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OI9.2, OECGI3, trying to publish simple Examples form to the web for update (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)

At 30 NOV 2010 08:05:50PM Eugene Sorbo wrote:

Hi folks. It’s been a long time since I've had my hands into the Revsoft/OI technology; I’m glad to be back, but needless to say I'm a little rusty, and am struggling a bit with the web to OI connectivity pieces.

I want to take a simple OI form, publish it to the web, enter some data and save, change, etc… . And then study the pieces that make it happen.

Anyway, here's my Day 1 problem. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, have installed OI 9.2, have installed and configured IIS, and installed OECGI3 according to the provided documentation. There’s no WebOI 9.2 Quick Start Guide apparently so I followed the 9.1 WebOI install instructions to the point of the OICGI install, then followed the updated OECGI3 quick start guide. I think I've got everything setup correctly. I've confirmed IIS is running and get an appropriate response back from http://localhost/cgi-bin/oecgi3.exe/inet_trace. I’ve got the Oengine server service installed and running. I’ve created the weboi virtual directory with the right permissions, etc… . I then did the following to try and convert an existing Examples form to the web for view and updating:

1) Opened the OI Examples application

2) Opened the WebOI form

3) Went to the Tools tab and clicked on Commuter Module

4) Selected the CUST_ENTRY window

5) Double clicked the Control Name and selected all the existing controls on the form

6) Clicked Compile Now and Update Forms Scripts and Events

7) Clicked on Create, saved the form

8) Clicked on the Forms tab

9) Selected the CUST_ENTRY form

10) Chose the CUST_ID popup and STATES_ID popup to include

11) Clicked on Convert Form

12) Received message back that the “Primary WEBOI Template Name is EXAMPLES_CUST_ENTRY_F.htm”

FWIW - Noticed that all these new .htm forms get published to my C:\Users\Gene\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Revsoft\OInsight\Template directory (?)

13) Clicked OK

14) Clicked on the Launch tab – URL to Website value is http://localhost/weboi (note that OECGI3.EXE is installed in c:\inetpub\cgi-bin\)

15) There’s no OECGI3 launch option available on the form and I’m not sure what URL to use to access the newly published Examples CUST_ENTRY htm form?

Any ideas as to what URL I should use to get access to this newly published menu item and form?

Thanks in advance!

At 01 DEC 2010 10:00AM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


The WebOI functionality has been deprecated in OpenInsight 9.2.1 and will no longer be suppported. The recommended product to use for web applications using OpenInsight is O4W (OpenInsight for Web).

The link below has details for O4W as well as the following downloadable PDF files:

OpenInsight for Web (O4W) Quick Start Guide

OpenInsight for Web (O4W) Reference Guide

OECGI3.EXE Installation and Configuration Quick Start Guide

OpenInsight OEngineServer Configuration

OpenInsight for Web (O4W)

Thank you,

Sean FitzSimons

At 01 DEC 2010 10:28AM Eugene Sorbo wrote:

Thank you Sean - much appreciated. I will start digging into O4W from here…! I've got appropriate browser response via OECGI3 to the various OI applications I have setup, so as far as that goes I'm hoping I'm not far off. :)

At 01 DEC 2010 01:48PM Eugene Sorbo wrote:

Am now logged into the Examples app using 04W - very straight forward once I followed the correct instructions. Thank you.

At 01 DEC 2010 02:02PM wrote:

Welcome back Eugene – good to see you again!

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At 03 DEC 2010 09:19AM Eugene Sorbo wrote:

Thanks Andrew. Good to be back…hope you're well!

At 03 DEC 2010 09:52AM Eugene Sorbo wrote:

Quick (?) follow up question.

Using O4W and the Examples app I've just finished creating my first web accessible form. Good stuff!

Am I correct in assuming that the result of the form is an .htm/html file stored somewhere on my PC? If so where would I find it? Or is the web form the result of a dynamic generation based on data stored in OI tables? A combination of both? I've looked at the provided doc but am not seeing a straightforward answer to this. Any help would be most appreciated.

What I want to do is examine the actual created html form in detail (if it exists).


At 03 DEC 2010 04:45PM Bob Carten wrote:

] A combination of both?

Correct. The end result is created dynamically, starting with a template in the O4Wtemplates folder. A tool like the firebug add on for firefox will et you inspect the result in your browser.

At 03 DEC 2010 09:30PM Eugene Sorbo wrote:

Thank you Bob. More digging ahead…!

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