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@RECORD and @ID and locked records (OpenInsight 32-Bit)

At 19 JAN 2005 06:46:29AM Oystein Reigem wrote:

When a form reads in a row, @RECORD and @ID normally get populated. I have forms with some programmatic stuff following READ, that relies on correct @RECORD and @ID values being present. But when the record is locked @RECORD and @ID are not set, so the process fails.

What is the reason @RECORD and @ID are not populated when the record is locked?

Can I (the program) populate @RECORD and @ID myself, or might there be unwanted consequences? If I can that would save me from some work.

One more thing: When experimenting with locked records I normally see an empty @RECORD, but I think I once saw evidence of @RECORD not being empty but containing the previous row read. (@ID was empty, though.) Is there an explanation for that? (For all I know it's just a side effect from other programming in the app.)

- Oystein -

At 20 JAN 2005 11:36PM Warren Auyong wrote:

This is odd, as I found @RECORD to be populated with record locking in a FORM.

Where exactly are you checking @RECORD?

If in the READ event are you doing a FORWARD_EVENT prior to checking @RECORD?

You could always use a GET_PROPERTY(@WINDOW,'RECORD'). Just be aware that the changed value in a control will not find it's way into the record extracted thusly unless a LOSTFOCUS event was invoked prior.

At 21 JAN 2005 05:01AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


] This is odd, as I found @RECORD to be populated with record locking in a FORM.

Hmm. I must warn you I'm a total locking amateur. But Don Bakke seems to agree with me in this posting about a different subject: .

Are there circumstances when a locked @RECORD is populated and circumstances when it's not? My app is MDI. I've found a couple of things that are different with MDI, but have no real reason to suspect MDI this time. Except that Don often uses MDI too. :-)

Btw - you say your @RECORD is OK but is your @ID correctly set too?

] Where exactly are you checking @RECORD?

The form is a table-bound MDI child (or rather one of many possible such child windows). The checking of @RECORD happens in some handler on the MDI frame. This handler places a key in the child form's key field, sends a READ event to the child, and afterwards checks @RECORD. The child has no READ handler of its own.

] If in the READ event are you doing a FORWARD_EVENT prior to checking @RECORD?

Question does not apply, I think.

] You could always use a GET_PROPERTY(@WINDOW,'RECORD'). Just be aware that the changed value in a control will not find it's way into the record extracted thusly unless a LOSTFOCUS event was invoked prior.

Later in the same handler I have a GET_PROPERTY(@WINDOW,'RECORD') that also fails, in the same way as @RECORD.

Great to have some input. Hope to get this stuff cleared up.

- Oystein -

At 21 JAN 2005 08:18AM Bob Orsini wrote:

When a form reads a record that has been locked the form will read the record as read only and not populate @record or @id. You may however populate it yourself.

At 21 JAN 2005 08:42AM Warren Auyong wrote:

Ahh, I see the errors of my ways. If the record is locked by another station or previous process @RECORD and @ID are not being filled. I never tested this situation as edits are not saved/allowed if the record is locked.

I could see this as a problem if you wanted to print a report via a form interface.

At 21 JAN 2005 10:09AM John Bouley wrote:

What about the record property of the window?


At 21 JAN 2005 01:19PM Donald Bakke wrote:


I could see this as a problem if you wanted to print a report via a form interface.

Exactly, which is what we do all the time.


SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 21 JAN 2005 01:49PM Bob Orsini wrote:

Same as @record. It is not populated when the record has been locked.

At 21 JAN 2005 04:29PM John Bouley wrote:


What happens when there are Symbolics on the form? Are they left blank?



At 22 JAN 2005 09:23AM Warren Auyong wrote:

I don't have access to OI until Monday…but…

What happens if the FORM is read-only, e.g. disable write event and record locking?

At 24 JAN 2005 12:28PM Warren Auyong wrote:

While I can understand the design concerns with protecting @RECORD, @ID and CURSORS I wonder why a different solution other than use-at-your-own risk was not implemented.

Foxpro had similar issues when they went to the Windows environment. They "solved" this problem by allowing private data sessions. In a way similar to the push select/session in Arev but a lot less complicated for the programmer.

Documentation on Data Sessions

I understand the need for backwards compatibility but it would seem to me that "private data sessions" could be implemented in a way that would not affect the behavior of existing applications.

At 25 JAN 2005 05:52AM Richard Guise wrote:

I haven't followed this thread in detail but I have successfully fiddled with changing a record key in a kludge to overcome a problem with seq keys. As I recollect I had to tweak something in the OI Windows Common variables.

This may be completely irrelevant but if it helps …

At 28 JAN 2005 03:44PM Warren Auyong wrote:

Okay, if locking is disabled for the form @record, @id and WINDOWS properties RECORD and ID are populated.

Is there a property that tells me the lock status of the record/key in a FORM?

At 28 JAN 2005 06:29PM support@sprezzatura.com wrote:

You could always check Window Common RowLocks@ - if null no lock, if locked, row id.


The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 29 JAN 2005 08:58AM Warren Auyong wrote:

Yeah, time to dig out my print out on your article on the Window common.

This is one of those gotchas that are a RPITA when porting from ARev to OI. Almost all of the ARev screens have softkeys to print reports/forms/merges/labels, do exports or send email. 99.99% of them use @RECORD/@ID.

At 29 JAN 2005 09:08AM support@sprezzatura.com wrote:

Yeah we added ZZ_SetAtRecord(Window, atRecord) and zz_GetAtRecord(Window, atRecord, atId) functions so we didn't have to change our code ;)


The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

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