We have a 2003 server and OI 7.0.1
We typically load onto 2003 servers and have not had a problem until now.
We are trying to operate the system using Remote Desktop and end up with a application failed to initialize. Another symptom is that after you click on the target, the hour glass comes up, and then goes back to a pointer, with no loading of the application occuring and no error being presented.
The system application event log shows instances of the failure. Faulting application OINSIGHT.EXE, version faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x01eb1f90.
There was a discussion thread in the works member section that talked about heap space, but, after making that change I am told it did not make a difference.
No one has been able to track the specific error message.
We have tried more than one copy of what we are loading, and still get the same results. Security has been checked and rechecked, and does not seem to be the issue as it happens with the administrator account.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Check the OINSIGHT.INI file and try removing 6 from the 'SideBarToolList' section. Or even just deleting the OINSIGHT.INI file.
Warren, I looked and there was no 6 in the number string, and I deleted the ini file, and I copied over one from another server, and - still no luck.
Are you able to run OI locally from the desktop without RDP?
Yes, it runs from the desktop, and record locking seems to work.