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Interesting characters (AREV Specific)

At 29 AUG 2005 07:42:14PM Stacy Berger wrote:

Occasionally my fingeres will stray as I am working in AREV and I will hit a combination of keys that cause all of the "special" keys to print what they are to the screen as opposed to performing the desired functionality. The only way I am able to get back to normal operation is to close out arev and start a new session. Has any one else had this experience?

ex. when I hit the Backspace key I get {BACK}

At 29 AUG 2005 07:51PM Ray Chan wrote:

I think that you hit the Ctrl+Minus key. This will kick-off the the key capture feature of AREV. Can be useful if you want to make a "marcro."

To turn it off, hit the Ctrl+Minus key again.

Ray Chan

At 30 AUG 2005 01:58PM Stacy Berger wrote:

Thank you Ray, that was driving me crazy.. or at least crazier!


At 01 SEP 2005 11:38AM Dave Harmacek wrote:

One of the "features" that cause more trouble than worth.

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