Hi everyone!!
We are new working with AREV, and we are having this problem: every time when we get a run time error, like Divide by zero, they become Fatal error becouse the programs totally stops and when I use the command "G", in the debugger, to continue it tells us "Fatal error - no return allowed". In REV G this kind of run time error are not Fatal.
We appreciate any help
I'm afraid that AREV is less forgiving - you will have to get the code debugged. Perhaps if you post code samples we can help?
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
Nothing really strange about this, just some strange logic which has determined that ANY mathematical calculation which divides by zero is an invalid istruction. (it isn't of course). I have simply programmed around the error, I wrote a small FUNCTION and whenever there is a DIVIDE required I execute the FUNCTION, which returns zero if required otherwise any other valid result. I include in the parameters the decimal positions etc. Should you wish me to send you a copy of this routine as a sample please email at the address below.
Kind regards