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OLE Shell.Application Namespace (OpenInsight 64-bit)

At 15 JUN 2022 08:06:48PM Matthew Crozier wrote:

We're using the Namespace method of a Shell.Application OLE instance to ultimately obtain various folder/file attributes (eg Date Created, File Version, Dimensions, etc) and work with compressed files, but this just returns null in OI10. I've found I can get this to work in a VBscript context using RTI_ASHX(), but is there an easier/proper way to do this in OI10?

Cheers, M@

Vernon Systems

At 15 JUN 2022 08:18PM Matthew Crozier wrote:

Retrieve extended file attributes XP is a better reference thread - using GetDetailsOf

Cheers, M@

Vernon Systems

At 16 JUN 2022 06:21AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi M@,

Can you send me the code you are trying to execute (OI and VBA) so I can take a look. Which object is returning null?

I've done a quick test and I seem to be getting null on the FolderIrtems Item() method, which is returning a E_NOTIMPL exception (which is very strange) - is this what you are seeing?


Carl Pates

At 16 JUN 2022 06:25PM Matthew Crozier wrote:

Hi Carl,

Ah, sorry - I should have thought to check olestatus() :sad: . In my case the Namespace method fails to return a Folder object in v10.1 . This is before calling the Item() method.

objShell = oleCreateInstance( 'Shell.Application' )

objFolder = oleCallMethod( objShell, 'Namespace', 'C:\' )

@ans = olestatus()

The error is -2147352562 DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT "There was a mismatch between number of arguments provided and the number expected"

Cheers, M@

Vernon Systems

At 17 JUN 2022 05:02AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi M@

I believe that particular bug has been fixed for v10.2 already - it was caused by the addition of support for optional parameter declarations in the IDL.


Carl Pates

At 20 JUN 2022 01:19AM Matthew Crozier wrote:

Hi Carl,

Ok, great - thanks. So is the problem you found with the Items() method being resolved for a future update?

I can't verify that issue yet - is it worth me getting on the beta program??

Cheers, M@

Vernon Systems

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