We have site who has just upgraded to OI 4.1.2 and is unable to start up our system because of SYS1000 - error loading rev_loadrec
I've searched the forum and tried all of the relevant suggestions I could find, but this seems to be a case we haven't run into before.
The details are:
Windows 2000 workstations work fine, Win 98 SE and Win NT workstations crash on startup.
They are running the 1.5 Linear Hash service.
We upgraded the system in our office, tested it here on Win 98 SE and everything ran fine. Sent it down on CD, they run our client install program (which install the OI DLLs plus ours).
The SYS1000 error comes up after the machines have gone through the OI logon and have connected to the service, but they crash part way through our own login process. It does not seem related to a particular program as it has sometimes gone further through the logon. Possibly it is a timeout issue?
The workstations seem to have the latest service packs and patches for Windows 98 SE / NT.
Files=200 is in the config.sys
The Windows shortcut has not changed and is a simple path (W:\wincoll).
DBT file is ok
Network driver is correct. Have tried changing the driver to something else, then back to 1.5. Have also tried reinstalling the service, but the system seems to connect to the service ok.
We have other sites running OI 4.1.2 with 1.5 service and Win 98 SE machines.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to what might cause this?
Vernon Systems
This may be because the .DBT file has become corrupt.
Try copying in a backup of .dbt
The DBT file has the same size + date modified as what we expected and it works on Win 2000, so I suspect it's something else. We're getting them to upgrade the Rev Service to 2.1 in case it is an obscure problem there.
They need to have the 2.1 service to work with records ]64k, so this is going to be useful for them anyway.
I would check the server to make sure the system user has full permisions on the directory OI and the NT service is installed to. Also make sure to tick the box to propagate changes to all directories and folders below the share.
John Hetu
Counterpoint Systems