We started development of a former AREV 2.12 app sometime ago with OI 2.6. We have now decided to resume development and realize that OI is now more elaborate. Any words of caution when attempting to move our 2.6 app to the lates version of OI for WGs?
You won't or shouldn't do an upgrade of the 2.6 system to 3.6- I don't think it's available anymore because it didn't work.
Perform an Appbackup of your system (type 'EXEC APPBACKUP' from the system monitor, choose backup ), install the new version of OpenInsight somewhere else, and log in to that new OI as SYSPROG.
Create new application with the same name as your old 2.6 application (In sysprog, choose File-New Application).
Type 'EXEC APPBACKUP' from the system monitor, choose restore, and put in the path to where you backed up the data.
Go into the Database Manager, add the data files from your 2.6 app, and you're in business.
Hope it helps-
Mike Ruane
Actually, the better step would be to do the 3.6 install first, then do a checkout of AppBackup (the window and the stored procedure) into the 2.6 version then perform the backup. There were some bug fixes in the later versions that will make the extra step worth doing.
The only problem is that 3.6 and 3.7 AppBackup use the Utility COPYFILE command which is new. It is better to use the APPBACKUP circa OI 3.4 … it had not changed in a couple releases until either 3.5 or 3.6, when we added Utility COPYFILE.
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software
Thanks for the warning. I've been doing the copy from later versions for so long, it's just automatic.
Perhaps we can post the 3.4 appbackup on the web site?
hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint