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2nd Monitor (OpenInsight 32-bit)

At 20 MAR 2013 02:18:59AM Barry Stevens wrote:

Can an OI screen be 'instructed' to display on a second monitor (that is hanging on wall) with the main OI MDI only showing on the PC Monitor?

Mmmm….I suppose if you did a drag it you could still see it moving to the second screen regardless of where it is sitting?

It would then be updated by actions on the PC Monitor (DoubleClick etc).

If you saved the Screen settings on the first move (closed), is there anything in that that ensures it open again on the 2nd monitor if you passed those setting before the create event.

As you can see I am thinking aloud here :-):smile:


At 20 MAR 2013 04:18AM Barry Stevens wrote:

Yep, drag a screen to 2nd monitor, close and save the size info, open, get and plug the size info, opens on 2nd monitor.

At 20 MAR 2013 08:10AM andrew mcauley wrote:

Remember to check the monitor is actually there or you'll have an invisible window.

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At 20 MAR 2013 03:43PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Thanks Andrew.

At 21 MAR 2013 07:43AM Dave Harmacek wrote:

Post removed by author

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