This topic describes the individual Editor++ menus and their options. The individual menus are the File Menu, Edit Menu, View Menu, Search Menu, Macros Menu, Utilities Menu, Options Menu, SCM Menu, Window Menu, and the Help Menu.
Item | Description |
New | This menu option allows for the creation of new Stored Procedures, Records, Inserts and Operating System files. Note: It is important that the submenus are used properly. Creating a new Stored Procedure or Insert will create SYSREPOS entries for the items, while creating a new Record or OS File will not. |
Open | This option allows for the opening of existing Stored Procedures, Records, Inserts and Operating System files. Selecting from the submenu will display the appropriate open dialog box. |
Close | Closes the active item. |
Close All | Closes all open items with the Editor++. |
Delete | Deletes the open record. Note: The Delete capability will only function for those records opened using the Record menu item on the File, Open menu. A message is displayed advising that the operation is not valid when attempting to delete an item opened using the Stored Procedure/Insert/OS File open options. |
Save | Saves the active item. |
Save As | Saves the active item. Displays the Save As dialog box. |
Save As OS File | Displays the Operating System Save As… dialog box. The open item may then be saved as a operating system file. |
Save and Compile | Saves and compiles the active stored procedure. |
Prints the active item. This option uses the default printer. | |
Exit | Closes the Editor++. |
Item | Description |
Undo | Undoes the current edit and reverts to the previous data. |
Redo | Repeats the previous action. |
Cut | Removes highlighted item from the edit field and places into the clipboard. |
Copy | Copies the highlighted item to the clipboard. |
Paste | Places the clipboard data at the insertion point. |
Delete | Deletes the selected data. |
Select All | Highlights the entire record, insert or stored procedure. |
Shift Left | Decreases the indent for the selected line. |
Shift Right | Increases the indent for the selected line. |
Convert Case | Changes the capitalization of the selected data. |
Comment/Uncomment Code | Comments / uncomments highlighted text blocks. |
Toggle Status Tab | Navigates to the next tab within the Status area of the Editor++. |
Toggle Bookmark | This option will toggle between turning a Bookmark on or off. The accelerator key for easy access to this feature is CTRL + B. |
Clear Bookmarks | This option will clear all bookmarks within the open item. |
Item | Description |
Toolbar | Toggle the Editor Tool Bar on and off. |
Line Numbers | This option will toggle the line numbers on and off. The line numbers are displayed in a panel on the left of the source code. |
Status Section | When toggled on, displays the Status Area and Tabs. |
Tabbed Panes | When toggled on, creates a tabbed view of the open items within the System Editor++. See Tabbed Panes for more details. |
Maximize Children | When toggled on, child windows will open maximized. |
View Values | This option will explode subvalues in a record for the selected data. If no data is selected it will explode the line where the cursor currently resides. The accelerator keys for this option are CTRL + E. See View Values for more details. |
Fold/Unfold Code | This option will fold and unfold code blocks within source code. See Fold/Unfold Code for more details. |
Item | Description |
Find | Displays the Find dialog box used to find words or phrases. |
Replace | Displays the Find and Replace dialog box used to replace words or phrases. |
Next | Will find the next instance of the word or phrase defined in the Find dialog box. |
Previous | Will find the previous instance of the word or phrase defined in the Find dialog box. |
Global Replace | Display the Global Replace dialog box. See Global Replace for more information. |
Goto Line Number | Displays the Goto Line Number dialog box used to navigate to specific line numbers within the data. |
Next Error | This option will place the cursor at the beginning of the next line of code that caused compilation errors. The accelerator key is F4. |
Next Bookmark | This option will place the cursor at the beginning of the next bookmarked line of code. The accelerator is SHIFT + F4. |
Jump To Label | Provides a list of Labels within the source code. After selecting an item in the list, the program will jump to the selected label. |
Jump to Insert | Provides a list of Inserts within the source code. After selecting an item in the list, the program will jump to the selected Insert. |
Return From Jump | Returns the cursor to the position prior to jumping to Label/Insert. |
Item | Description |
Load Macro | Displays the Load Macro message. Enter the name of the Macro to be loaded. |
Save Macro | This option will save the macro for future use. |
Run Macro | This option will run the macro designated by the "Load Macro" message. |
Record Macro | Selecting this option turns on the Macro Recorder. Start typing after this option has been selected. Note: The macro records basic keystrokes, it does not recognize function keys. |
Stop Macro Recording | Select this option to stop the Macro, after the Record Macro option has been selected. |
Item | Description |
Format Program | Executes a routine that takes a program and performs an indent/outdent format pass on the program. The lines in the program are indented or outdented based upon keywords; words such as Loop, For, IF, Read, and Lock cause the next line in the program to be indented by a tab, and word such as End, Repeat, and Until cause the next line to be outdented by a tab. |
Execute Program | Runs the stored procedure. |
Code Templates | Launches the Code Templates utility. Code Templates are pre-built code snippets that can be inserted into an active record within the Editor++. |
Commuter Module Generator | Launches the Commuter Module Generator dialog for the creation of commuter modules for existing windows. |
Define Structure | Launches the Structure Designer for the creation of structures to be used in Windows API Calls. See the DEFINE_STRUCT() topic in the Programmer's Reference Manual for more details. |
TCL | Launches the TCL window. The accelerator key for this option is F5. |
Add Entity To Favorites | Adds the entity within the active child window to the Favorites list. The Favorites list in the Status Area. |
Item | Description |
Font… | Displays the Font dialog box to allow for the setting of the default Font used by the Editor++. |
Increase Font Size | Increases the default Font size used by the Editor++. |
Decrease Font Size | Decreases the default Font size used by the Editor++. |
Tab Stops… | Sets the default Tab stop used by the Editor++. |
Automatically Close Braces | When selected, the open curly brace "{", open parentheses "(" and open square bracket "[" will automatically display the closing character when the open character is typed. |
Editor Configuration | Opens the Editor++ Configuration dialog box. |
Keyword Configuration | Opens the Basic+ Keyword Configuration dialog box. |
Item | Description |
SCM Panel | Shows information about the currently active program or the user can choose a program from a list of all entries in the SYSPROCS table. Clicking on an individual row will show the program in the editBox at the bottom of the screen. When two rows are selected , a compare button becomes enabled, and when clicked, the two selected program are loaded into the Compare screen, documented below. Highlighting rows and then clicking on the Delete button will delete the records from the SYSPROCS_VERSIONS and SYSOBJ_VERSIONS tables. The Delete_All button will delete all point-in-time records from both tables. The MAKE Live button will take the version as indicated by the highlighted row and make it the live version of the source, and the live version of the Object as well. |
Versioning | This screen lets the user select a series of programs using the same criteria as fond in the RDK screen. Once the list has been populated, the developer can assign version numbers. The screen shows the current version. The next version number is set by the developer – there is no process for doing this automatically. |
Modules | This screen lets the user select a series of programs using the same criteria as fond in the RDK screen. Once the list has been populated, and the developer had selected a module name from the Module Name dropdown, the developer can assign the program to a module. (Modules are created in the RTI_SYSREPOSMODULES screen – not hooked up anywhere yet) A program can be assigned to multiple modules. The Remove From Module button active then a module list is populated, and when clicked, will remove the highlighted rows from the module definition. |
Difference | This screen lets the user choose two entries from the SYSPROCS_VERSIONS files, and when they press the Compare button, the two programs are compared. The differences between the two programs – code only in the original program (on the left), code only in the new program (on the right) and spacing (for readability purposes) are configured by the user by selecting the Color Setting menu choice, whice call up the SCM Difference Color Chooser screen (RTI_SCM_SHOW_DIFF_COLOR_CHOOSER). The other options on the Options menu are self explanatory. |
Version Master Screen | This screen shows summary information for all the entries in the SYSPROCS_VERSION table. |
Item | Description |
Cascade Tile Horizontally Tile Vertically Arrange Icons | Provides different arrangements for multiple child windows and minimized child windows. |
Open Window List | Provides a list of all windows. Selecting a window will set a checkmark on the menu and make the selected window the active child within the Editor++. |