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oinsight.ini, sidebar buttons, and executables (OpenInsight 32-Bit)

At 01 JUL 2009 02:02:15PM Cully A Cobb wrote:

Hiya folks,

I had a question about adding side bar buttons to the oinsight.ini file. I'm able to add window executables from OIWINEXE easily, but I haven't been able to add direct calls to programs. Is it possible? What would be the proper call?

Thanks in advance!


At 01 JUL 2009 02:54PM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


Sorry, but at this time, the buttons may only launch windows. You could launch an invisible window, run your program from the Create event and then close the window.



At 02 JUL 2009 05:48PM Cully A Cobb wrote:

Thanks Sean, I'll try a form based approach.

At 16 JUL 2009 12:44PM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

Hi, Cully. Sorry for the delay in responding, but I thought Sean's answer was correct until I needed to test something myself.

When you configure the sidebar button to launch a window, you typically specify OIWINEXE (for example, OIWINEXECTO_STANDALONE_FORM). I've found that if you instead specify a repository path to a stored procedure, then the stored procedure _will_ be invoked (for example, STPROCEXE**MYPROC). Note that you cannot pass in any parameters or anything, so I don't know if this is an adequate solution to your problem or not, but I thought this information might be useful.

Hope it helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software

At 23 JUL 2009 01:31PM dsig@sigafoos.org wrote:

It sounds like this is more the 'repository' function instead of just a window… I wonder if a report or other item could be executed the same way… hummm

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