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What Property ? (OpenInsight Specific)

At 17 JAN 2001 04:56:49AM Peter Kassinski wrote:

I have one question.

What window property I can use to have copleted list of windows controls and types of controls (boxes, push buttons etc.) ?


At 17 JAN 2001 07:35AM WinWin/Revelation Technical Support wrote:


How about CTRLMAP? It brings back an @FM delimited list of fully qualified control names.

Hope it helps-

Mike Ruane

At 17 JAN 2001 10:26AM Peter Kassinski wrote:

Thank you, Mike.

At 17 JAN 2001 11:37AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


In addition to the CTRLMAP property you can use the OBJECTLIST Utility.

- Oystein -

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