The Debugger Menu

The table below lists Debugger menu items and their description.

FileOpen commands for Record, Stored Procedure, Insert, Event Handler, and Exit commands.
ViewCommands to view Source, Local Variables, Global Variables, Call Stack, and to view Properties of the current window and its controls.
SearchCommands used to locate text strings and move to the Source window.
RunDifferent types of execution commands: Go, Go to cursor, Trace into, Step over, Abort, Go then disable, and Abort then disable.
Break pointsToggle break points on and off, text color will change; set and edit breakpoints in the Source window.
VariablesInspect variables and properties.
WindowCommands used to arrange windows, icons, and toggle System Modal on and off (the default is "On"); System Modality On makes other windows inaccessible during a debugging session. If System Modal is set to off, the system may become unstable and hang or reboot.
HelpHelp for the Debugger and other OpenInsight for Workgroups topics.