The table below lists Debugger menu items and their description.
Option | Description |
File | Open commands for Record, Stored Procedure, Insert, Event Handler, and Exit commands. |
View | Commands to view Source, Local Variables, Global Variables, Call Stack, and to view Properties of the current window and its controls. |
Search | Commands used to locate text strings and move to the Source window. |
Run | Different types of execution commands: Go, Go to cursor, Trace into, Step over, Abort, Go then disable, and Abort then disable. |
Break points | Toggle break points on and off, text color will change; set and edit breakpoints in the Source window. |
Variables | Inspect variables and properties. |
Window | Commands used to arrange windows, icons, and toggle System Modal on and off (the default is "On"); System Modality On makes other windows inaccessible during a debugging session. If System Modal is set to off, the system may become unstable and hang or reboot. |
Help | Help for the Debugger and other OpenInsight for Workgroups topics. |