exceed the Windows MAX_PATH limit (260 characters). |
AccessType | Yes | Specifies the level of access to resources under the virtual host from other sites. Can be one of the following values: 0 : Deny 1 : Allow 2 : DenyCORS Specify the minimal cross-origin access necessary to run the app. If there is not a need to access local resources from other origins, use “0” (Deny). Cross-origin resource access types are documented on the Microsoft website under the topic: “CoreWebView2HostResourceAccessKind” |
Returns "1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Equates for use with the AccessType parameter can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the following topics on the Microsoft website:
// Example: Map the "c:\web-images" folder to the virtual host// // "myAppImages" so it can be used with the https// // protocol// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates HostName = "myAppImages" LocalFolder = "c:\web-images" AccessType = WBV_MH2F_ACCESS_TYPE_DENY$ SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "MAPHOSTNAMETOFOLDER", | HostName, LocalFolder, AccessType )
Navigates the top-level document in the WEBVIEW object to the specified URI.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "NAVIGATE", URI, Method, Headers, |
Content )
Name | Required | Description |
URI | Yes | The location to navigate to. |
Method | No | HTTP method to use (GET,POST,DELETE etc). Defaults to GET. |
Headers | No | A list of HTTP headers to send to the server in the usual format:\\ <headerName> "=" <headerValue>\\
Content | No | If making a HTTP POST request this parameter contains the data to send to the server. |
Returns "1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Navigation is always an asynchronous operation, and it triggers a series of events in the WEBVIEW object as the content is loaded:
(The diagram below shows the sequence in which these events are fired).
Each navigation attempt is assigned a unique ID that can be used to track its progress. This ID is passed to the beginning WEBNAVIGATING event and can be used from that point onwards.
For more information on WEBVIEW navigation please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation on the Microsoft website regarding the following topics:
// Example: Navigate to a web site// SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "NAVIGATE", "" ) // Example: Send data to a web-server using the POST method// $Insert RTI_Text_Equates URI = "" Content = "FNAME=John&SNAME=Doe" Headers = "Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Headers := CRLF$ : "Content-Length=" : bLen( Content ) Headers := CRLF$ : "Content-Language=en-US" Headers := CRLF$ : "Charset=utf-8" // etc...// SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "NAVIGATE", URI, "POST", Headers, Content )
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "OPENBROWSERTASKMANAGER" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_6 OpenTaskManagerWindow method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Open the Browser Task Manage window// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "OPENBROWSERTASKMANAGER" )
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "OPENDEVTOOLS" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 OpenDevToolsWindow method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Open the DevTools window// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "OPENDEVTOOLS" )
Pastes the clipboard contents at the insertion point (replaces current selection) in the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "PASTE" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW PASTE method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript document.execCommand( "paste" ) method.
For more information on the JavaScript document.execCommand method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Paste the current selection//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "PASTE" )
Posts a JSON-formatted WebMessage to the top-level document in the WEBVIEW object.
The main document receives the message by subscribing to the message event of the JavaScript object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "POSTJSONMESSAGE", JsonMessage )
Name | Required | Description |
JsonMessage | Yes | A string containing a JSON formatted message. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The EnableWebMessages field in the WEBVIEW SETTINGS property must be set to TRUE$ for this method to work.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 PostWebMessageAsJson method on the Microsoft website.
// Example JavaScript for the HTML document to listen for the// // "message" event on the "" object.// //// // When we get the message we examine the passed event object's// // data looking for an object called "msgText". When we find// // it we use a simple alert() message to display the text.//
This should be placed in the HTML document…
<script> "message", objEvent => { alert( ); }); </script>
// Example: Post a message to the document using a JSON formatted object// JsonMessage = '{ "msgText" : "Test Message from OI" }' Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "POSTJSONMESSAGE", JsonMessage ) // "Test Message from OI" will now be shown in an alert message// // in the WEBVIEW object.//
Posts a text WebMessage to the top-level document in the WEBVIEW object.
The main document receives the message by subscribing to the message event of the JavaScript object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "POSTTEXTMESSAGE", TextMessage )
Name | Required | Description |
TextMessage | Yes | A string containing the message. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The EnableWebMessages field in the WEBVIEW SETTINGS property must be set to TRUE$ for this method to work.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 PostWebMessageAsString method on the Microsoft website.
// Example JavaScript for the HTML document to listen for the// // "message" event on the "" object.// //// // When we get the message we examine the passed event object's// // data property and use a simple alert() message to display it.//
This should be placed in the HTML document…
<script> "message", objEvent => { alert( ); }); </script>
// Example: Post a message to the document using a a simple text string// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "POSTTEXTMESSAGE", "Test Message from OI" ) // "Test Message from OI" will now be shown in an alert message// // in the WEBVIEW object.//
Opens a dialog box to print the current document in the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "PRINT" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW PRINT method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript window.print()method to print the document.
For more information on the JavaScript window.print()method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Print the current document//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "PRINT" )
Print the current page to PDF asynchronously with the provided settings.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
FileName, |
PrintSettings )
Name | Required | Description |
FileName | Yes | Specifies the absolute name and path of the PDF file to write to. If the path points to an existing file, the file will be overwritten. |
PrintSettings | No | Specifies an @fm-delimited array of settings to use when printing the PDF:\\ <1> PrintHeaderAndFooter\\ <2> PrintSelectedOnly\\ <3> PrintBackgrounds\\ <4> HeaderTitle <5> FooterURI <6> Landscape\\ <7> PageWidth <8> PageHeight <9> LeftMargin <10> TopMargin <11> RightMargin <12> BottomMargin <13> ScaleFactor\\
"1" (TRUE$) if the script was added successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
As this is an asynchronous operation the results are returned via the WEBPDFPRINTED event.
The PrintSettings parameter has the following options:
Name | Description |
PrinterHeaderAndFooter | If TRUE$ then print the header and footer. The header consists of the date and time of printing, and the title of the page. The footer consists of the URI and page number. The height of the header and footer is 0.5 cm, or ~0.2 inches. Defaults to FALSE$. |
PrintSelectedOnly | If TRUE$ then only the current selection of HTML in the document is printed. Defaults to FALSE$. |
PrintBackgrounds | If TRUE$ then background colors and images are printed. Defaults to FALSE$. |
HeaderTitle | Specifies the text for the title to put in the document header. Use the string "<no-title>" to prevent a title from being printed. Defaults to the document title. |
FooterURI | Specifies the text for the URI to put in the document footer. Use the string "<no-uri>" to prevent a URI from being printed. Defaults to the document URI. |
Landscape | If TRUE$ then print the document using Landscape orientation. Defaults to FALSE$. |
PageWidth | Specifies the width of the page in inches. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 8.5 inches. |
PageHeight | Specifies the height of the page in inches. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 11 inches. |
LeftMargin | Specifies the width of the left margin in inches. The default is 0.4 inches (1 cm). |
TopMargin | Specifies the height of the top margin in inches. The default is 0.4 inches (1 cm). |
RightMargin | Specifies the width of the right margin in inches. The default is 0.4 inches (1 cm). |
BottomMargin | Specifies the height of the bottom margin in inches. The default is 0.4 inches (1 cm). |
ScaleFactor | Specifies the scaling applied to the document when printing. This is a numeric value between 0.1 (10%) and 2.0 (200%). Defaults to 1.0. |
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_7 PrintToPdf method, and the ICoreWebView2PrintSettings interface on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Ask the user for an PDF file name and save// // the contents of the WEBVIEW object to it.// $Insert PS_ChooseFile_Equates $Insert PS_FileSystem_Equates $Insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert Logical Equ INVALID_CHARS$ to '*."/\[]:;|,' Equ WEBVIEW_CTRL$ to @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER" // Show PDF and All Files ...// Filter = "PDF Files(*.pdf)/*.pdf/" Filter := "All Files (*.*)/*.*/" Flags = 0; Flags = BitOr( Flags, OFN_NOCHANGEDIR$ ) Flags = BitOr( Flags, OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST$ ) Flags = BitOr( Flags, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT$ ) DfltName = Get_Property( WEBVIEW_CTRL$, "DOCUMENTTITLE" ) Spaces = Space( Len( INVALID_CHARS$ ) ) Convert INVALID_CHARS$ To Spaces In DfltName // Default to "My Documents"// StartDir = Exec_Method( "FILESYSYEM", "GETSPECIALDIR", | PS_GSD_PERSONAL$ ) CFOpt = "" CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_MODE$> = CHFILE_MODE_SAVEAS$ CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_FILTERSTRING$> = Filter CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_FILTERINDEX$> = 1 CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_DFLTNAME$> = DfltName : ".pdf" CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_FLAGS$> = Flags CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_INITDIR$> = StartDir CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_TITLE$> = "Print WebPage As" PdfName = Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "CHOOSEFILE", @Window, CFOpt ) If BLen( PDFName ) Then PrintSettings = "" PrintSettings<WBV_P2PDFSET_POS_HDRANDFTR$> = TRUE$ PrintSettings<WBV_P2PDFSET_POS_FTRURI$> = WBV_P2PDFSET_NO_FTRURI$ IsOK = Exec_Method( WEBVIEW_CTRL$, "PRINTTOPDF", PDFName, | PrintSettings ) If IsOK Then // Use the WEBPDFPRINTED event to see if the print// // operation was successful.// End End
Discards the results of the last Undo command performed on the content in the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "REDO" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW REDO method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript document.execCommand( "redo" ) method.
For more information on the JavaScript document.execCommand method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Perform a Redo operation on the current item in the WEBVIEW control//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "REDO" )
Reloads the current top-level document in the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "RELOAD" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This is similar to navigating to the URI of the current top level document including all navigation events firing and respecting any entries in the HTTP cache. However, the back and forward history is not modified.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 Reload method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Reload the document in the WEBVIEW object// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "RELOAD" )
Stops the WEBVIEW object from receiving notifications for a specified Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) event. The Chrome DevTools Protocol allows for tools to instrument, inspect, debug and profile Chromium, Chrome and other Blink-based browsers.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, |
EventName )
Name | Required | Description |
EventName | Yes | Specifies the name of the CDP event to stop listening for. This is case-sensitive. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the event was removed successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
More information on the CDP can be found on here along with the events that are supported:
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 GetDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Stop listening for the "Log.entryAdded" CDP event// IsOk = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "REMOVECDPEVENT", "Log.entryAdded" )
Removes the specified JavaScript previously added to the WEBVIEW object with the ADDINTISCRIPT method.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "REMOVEINITSCRIPT", ScriptID )
Name | Required | Description |
ScriptID | Yes | Specifies the ID of JavaScript to remove. This ID was returned via the WEBINITSCRIPTADDED event. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the script was removed successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The script is added asynchronously by the ADDINITSCRIPT method and given a unique identifier. The actual result of the method and the identifier are returned in the WEBINITSCRIPTADDED event. The identifier may be saved for later use with the REMOVEINITSCRIPT method.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 RemoveScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Remove a script added earlier with the ADDINITSCRIPT method.// IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "REMOVEINITSCRIPT", ScriptID )
Resumes a suspended WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "RESUME" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Note that when a suspended hidden WEBVIEW object is made visible again the browser renderer is automatically resumed – there is no need to explicitly call the RESUME method.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_3 Resume method on the Microsoft website.
// Resume a suspended WEBVIEW object// If Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SUSPENDED" ) Then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "RESUME" ) End
Saves the contents of the specified WEBVIEW control to disk using the MHTML format.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SAVETOFILE", FileName )
Name | Required | Description |
FileName | Yes | Name and path to save the file as. The file will be saved in the MHTML format. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This method is executed asynchronously and the actual result of the save operation is returned in the WEBSAVEDTOFILE event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the “Page.captureSnapshot” method in the Chrome DevTools Protocol website here:
// Example: Ask the user for an MHTML file name and save// // the contents of the WEBVIEW object to it.// $Insert PS_ChooseFile_Equates $Insert PS_FileSystem_Equates Equ INVALID_CHARS$ to '*."/\[]:;|,' Equ WEBVIEW_CTRL$ to @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER" // Show MHTML and All Files ...// Filter = "MIME HTML Files(*.mhtml)/*.mhtml/" Filter := "All Files (*.*)/*.*/" Flags = 0; Flags = BitOr( Flags, OFN_NOCHANGEDIR$ ) Flags = BitOr( Flags, OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST$ ) Flags = BitOr( Flags, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT$ ) DfltName = Get_Property( WEBVIEW_CTRL$, "DOCUMENTTITLE" ) Spaces = Space( Len( INVALID_CHARS$ ) ) Convert INVALID_CHARS$ To Spaces In DfltName // Default to "My Documents"// StartDir = Exec_Method( "FILESYSYEM", "GETSPECIALDIR", | PS_GSD_PERSONAL$ ) CFOpt = "" CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_MODE$> = CHFILE_MODE_SAVEAS$ CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_FILTERSTRING$> = Filter CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_FILTERINDEX$> = 1 CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_DFLTNAME$> = DfltName : ".mhtml" CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_FLAGS$> = Flags CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_INITDIR$> = StartDir CFOpt<CHFILE_POS_TITLE$> = "Save WebPage As" SaveName = Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "CHOOSEFILE", @Window, CFOpt ) If BLen( SaveName ) Then If Exec_Method( WEBVIEW_CTRL$, "SAVETOFILE", SaveName ) Then // Use the WEBSAVEDTOFILE event to see if the save // // operation was successful.// End End
Selects all the content of the editable region of the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SELECTALL" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW SELECTALL method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript document.execCommand( "selectAll" ) method.
For more information on the JavaScript document.execCommand method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Select all of the text//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SELECTALL" )
Adds or updates a cookie in the WEBVIEW object with the specified cookie details.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SETCOOKIE", Cookie )
Name | Required | Description |
Cookie | Yes | Cookie details to set. This is an @vm-delimited array with the following structure:\\ <0,1> Name (Required)\\ <0,2> Value\\ <0,3> Domain (Required)\\ <0,4> Path\\ <0,5> Expires (Internal DT format)\\ <0,6> Secure (TRUE$/FALSE$)\\ <0,7> HTTPOnly (TRUE$,FALSE$)\\ <0,8> SameSite ("None","Lax", or "Strict"\\
\\ Defaults to "Lax")\\
</li></ul> \\ \\ |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Cookies are session cookies and will not be persistent if Expires is set to -1.0 (Any negative value set other than -1.0 is treated as -1.0).
Cookies may also be set via the RequestHeaders parameter in the WEBVIEW NAVIGATE method.
Equates for use with the SETCOOKIE method can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2CookieManager CreateCookie and AddOrUpdateCookie methods, and the ICoreWebView2Cookie interface on the Microsoft website.
Information on cookies and the Set-Cookie HTTP header can be found on the Mozilla developer site at:
// Example set a secure cookie for the Examples.Com domain// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates equ ONE_DAY_SECS$ to 84600 Cookie = "" Cookie<WBV_COOKIE_POS_NAME$> = "UserID" Cookie<WBV_COOKIE_POS_VALUE$> = "AgentC" Cookie<WBV_COOKIE_POS_DOMAIN$> = "" // Expires 24 hours from now// Expires = ( Date() + 1 ) + ( Time() / ONE_DAY_SECS$ ) Cookie<WBV_COOKIE_POS_EXPIRES$> = Expires Cookie<WBV_COOKIE_POS_SECURE$> = TRUE$ IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SETCOOKIE", Cookie )
Loads a string containing HTML content into the WEBVIEW object as a top-level document.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SETHTML", HTMLContent )
Name | Required | Description |
HTMLContent | Yes | Specifies the HTML string to load into the WEBVIEW object. This parameter may not be larger than 2MB (2 * 1024 * 1024 bytes) in total size. The origin of the new page is “about:blank”. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the navigation was started successfully, "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The normal sequence of navigation events fire when using this method. The URI passed to the navigation events is a Base64-encoded representation of the HTMLContent argument.
Note that the WEBVIEW object imposes stricter security measures on content loaded via this method. For example, links in the content that represent “” URIs are not allowed. A better way of loading local content is to use a HTTPSERVER control and navigate to that instead.
For more information on this method please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 NavigateToString method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Read an html file from disk and load it into the // // WBV_BROWSER WEBVIEW control// OSRead HtmlFile From ".\html\customer_entry.html" Then Call Exec_Method( @Window : ".WBV_BROWSER", "SETHTML", HtmlFile ) End
Allows or denies access to privileged resources from the content in the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SETPERMISSION", URI, RequestType, |
UserInitiated, AllowRequest )
Name | Required | Description |
URI | Yes | Specifies the source of the permission request. |
RequestType | Yes | Specifies the type of resource that access was requested for. Can be one of the following:\\ 0 : Unknown\\ 1 : Microphone\\ 2 : Camera\\ 3 : Geolocation\\ 4 : Notification\\ 5 : Other Sensor\\ 6 : Read Clipboard\\ |
UserInitiated | Yes | A boolean value that specifies if a user gesture initiated the request. |
AllowRequest | Yes | Set to TRUE$ to allow access to be granted to the requested resourced, or FALSE$ to deny it. |
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
This method can only be used within the context of a WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event. The first three parameters passed to the method should match the same parameters passed to the WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_PermissionRequested method on the Microsoft website.
See the WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event for an example of using the SETPERMISSION method.
Stops all navigations and pending resource fetches (executing scripts are not stopped however).
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "STOP" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 Stop method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Stop a navigating WEBVIEW object// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "STOP" )
Suspends a WEBVIEW object, forcing it to consume less memory and resources, in effect putting it to sleep. Can only be called if the WEBVIEW object is NOT visible.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SUSPEND" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
Suspending is similar to putting a tab to sleep in the Edge browser. Suspending pauses script timers and animations, minimizes CPU usage for the associated browser renderer process and allows the operating system to reuse the memory that was used by the renderer process for other processes.
Note that this method is "best efforts" only - there may be cases where the WEBVIEW object continues to run in the background. Use the WEBSUSPENDED event to listen for the actual result of the SUSPEND call.
When a suspended hidden WEBVIEW object is made visible again the browser renderer is automatically resumed – there is no need to explicitly call the RESUME method.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_3 TrySuspend method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Hide the WEBVIEW object and then suspend it. When we// // make the WEBVIEW visible again it will be automatically resumed.// //// // Note that hiding the WEBVIEW also hides the browser rendering // // component (See the BROWSERVISIBLE property) so it may now be// // suspended// $Insert MSWin_ShowWindow_Equates Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "VISIBLE", SW_HIDE$ ) Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SUSPEND" ) // We could listen for the success of the SUSPEND call via the// // WEBSUSPENDED event if we wished// ... // Showing the WEBVIEW object again automatically resumes it// Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "VISIBLE", SW_NORMAL$ )
Undoes the last command performed on the content in the WEBVIEW object.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "UNDO" )
"1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
The WEBVIEW UNDO method uses the EXECUTESCRIPT method to call the underlying JavaScript document.execCommand( "undo" ) method.
For more information on the JavaScript document.execCommand method please refer to the documentation on the Mozilla Developer website at:
// Example: Perform an Undo operation on the current item in the WEBVIEW object//
Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "UNDO" )
Clears a host name mapping for local folder that was added by the MAPHOSTNAMETOFOLDER method.
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "UNMAPHOSTNAME", HostName )
Name | Required | Description |
HostName | Yes | Specifies the virtual host name to remove. |
Returns "1" (TRUE$) if the method was executed successfully, or "0" (FALSE$) otherwise.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_3 ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Remove the “myAppImages” host name mapping//
SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "UNMAPHOSTNAME", "myAppImages" )
The WEBVIEW object supports the following events:
Name | Description |
WEBAUDIOCHANGED | Occurs when the “audio playing” status is changed. |
WEBAUTHREQUEST | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object encounters an authentication request. |
WEBCDPEVENT | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object receives notification that a tracked CDP event is fired. |
WEBCDPMETHODRESULT | Returns the results of a previous asynchronous call to the EXECUTECDPMETHOD method. |
WEBCLOSEWINDOW | Occurs when content inside the WEBVIEW object requests to close the window. |
WEBCONTENTLOADED | Occurs when the initial HTML document has been parsed during navigation. |
WEBCONTENTLOADING | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object begins loading new content. |
WEBCONTEXTMENU | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object wishes to display a context menu. |
WEBDATACLEARED | Returns the results of CLEARBROWSINGDATA method. |
WEBHISTORYCHANGED | Occurs when a navigation updates the history of the WEBVIEW object. |
WEBINITCONTEXTMENU | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object wishes to initialize a context menu. |
WEBINITSCRIPTADDED | Returns the results of a call to the ADDINITSCRIPT method. |
WEBMESSAGE | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object receives a WebMessage from the hosted content. |
WEBMUTEDCHANGED | Occurs when the “audio muted” status is changed. |
WEBNAVIGATED | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object has completely loaded. |
WEBNAVIGATING | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object is navigating to a different URI. |
WEBOPENWINDOW | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object attempts to open a new window. |
WEBPDFPRINTED | Returns the results of a previous call to the PRINTTOPDF method. |
WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST | Occurs when the content in the WEBVIEW object requests permission to access some privileged resources. |
WEBSAVEDTOFILE | Returns the results of the SAVETOFILE method. |
WEBSCRIPTRESULT | Returns the results of an asynchronous EXECUTESCRIPT method. |
WEBSHOWDIALOG | Occurs when a the WEBVIEW object needs to display a custom dialog in response to a JavaScript dialog statement. |
WEBSOURCECHANGED | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object’s source property changes during navigation. |
WEBSUSPENDED | Occurs when the SUSPEND method is executed and returns the results of the suspend operation. |
WEBSTATUSTEXTCHANGED | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object is showing a status message, a URL, or an empty string. |
WEBSYNCSCRIPTRESULT | System-level event to support the EXECUTESCRIPT method in synchronous mode. |
WEBTITLECHANGED | Occurs when the title of the top-level document in the WEBVIEW object changes. |
WEBVIEWCREATED | Occurs when the WEBVIEW object has been created and is ready to navigate. |
WEBZOOMCHANGED | Occurs when the user changes the Zoom Factor via the mouse or keyboard. |
The following Common GUI Object events are also supported:
Occurs when the “audio playing” status is changed.
bForward = WEBAUDIOCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, AudioPlaying )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
AudioPlaying | Set to TRUE$ if the WEBVIEW object is playing audio (even if muted), or FALSE$ otherwise. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBAUDIOCHANGED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_8 add_IsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBAUDIOCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, AudioPlaying )
// Example: Display a message with the audio status // If AudioPlaying Then MsgText = "Playing some tunes" End Else MsgText = "In Basic+, no one can hear you scream" End Call Msg( @Window, MsgRec )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object encounters a Basic HTTP Authentication request (as described in, an NTLM authentication or a Proxy Authentication request.
A WEBAUTHREQUEST event handler should provide a response via the AUTHENTICATE method with the appropriate credentials or cancel the request.
bForward = WEBAUTHREQUEST( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, Challenge )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
URI | URI of the request that triggered the authentication request. |
Challenge | The authentication challenge string returned from the server. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
A WEBAUTHREQUEST event will only be triggered when the AUTHENTICATIONMODE property is set to “Custom”. If it is set to “Default” the WEBVIEW object displays a default authentication challenge dialog prompt to the user.
The WEBAUTHREQUEST event has a system-level promoted event handler that performs the following tasks:
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_10 add_BasicAuthenticationRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBAUTHREQUEST( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, Challenge )
// Example: A WEBAUTHREQUEST handler that uses a dialog box to ask the user// // for the credentials for the passed URL. The AUTHENTICATE method is// // executed to return an answer to the server.// // Assume we have a dialog box called GET_WEB_CREDENTIALS that takes // // the passed URI and Challenge string returned from the server.// DlgParams = URL : @fm : Challenge Credentials = Dialog_Box( "GET_WEB_CREDENTIALS", @Window, DlgParams ) If BLen( Credentials ) Then // Assume the dialog passed back the UserName and Password as // // an @fm-delimited array// UN = Credentials<1> PW = Credentials<2> Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "AUTHENTICATE", UN, PW, FALSE$ ) End Else // User Cancelled - stop the request// Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "AUTHENTICATE", "", "", TRUE$ ) End
Return FALSE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object receives notification that a tracked CDP event is fired. CDP events can be tracked by using the ADDCDPEVENT method. The Chrome DevTools Protocol allows for tools to instrument, inspect, debug and profile Chromium, Chrome and other Blink-based browsers.
bForward = WEBCDPEVENT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, EventName, JsonEventInfo, |
SessionID )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
EventName | Name of the CDP event that has triggered the WEBCDPEVENT notification. |
JsonEventInfo | A JSON object containing information about the CDP event. The contents of this argument depend on the CDP event and it may be null. |
SessionID | The session ID of the target where the CDP event originates from. This parameter may be null if the event comes from the default session for the top page. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBCDPEVENT event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceiver add_DevToolsProtocolEventReceived method on the Microsoft website.
// Example: Listen for "CDP Log" events from the WEBVIEW object. The // // CDP offers a logging service - to monitor log entries in OpenInsight// // we can do the following:// // // // 1) Listen for the "Log.entryAdded" event// // 2) Begin logging by using the CDP "Log.enable" method// // 3) Handle the new log entry in the WEBCDPEVENT event// // 4) Stop logging by using the CDP "Log.disable" method.// $Insert Logical // Listen for the "Log.entryAdded" event// IsOk = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "ADDCDPEVENT", "Log.entryAdded" ) // Begin logging by using the CDP "Log.enable" method// IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", "Log.enable", "", TRUE$ ) // In the WEBCDPEVENT we now receive notifications when a log entry// // is added along with a JSON object containing the details (see below )// ... // Stop logging by using the CDP "Log.disable" method// IsOK = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "EXECUTECDPMETHOD", "Log.disable", "", TRUE$ )
Function WEBCDPEVENT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, EventName, JsonEventInfo, SessionID )
Example: When we get a "Log.entryAdded" event then output the
// JsonEventInfo to the Sytem Monitor// $Insert Logical bForward = TRUE$ Begin Case Case ( EventName == "Log.entryAdded" ) MsgText = EventName : ": " : JsonEventInfo Call Exec_Method( "SYSTEMMONITOR", "OUTPUT", MsgText ) bForward = FALSE$ ; // Handled// End Case
Return bForward
Returns the results of a previous asynchronous call to the EXECUTECDPMETHOD method.
bForward = WEBCDPMETHODRESULT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ErrorCode, JsonResult )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
ErrorCode | Error code returned from the method call (if appropriate). |
JsonResult | A JSON object containing results of the method call. The contents of this argument depend on the CDP method and may be parsed and processed using the Basic+ JSON stored procedures like RTI_RJSON. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBCDPMETHODRESULT event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 CallDevToolsProtocolMethod method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBCDPMETHODRESULT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ErrorCode, JsonResult )
// Assume we have executed the "Browser.getVersion" method - we are // // expecting a Json object that looks like this:// //// // {// // "jsVersion":"", // // "product":"Edg/119.0.2151.97",// // "protocolVersion":"1.3",// // "revision":"@42f50dec8b7a97d2cd39634128418ccfb4ef77b8",// // "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) ... <more> // // }// //// // So we can use RTI_RJSON to parse out the members// $Insert RTI_RJSON_Equates $Insert Logical Product = "" If ( ErrorCode == 0 ) Then ObjVersion = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_PARSE$, JsonResult ) If ObjVersion Then ItemCount = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_GETITEMCOUNT$, ObjVersion ) If ItemCount Then ItemNames = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_GETOBJECTMEMBERS$, ObjVersion ) Locate "product" In ItemNames Using @Fm Setting Pos Then Product = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_GETITEMVALUE$, ObjVersion, "product" ) End End Call RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_DELETE$, ObjVersion ) End End If BLen( Product) Then Call Msg( @Window, Product ) End
Return FALSE$
Occurs when content inside the WEBVIEW object requests to close the window, such as after the JavaScript window.close() is executed.
bForward = WEBCLOSEWINDOW( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The application should close the WEBVIEW and its parent form or “tab” if that makes sense to the application.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBCLOSEWINDOW event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_WindowCloseRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBCLOSEWINDOW( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID )
// Example: Ask the user if it's OK to close the parent form before closing...// $Insert Msg_Equates $Insert Logical MsgRec = "" MsgRec<MTEXT$> = "The document is requesting to close the form - OK to close?" MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "BNY" MsgRec<MJUST$> = "C" MsgRec<MICON$> = "?" MsgRec<MCAPTION$> = "Close form" MsgVal = Msg( @Window, MsgRec ) If ( MsgVal == TRUE$ ) // Async CLOSE...// Call Exec_Method( @Window, "CLOSE", FALSE$, TRUE$ ) End
Return FALSE$
Occurs when the initial HTML document has been parsed during navigation.
bForward = WEBCONTENTLOADED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, NavID, URI )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
NavID | Unique identifier of the navigation process that triggered the WEBCONTENTLOADED event. |
URI | Location that is being navigated to. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBCONTENTLOADED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_2 add_DOMContentLoaded method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBCONTENTLOADED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NavID, URI )
// Example: Update a ListBox log tracking navigation events// LogText = "Loaded content for " : URI Call Exec_Method( @Window : ".LST_NAVLOG", "INSERT", -1, LogText )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when a navigation process begins loading content into the WEBVIEW object.
bForward = WEBCONTENTLOADING( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, NavID, URI, ErrorPage )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
NavID | Unique identifier of the navigation process that triggered the WEBCONTENTLOADING event. |
URI | Location that is being navigated to. |
ErrorPage | Set to TRUE$ if the loaded content is an Error Page, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBCONTENTLOADING event.
This event does not trigger if a same page navigation occurs.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_ContentLoading method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBCONTENTLOADING( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NavID, URI, ErrorPage )
// Example: Alert the user to an error condition// If ErrorPage Then MsgText = "Error when loading " : quote( URI ) Call Msg( @Window, MsgText ) End
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object wishes to display a context menu after a user right-clicks somewhere on the hosted content. It is the WEBVIEW equivalent of the Common GUI CONTEXTMENU event.
AttachOnly )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event. |
MenuID | ID of the ContextMenu entity to display. |
MenuStruct | A dynamic array containing the executable structure of the menu. |
XPos | Client area X-coordinate where the user clicked. |
YPos | Client area Y-coordinate where the user clicked. |
TargetInfo | An @vm-delimited array of information about the item that the user has clicked on. See the Remarks section below for more details.\\ <0,1> Type\\ <0,2> IsEditable\\ <0,3> PageUri\\ <0,4> SourceUri\\ <0,5> LinkUri\\ <0,6> LinkText\\ <0,7> FrameUri\\ <0,8> SelectionText\\ <0,9> MainFrameRequest\\ |
DefaultStruct | A dynamic array containing the executable structure of the default context menu as supplied by the WEBVIEW object. This is the menu that the WEBVIEW would have displayed if the CONTEXTMENU property was not set. |
AttachOnly | If TRUE$ then the TRACKPOPUPMENU method is called with the AttachOnly flag so that the menu is parsed, created and attached, but not displayed. This argument should not be changed by a WEBCONTEXTMENU event handler. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The WEBVIEW object will not display any context menus if the “EnableContextMenus” option in the SETTINGS property is FALSE$.
The WEBVIEW object supplies information about the item that has been clicked on via the TargetInfo parameter. This is an @vm-delimited array with the following structure:
Index | Name | Description |
<0,1> | Type | Specifies the type of the item. Can be one of the following:\\ "0" : Page\\ "1" : Image\\ "2" : SelectedText\\ "3" : Audio\\ "4" : Video\\ |
<0,2> | IsEditable | Set to TRUE$ if the context menu is requested on an editable item, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
<0,3> | PageURI | Contains the URI of the page. |
<0,4> | SourceURI | Contains the source URI of the item (can be null). |
<0,5> | LinkURI | Contains the link URI of the item (can be null). |
<0,6> | LinkText | Contains the link text of the item is a link (can be null). |
<0,7> | FrameURI | Contains the URI of the frame. |
<0,8> | SelectionText | Contains the text selected if appropriate (can be null). |
<0,9> | MainFrameRequest | Set to TRUE$ if the context menu was requested on the main frame, or FALSE$ if on another frame. |
This event has a system-level handler which performs the following tasks:
Note that it is possible to merge items from the passed default WEBVIEW context menu (“DefaultStruct”) into the OpenInsight context menu to be displayed (“MenuStruct”). When doing this it is important to ensure that the details of any items copied from DefaultStruct into MenuStruct are preserved because they contain special flags and identifiers that are needed by the WEBVIEW object if the item is selected by the user.
Equates constants for working with menu structures can be found in the PS_MENU_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_11 add_ContextMenuRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBCONTEXTMENU( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, MenuID, MenuStruct, xPos, yPos, |
TargetInfo, DefaultStruct, AttachOnly )
Example: Prevent a context menu from being displayed for images
$Insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert Logical If ( TargetInfo<0,WBV_TARGETINFO_POS_TYPE$> == WBV_TARGET_TYPE_IMAGE$ ) then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "CANCELCONTEXTMENU", MenuID ) Return FALSE$ End
Return TRUE$
Function WEBCONTEXTMENU( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, MenuID, MenuStruct, xPos, yPos, |
TargetInfo, DefaultStruct, AttachOnly )
Example: Simple trick to use the default WEBVIEW context menu and make
// it look like a native OI menu// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert Logical
MenuStruct = DefaultStruct
Return TRUE$
Function WEBCONTEXTMENU( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, MenuID, MenuStruct, xPos, yPos, |
TargetInfo, DefaultStruct, AttachOnly )
Example: Assume that our OI menu has a "COPY" item and we want to replace it
// with the "COPY" item from the WEBVIEW control (if it has one)// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert PS_Menu_Equates $Insert Logical
CopyItem = "" GoSub GetWebViewCopyItem If BLen( CopyItem ) Then GoSub ReplaceOICopyItem End
Return TRUE$
XCount = FieldCount( DefaultStruct, @Vm ) For X = 5 to XCount If ( DefaultStruct<0,X>[1,1] == "@" ) Then Null ; // Ignore - it's an imagelist header// End Else If ( DefaultStruct<0,X,MENUPOS_TYPE$> == MENUTYPE_ITEM$ ) Then ItemName = DefaultStruct<0,X,MENUPOS_NAME$>[-1,"B."] Begin Case Case ( ItemName == "COPY" ) CopyItem = DefaultStruct<0,X> X = XCount ; // Break;// End Case End End Next
XCount = FieldCount( MenuStruct, @Vm ) For X = 5 to XCount If ( MenuStruct<0,X>[1,1] == "@" ) Then Null ; // Ignore - it's an imagelist header// End Else If ( MenuStruct<0,X,MENUPOS_TYPE$> == MENUTYPE_ITEM$ ) Then ItemName = MenuStruct<0,X,MENUPOS_NAME$>[-1,"B."] Begin Case Case ( ItemName = "COPY" ) MenuStruct<0,X> = CopyItem X = XCount ; // Break;// End Case End End Next
Common GUI CONTEXTMENU property, WEBVIEW SETTINGS property, Common GUI SHOWMENU method, Common GUI TRACKPOPUPMENU method, WEBVEW CANCELCONTEXTMENU method, Common GUI CONTEXTMENU event, Common GUI MENU event, WEBVIEW INITCONTEXTMENU event, ContextMenu stored procedure.
Returns the results of a call to the CLEARBROWSINGDATA method.
bForward = WEBDATACLEARED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, SuccessFlag, ErrorCode )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
SuccessFlag | Set to TRUE$ if the WEBVIEW object was clear operation was successful, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
ErrrorCode | If SuccessFlag is FALSE$ then ErrorCode contains the error code that describes the reason for the failure. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBDATACLEARED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Profile ClearBrowsingDataInTimeRange method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBDATACLEARED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, SuccessFlag, ErrorCode )
// Example: Display an error message if necessary// Declare Function RTI_ErrorText $Insert Logical If SuccessFlag Else ErrorText = RTI_ErrorText( "WIN", ErrorCode, TRUE$ ) Call Msg( @Window, ErrorText ) End
Return TRUE$
Occurs when a navigation updates the history of the WEBVIEW object.
bForward = WEBHISTORYCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBHISTORYCHANGED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_HistoryChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBHISTORYCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID )
// Example: Update the Back and Forward buttons when the history// // changes// BackEnabled = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "CANGOBACK" ) ForwardEnabled = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "CANGOFOWARD" ) Call Set_Property( @Window : ".BTN_BACK", "ENABLED", BackEnabled ) Call Set_Property( @Window : ".BTN_FORWARD", "ENABLED", ForwardEnabled )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object wishes to initialize a context menu after a user right-clicks somewhere on the hosted content. This event is responsible for initializing the context menu ready for display. It is the WEBVIEW equivalent of the Common GUI INITCONTEXTMENU event.
DefaultStruct )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event. |
MenuID | ID of the ContextMenu entity to display. |
XPos | Client area X-coordinate where the user clicked. |
YPos | Client area Y-coordinate where the user clicked. |
TargetInfo | An @vm-delimited array of information about the item that the user has clicked on. See the Remarks section below for more details.\\ <0,1> Type\\ <0,2> IsEditable\\ <0,3> PageUri\\ <0,4> SourceUri\\ <0,5> LinkUri\\ <0,6> LinkText\\ <0,7> FrameUri\\ <0,8> SelectionText\\ <0,9> MainFrameRequest\\ |
DefaultStruct | OIWIN structure of the default context menu as supplied by the WEBVIEW object. This is the menu that the WEBVIEW would have displayed if the CONTEXTMENU property was not set. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The WEBVIEW object will not display any context menus if the “EnableContextMenus” option in the SETTINGS property is FALSE$.
The WEBVIEW object supplies information about the item that has been clicked on via the TargetInfo parameter. This is an @vm-delimited array with the following structure:
Index | Name | Description |
<0,1> | Type | Specifies the type of the item. Can be one of the following:\\ "0" : Page\\ "1" : Image\\ "2" : SelectedText\\ "3" : Audio\\ "4" : Video\\ |
<0,2> | IsEditable | Set to TRUE$ if the context menu is requested on an editable item, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
<0,3> | PageURI | Contains the URI of the page. |
<0,4> | SourceURI | Contains the source URI of the item (can be null). |
<0,5> | LinkURI | Contains the link URI of the item (can be null). |
<0,6> | LinkText | Contains the link text of the item is a link (can be null). |
<0,7> | FrameURI | Contains the URI of the frame. |
<0,8> | SelectionText | Contains the text selected if appropriate (can be null). |
<0,9> | MainFrameRequest | Set to TRUE$ if the context menu was requested on the main frame, or FALSE$ if on another frame. |
This event has a system-level handler which performs the following tasks:
The intent of the WEBINITCONTEXTMENU event is as a place for the Presentation Server to begin the WEBVIEW context menu process, so as such it is a system tool – it is not really intended that developers have to interact with this event, although there’s nothing to prevent this if desired.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_11 add_ContextMenuRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Common GUI CONTEXTMENU property, WEBVIEW SETTINGS property, Common GUI SHOWMENU method, Common GUI TRACKPOPUPMENU method, Common GUI CONTEXTMENU event, Common GUI MENU event, WEBVIEW CONTEXTMENU event, ContextMenu stored procedure.
Returns the results of a call to the ADDINITSCRIPT method.
bForward = WEBINITSCRIPTADDED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ID, ErrorCode )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
ID | Unique ID of the script that was added. This can be used with the REMOVEINITSCRIPT method. |
ErrorCode | Contains an error code if a problem occurred when adding the script. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBINITSCRIPTADDED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBINTISCRIPTADDED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ID, ErrorCode )
// Example: Display an error message if a call to ADDINITSCRIPT failed// $Insert Logical If ErrorCode Then ErrorText = "ADDINITSCRIPT failed - Error [" : ErrorCode : "]" Call Msg( @Window, ErrorText ) End
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object receives a WebMessage from the hosted content via the method.
bForward = WEBMESSAGE( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, URI, JsonMessage, TextMessage )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
URI | The URI of the document that sent the message. |
JsonMessage | The message that was posted converted to a JSON string. This value can be parsed and processed using the Basic+ JSON stored procedures like RTI_RJSON. |
TextMessage | If the posted message was a simple string type this parameter contains the raw non-JSON version of the message, otherwise it is set to null. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBMESSAGE event.
The EnableWebMessages field in the WEBVIEW SETTINGS property must be set to TRUE$ for this WebMessaing to work.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_WebMessageReceived method on the Microsoft website.
// Example JavaScript for the HTML document to send a object message// // back to the WEBVIEW object.// //// // We are going to get the contents of the FORENAME and SURNAME INPUT // // elements and combine them into a JavaScript object which we then post// // back the WEBVIEW.// // // // In the WEBVIEW object's WEBCHANGED event we can parse and display // // the "forename" member in an OpenInsight message.// //// // Note that we are sending it as an object so it will appear in // // the JsonMesssage parameter of the WEBMESSAGE event.// // This should be placed in the HTML document...// <script> let dataObject = {}; dataObject.forename = document.getElementById( "FORENAME" ).value; dataObject.surname = document.getElementById( "SURNAME" ).value; dataObject ); </script>
/ /
Function WEBMESSAGE( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, JsonMessage, TextMessage )
// Example: Look for a JSON message, extract the "forename" value, and then // // display it via Msg()// //// // (Error checking omitted for clarity!)// $Insert RTI_RJSON_Equates Forename = "" ObjMessage = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_PARSE$, JsonMessage ) If ObjMessage Then ItemCount = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_GETITEMCOUNT$, ObjMessage ) If ItemCount Then ItemNames = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_GETOBJECTMEMBERS$, ObjMessage ) Locate "forename" In ItemNames Using @Fm Setting Pos Then Forename = RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_GETITEMVALUE$, ObjMessage, "forename" ) End End Call RTI_RJSON( RJSON_MTD_DELETE$, ObjMessage ) End If BLen( Forename ) Then Call Msg( @Window, Forename ) End
Return TRUE$
// Example JavaScript for the HTML document to send a string message// // back to the WEBVIEW object.// //// // We are going to get the contents of the FORENAME INPUT element// // and send to the WEBVIEW object. Then in the WEBVIEW object's // // WEBCHANGED event we can pick this up and display it in an // // OpenInsight message.// //// // Note that we are sending it as a string, so it will appear in // // the TextMesssage parameter of the WEBMESSAGE event.// // This should be placed in the HTML document...// <script> let objFormName = document.getElementById( "FORENAME" ); "-forename:" + objFormName.value ); </script>
/ /
Function WEBMESSAGE( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, JsonMessage, TextMessage )
// Example: Look for a text message prefixed with "-foreName" and if found// // : display it via Msg()// If BLen( TextMessage ) Then Prefix = TextMessage[1,":",TRUE$] Message = TextMessage[BCol2()+1,\00\,TRUE$] If Prefix == "-forename" Then Call Msg( @Window, "Forename is " : Message ) End End
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the “audio muted” status is changed.
bForward = WEBMUTEDCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, AudioMuted )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
AudioMuted | Set to TRUE$ if the WEBVIEW object is audio is muted, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBMUTEDCHANGED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_8 add_IsMutedAudioChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBMUTEDCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, AudioMuted )
// Example: Display a message with the muted status // If AudioMuted Then MsgText = "In Basic+, no one can hear you scream" End Else MsgText = "Audio On" End Call Msg( @Window, MsgRec )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object has completely loaded, or loading has stopped with an error.
bForward = WEBNAVIGATED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, NavID, URI, Redirected, |
UserInitiated, StatusInfo, FrameID )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
NavID | Unique identifier for the navigation process. |
URI | Location that is being navigated to. |
Redirected | Set to TRUE$ when the navigation has been redirected, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
UserInitiated | Set to TRUE$ when the navigation was initiated through a user gesture as opposed to programmatic navigation by page script. |
StatusInfo | Contains an @vm-delimited array of data regarding the outcome of the navigation:\\ <0,1> SuccessFlag (TRUE$ or FALSE$)\\ <0,2> HTTPStatusCode\\ <0,3> WebErrorStatus (if the navigation failed)\\ |
FrameID | If the navigation event was triggered from an IFrame then this argument contains the name of the frame. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBNAVIGATED event.
The SuccessFlag member in the StatusInfo parameter is set to FALSE$ for a navigation that ended up in an error page (failures due to no network, DNS lookup failure, HTTP server responds with 4xx), but may also be FALSE$ for additional scenarios such as a window.stop() JavaScript statement run on navigated page. Note that WebView2 will report the navigation as 'unsuccessful' if the load for the navigation did not reach the expected completion for any reason. Such reasons include potentially catastrophic issues such network and certificate issues but can also be the result of intended actions such as the app canceling a navigation or navigating away before the original navigation completed. Applications should not just rely on this flag, but also consider the reported WebErrorStatus to determine whether the failure is indeed catastrophic in their context (Equates for the WebErrorStatus codes can be found the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record).
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_2 add_add_NavigationCompleted method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBNAVIGATED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NavID, URI, Redirected, |
UserInitiated, StatusInfo, FrameID )
// Example: Display a message if the navigation failed// $Insert PS_WEBVIEW_Equates $Insert Msg_Equates If StatusInfo<0,WBV_NAV_STATUS_POS_SUCCESSFLAG$> else MsgText = "WebView Navigation Error" MsgText := "||URI: " : URI MsgText := "|HTTP Status: " : StatusInfo<0,WBV_NAV_STATUS_POS_HTTPSTATUSCODE$> MsgText := "|WebError Status: " : StatusInfo<0,WBV_NAV_STATUS_POS_WEBERRORSTATUS$> MsgRec = "" MsgRec<MTEXT$> = MsgText MsgRec<MICON$> = "!" MsgRec<MCAPTION$> = "WebView Navigation Error" Call Msg( @Window, MsgRec ) End
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object is navigating to a different URI. Redirects trigger this event as well, and the NavID is the same as the original one.
bForward = WEBNAVIGATING( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, NavID, URI, Redirected, |
UserInitiated, FrameID )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
NavID | Unique identifier for the navigation process – this is passed to subsequent events that are triggered from the same navigation. |
URI | Location that is being navigated to. |
Redirected | Set to TRUE$ when the navigation has been redirected, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
UserInitiated | Set to TRUE$ when the navigation was initiated through a user gesture as opposed to programmatic navigation by page script. |
FrameID | If the navigation event was triggered from an IFrame then this argument contains the name of the frame. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBNAVIGATING event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_2 add_NavigationStarting and add_FrameNavigationStarting methods on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBNAVIGATING( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NavID, URI, Redirected, |
UserInitiated, FrameID )
// Example: Update a ListBox log tracking navigation events// LogText = "Navigating to " : URI Call Exec_Method( @Window : ".LST_NAVLOG", "INSERT", -1, LogText )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object attempts to open a new window from a clicked hyperlink or the JavaScript “” method.
A WEBOPENWINDOW event handler must do one of the following:
bForward = WEBOPENWINDOW( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, OpenID, URI, WindowInfo, |
UserInitiated )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
OpenID | A unique integer value that identifies the “open window” request. |
URI | URI that the new window will navigate to. |
WindowInfo | Contains an @vm-delimited dynamic array of requested window features. Note that it is possible for the size and position values to be null if this wasn't specified in the originating call. <blockquote> \\ <0,1> WindowName\\
\\ <0,2> Left\\
\\ <0,3> Top\\
\\ <0,4> Width\\
\\ <0,5> Height\\
\\ <0,6> ShowMenuBar\\
\\ <0,7> ShowScrollBars\\
\\ <0,8> ShowStatusBar\\
\\ <0,9> ShowToolBar\\
</blockquote> |
UserInitiated | A boolean value set to TRUE$ if the “open window” was generated by the user (e.g. clicking a hyperlink), or FALSE$ if it was generated from a script. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The ALLOWOPENWINDOW method is used to allow the “open window” request or redirect it to another WEBVIEW object.
The DENYOPENWINDOW method is used to stop the new window from opening.
The WEBOPENWINDOW event has a system-level promoted event handler that performs the following tasks:
Equates for use with this event can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_NewWindowRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBOPENWINDOW( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, OpenID, URI, WindowInfo, |
UserInitiated )
// Example: A WEBOPENWINDOW event handler that performs the following:// //// // 1) If the URI points to a localhost running on port 8888 it // // creates a new OpenInsight form called LOCALHOST_OPENWIN with// // with a WEBVIEW control called WBV_BROWSER and redirects to // // that.// //// // 2) If the URI is from "" we allow it to open// // a new "WebView2 window".// //// // 3) For anything else we deny it.// //// // (Note we are not using a robust way of getting the host and port from// // the URI, but this is just an example and not production code ;-) )// $Insert Logical Begin Case Case IndexC( URI, "localhost:8888", 1 ) WinID = Start_Window( "LOCALHOST_OPENWIN", @Window, "" ) If BLen( WinID ) Then Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, | "ALLOWOPENWINDOW", | OpenID, | WinID : ".WBV_BROWSER" ) Case IndexC( URI, "", 1 ) Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, | "ALLOWOPENWINDOW", | OpenID ) Case OTHERWISE$ Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, | "DENYOPENWINDOW", | OpenID ) End Case
Return FALSE$
Returns the results of a previous call to the PRINTTOPDF method.
bForward = WEBPDFPRINTED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, FileName, SuccessFlag, |
ErrorCode )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
FileName | Name and path of the file that was printed. |
SuccessFlag | TRUE$ if the print operation was successful, or FALSE$ if it failed. |
ErrorCode | Error code returned by the WEBVIEW object if the print operation failed. This will be a Windows “HRESULT” error code, so a description may be obtained by using the “WIN” method in the RTI_ErrorText stored procedure (See example below). |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBPDFPRINTED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_7 PrintToPdf method on the Microsoft website.
FUNCTION WEBPDFPRINTED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, FileName, SuccessFlag, |
ErrorCode ) // Example - display a message with the results of the// // print operation// Declare Function RTI_ErrorText $Insert Msg_Equates $Insert Logical MsgRec = "" If ( SuccessFlag ) Then // Display a timed "success" message // MsgRec<MTEXT$> = Quote( FileName ) : " printed successfully" MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "T2" ; // Timed// End Else // Display an error message// ErrorText = RTI_ErrorText( "WIN", ErrorCode, TRUE$ ) MsgText = "Failed to print " : Quote( FileName ) MsgText := "Error Code: " : ErrorCode : "|" MsgText := "Error Details: " : ErrorText : "||" MsgRec<MTEXT$> = MsgText MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "BO" ; // "OK"// MsgRec<MICON$> = "!" ; // Warning// End MsgRec<MJUST$> = "C" MsgRec<MCAPTION$> = "Print WebPage To PDF" Call Msg( @Window, "MsgRec" )
Occurs when the content in the WEBVIEW object requests permission to access some privileged resources.
A WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event handler should use the SETPERMISSION method to allow or deny this request.
bForward = WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, RequestType, |
UserInitiated )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
URI | URI of the request that triggered the permission request. |
RequestType | Identifies the type of resource requested. Can be one of the following values:\\ 0 : Unknown\\ 1 : Microphone\\ 2 : Camera\\ 3 : Geolocation\\ 4 : Notification\\ 5 : Other Sensor\\ 6 : Read Clipboard\\ |
UserInitiated | Set to TRUE$ if the request originated from a user gesture, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST event has a system-level promoted event handler that performs the following tasks:
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_PermissionRequested method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBPERMISSIONREQUEST( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, URI, RequestType, |
UserInitiated )
// Example: Allow Clipboard Read requests without any user interaction// // otherwise pass it onto the default handler.// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert Logical RetVal = TRUE$ Begin Case Case ( RequestType == WBV_PERMTYPE_CLIPBOARDREAD$ ) // Allow it - we could also check the URI or UserInitiated flag// // for extra security ...// bSet = Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SETPERMISSION", URI, RequestType, | UserInitiated, TRUE$ ) If bSet Then reVal = FALSE$ ; // Handled - don't pass back to the system// End Case OTHERWISE$ Null End Case
Return RetVal
Returns the results of a previous call to the SAVETOFILE method.
bForward = WEBSAVEDTOFILE( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, FileName, SuccessFlag, |
ErrorCode, ErrorText )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
FileName | Name and path of the file that was saved. |
SuccessFlag | TRUE$ if the file save operation was successful, or FALSE$ if it failed. |
ErrorCode | Error code returned by the WEBVIEW object if the save operation failed. |
ErrorText | Error details returned by the WEBVIEW object if the save operation failed. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBSAVEDTOFILE event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the “Page.captureSnapshot” method in the Chrome DevTools Protocol website here:
FUNCTION WEBSAVEDTOFILE( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, FileName, SuccessFlag, |
ErrorCode, ErrorText )
// Example - display a message with the results of the// // save operation// $Insert Msg_Equates $Insert Logical MsgRec = "" If ( SuccessFlag ) Then // Display a timed "success" message // MsgRec<MTEXT$> = Quote( FileName ) : " saved successfully" MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "T2" ; // Timed// End Else // Display an error message// MsgText = "Failed to save " : Quote( FileName ) MsgText := "Error Code: " : ErrorCode : "|" MsgText := "Error Details: " : ErrorText : "||" MsgRec<MTEXT$> = MsgText MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "BO" ; // "OK"// MsgRec<MICON$> = "!" ; // Warning// End MsgRec<MJUST$> = "C" MsgRec<MCAPTION$> = "Save WebPage As" Call Msg( @Window, "MsgRec" )
Return TRUE$
Returns the results of a previous asynchronous call to the EXECUTESCRIPT method.
bForward = WEBSCRIPTRESULT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ErrorCode, ScriptResult )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
ErrorCode | Error code returned by the WEBVIEW object if the EXECUTESCRIPT method failed. This will be a Windows “HRESULT” error code, so a description may be obtained by using the “WIN” method in the RTI_ErrorText stored procedure (See example below). |
ScriptResult | A JSON encoded string containing the result of the executed JavaScript. If the result is undefined, contains a reference cycle, or otherwise is not able to be encoded into JSON, then the result is considered to be null, which is encoded in JSON as the string "null". |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBSCRIPTRESULT event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2ExecuteScript method on the Microsoft website.
FUNCTION WEBSCRIPTRESULT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ErrorCode, ScriptResult )
// Example - display a message with the results of the// // executed script// Declare Function RTI_ErrorText $Insert Msg_Equates $Insert Logical MsgRec = "" If ( ErrorCode == 0 ) Then // Display message with the script results// MsgRec<MTEXT$> = ScriptResult MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "BO" ; // "OK"// MsgRec<MICON$> = "*" ; // Info// End Else // Display an error message// ErrorText = RTI_ErrorText( "WIN", ErrorCode, TRUE$ ) MsgText = "Script Failed!||" MsgText := "Error Code: " : ErrorCode : "|" MsgText := "Error Details: " : ErrorText : "||" MsgRec<MTEXT$> = MsgText MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "BO" ; // "OK"// MsgRec<MICON$> = "!" ; // Warning// End MsgRec<MJUST$> = "C" MsgRec<MCAPTION$> = "ExecuteScript Result" Call Msg( @Window, "MsgRec" )
Occurs when a the WEBVIEW object needs to display a custom dialog in response to a JavaScript dialog statement (i.e. “window.alert”, “window.prompt”, “window.confirm” and “beforeunload”).
By default, JavaScript dialogs are displayed in the WEBVIEW object using it’s default visual style. However, if the “EnableScriptDialogs” option in the SETTINGS property is set to FALSE$ then the WEBVIEW object triggers a WEBSHOWDIALOG event instead.
A WEBSHOWDIALOG event handler should display an appropriate OpenInsight dialog box with the passed details. After the dialog is closed the CONFIRMDIALOG method should be used to end the dialog request, and optionally return a value back to the calling script for a “prompt” type dialog.
Note however, that the CANCELDIALOG method may also be used to prevent a dialog from being displayed if desired.
bForward = WEBSHOWDIALOG( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, DialogID, URI, DialogType,
MessageText, DefaultResponse )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
DialogID | A unique ID for the show dialog request. This is used with the CONFIRMDIALOG and CANCELDIALOG methods. |
URI | URI of the content requesting the dialog. |
DialogType | Type of dialog requested. Can be one of the follow values (these map onto the four standard JavaScript dialog types):\\ 0 : alert\\ 1 : confirm\\ 2 : prompt\\ 3 : beforeunload\\ |
MessageText | Text to display in the dialog. |
DefaultResponse | The response text passed to a “prompt” type dialog. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The WEBSHOWDIALOG event has a system-level promoted event handler that performs the following tasks:
Equates for use with this event can be found in the PS_WEBVIEW_EQUATES insert record.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2 add_ScriptDialogOpening method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBSHOWDIALOG( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, DialogID, URI, DialogType, |
MessageText, DefaultResponse )
// Example: 1) Use the Msg() function for an "alert" style dialog// // 2) Use the Msg() function for a "response" style dialog// // 3) Don't let a "beforeunload" dialogs be shown// // 4) Otherwise, let the system show the defaults// $Insert PS_WebView_Equates $Insert Msg_Equates $Insert Logical RetVal = FALSE$ ; // Assume handled - don't pass onto the system// Begin Case Case ( DialogType == WBV_DLGTYPE_ALERT$ ) Call Msg( @Window, MessageText ) Call Exec_Method( "CONFIRMDIALOG", DialogID, "" ) Case ( DialogType == WBV_DLGTYPE_PROMPT$ ) MsgRec = "" MsgRec<MTEXT$> = MessageText MsgRec<MTYPE$> = "R" MsgRec<MICON$> = "?" MsgRec<MDEFINPUT$> = DefaultResponse MsgVal = Msg( @Window, MsgRec ) If ( MsgVal == \0B\ ) Then Call Exec_Method( "CANCELDIALOG", DialogID ) End Else Call Exec_Method( "CONFIRMDIALOG", DialogID, MsgVal ) End Case ( DialogType == WBV_DLGTYPE_BEFOREUNLOAD$ ) Call Exec_Method( "CANCELDIALOG", DialogID ) Case OTHERWISE$ RetVal = TRUE$ End Case
Return RetVal
WEBVIEW SETTINGS property, WEBVIEW CANCELDIALOG method, WEBVIEW CONFIRMDIALOG method, User Interface Integration notes.
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object’s source property changes during navigation.
bForward = WEBSOURCECHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, NewDocument )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
NewDocument | Set to TRUE$ if the page being navigated to is a new document, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBSOURCECHANGED event.
This event only runs when navigating to a different site or for fragment navigations. It does not trigger for other types of navigations such as page refreshes or history.pushState with the same URL as the current page.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_2 add_SourceChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBSOURCECHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NewDocument )
// Example: Update a ListBox log tracking navigation events// LogText = "SourceChanged" If NewDocument Then LogText := " (New Document)" End Call Exec_Method( @Window : ".LST_NAVLOG", "INSERT", -1, LogText )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object is showing a status message, a URL, or an empty string.
bForward = WEBSTATUSTEXTCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, StatusText )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
StatusText | The status message text. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBSTATUSTEXTCHANGED event.
The visibility of the WEBVIEW object’s own intrinsic status line is controlled by the “EnableStatusBar” setting in the SETTINGS property.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_12 add_StatusBarTextChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBSTATUSTEXTCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, StatusText )
// Example: Sets the LBL_STATUS control TEXT property to the WEBVIEW // // object's status text// Call Set_Property( @Window : ".LBL_STATUS", "TEXT", StatusText )
Return TRUE$
Returns the results of a previous synchronous call to the EXECUTESCRIPT method.
Note: This event is considered to be an “internal” system event, and as such is not intended for developer use – it is included here for documentation purposes only (see the Remarks section below).
bForward = WEBSYNCSCRIPTRESULT( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ErrorCode, |
ScriptResult )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
ErrorCode | Error code returned by the WEBVIEW object if the EXECUTESCRIPT method failed. This will be a Windows “HRESULT” error code, so a description may be obtained by using the “WIN” method in the RTI_ErrorText stored procedure (See example below). |
ScriptResult | A JSON encoded string containing the result of the executed JavaScript. If the result is undefined, contains a reference cycle, or otherwise is not able to be encoded into JSON, then the result is considered to be null, which is encoded in JSON as the string "null". |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
The WEBVIEW EXECUTESCRIPT method is a wrapper around the actual low-level script execution API provided by Microsoft which is implemented in a fully asynchronous fashion. This offers much better performance when running large and complex scripts, but it also makes using the method complex and tedious for small and simple requests, where a synchronous API would be much more preferable.
In order to provide such a synchronous interface for OpenInsight developers, the PS uses an internal process to wait for the results of script execution before returning control back to Basic+ from a synchronous EXECUTESCRIPT method call. One part of this process uses the WEBSYNCSCRIPTRESULT event to transfer the script results to the waiting caller and is implemented via a system promoted event handler. It has no other purpose beyond this function and is considered to be an internal system event that is not intended to be overridden by developers.
Occurs when the SUSPEND method has been executed and returns the results of the suspend operation.
bForward = WEBSUSPENDED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, SuccessFlag, ErrorCode )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
SuccessFlag | Set to TRUE$ if the WEBVIEW object was suspended successfully, or FALSE$ otherwise. |
ErrrorCode | If SuccessFlag is FALSE$ then ErrorCode contains the error code that describes the reason for the failure. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBSUSPENDED event.
Under certain circumstances the WEBVIEW object may be prevented from being suspended but does not return an error code (SuccessFlag is FALSE$ and ErrorCode is 0). Full details of the conditions that cause this can be found in the “Sleeping Tabs FAQ” on the Microsoft website but some common reasons for this are:
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2_3 TrySuspend method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBSUSPENDED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, SuccessFlag, ErrorCode )
// Example: Display a message if the WEBVIEW could not be suspended.// Declare Function RTI_ErrorText $Insert Logical Equ S_OK$ to 0 ; // From Windows "intsafe.h"// If SuccessFlag Else If ( ErrorCode == S_OK$ ) Then // Not an "error"// ErrorText = "Suspend Operation prevented due to browser activity" End Else ErrorText = RTI_ErrorText( "WIN", ErrorCode, TRUE$ ) End Call Msg( @Window, ErrorText ) End
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the title of the top-level document in the WEBVIEW object changes and may run before or after the WEBNAVIGATED event.
bForward = WEBTITLECHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClass, DocumentTitle )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
DocumentTitle | New value for the document title. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
There is no system-level promoted event handler for the WEBTITLECHANGED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView add_DocumentTitleChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBTITLECHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, DocumentTitle )
// Example: Sets the parent window caption to the WEBVIEW object's// // document title (i.e. emulates the SYNCTITLE property).// Call Set_Property( @Window, "TEXT", DocumentTitle )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the WEBVIEW object has been created and is ready to navigate.
bForward = WEBVIEWCREATED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
Due to the asynchronous programming model favored by the WEBVIEW object, it is preferable to use this event to begin navigation rather than wait in a loop for the INITIALIZED property to be set.
Function WEBVIEWCREATED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID )
// Example: When this event is raised we know that the WEBVIEW control// // is ready to navigate so we can go to our specified URL without a// // problem now.// $Insert Logical Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "NAVIGATE", "" )
Return TRUE$
Occurs when the user changes the Zoom Factor via the mouse or keyboard.
bForward = WEBZOOMCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ZoomFactor )
Name | Description |
CtrlEntID | Fully qualified name of the WEBVIEW object receiving the event. |
CtrlClassID | Type of object receiving the event (always "WEBVIEW"). |
ZoomFactor | The value that the zoom factor was changed to. |
TRUE$ or FALSE$. If FALSE$, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If TRUE$, the event processing goes to the next level.
When the zoom factor is changed by the user that zoom applies only to the current page. Setting the ZOOMFACTOR property does not trigger a WEBZOOMCHANGED event.
For more information on this topic please refer to the Windows WebView2 documentation regarding the ICoreWebView2Controller add_ZoomFactorChanged method on the Microsoft website.
Function WEBZOOMCHANGED( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ZoomFactor )
Example: A WEBZOOMCHANGED event handler that sets the text of a STATIC control
// called "TXT_ZOOM" to show the current ZoomFactor as a percentage// $Insert Logical // The ZoomFactor can be a value between 0.25 (25%) and 5.0 (500%)// ZoomPct = "Zoom: " : ( ZoomFactor * 100 ) : "%" Call Set_Property_Only( @Window : ".TXT_ZOOM", ZoomPct )
Return FALSE$