Sprezzatura have a posting on their blog about a tricky error when printing a report using SETPRINTER1.
If you get an unexpected SYS1000 error or RTP27 error then chances are you don't have the SYSTEMP table attached.
Check out the blog posting here for full details.
And while your there subscribe to the blog in your favorite rss reader. I use Google Reader.
Hmmm….I know I documented that somewhere. Maybe it was on the beta test board.
I reported this on the Issue Tracking System back in April (Issue Id 2044). This problem occurs with both SETPRINTER and SETPRINTER1. It only happens when exporting to PDFs.
Exporting to CSV or RTF works ok. Exporting to PDF via the OIPI print preview screen also works okay.
As reported, this bug was happening on a stand alone PC.