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netdrv for OI 10 (OpenInsight 64-bit)

At 22 JAN 2022 09:20:13AM D Harmacek wrote:

I'm reviewing OI 10.1 for a client using OI 9. I'm not going to share the OI 9 LH production tables with OI 10.

So, I've installed it on an AWS server that already has the OI 9 production.

I have not installed the UD 5.2 or 5.3 on this server. I'd like to run OI 10 standalone, for now.

The REVPARAM file says only ServerOnly=0

When I run OI 10 SYSPROG I get an error dialog "Universal Driver" "Unable to access Linear Hash files." "Error = FS1020". Then "RevEngine" "Filing system installation failed. (REPOS_BFS – FS479) OpenEngine cannot continue". And I have to close OpenInsight.

Is there the equivalent of NetDrv.exe (in OI 9) for OI 10 that converts it from the UD to a standalone filing system?

How do I get this running standalone?

Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA

At 22 JAN 2022 12:43PM Donald Bakke wrote:

I'm reviewing OI 10.1 for a client using OI 9. I'm not going to share the OI 9 LH production tables with OI 10.

So, I've installed it on an AWS server that already has the OI 9 production.

I have not installed the UD 5.2 or 5.3 on this server. I'd like to run OI 10 standalone, for now.

The REVPARAM file says only ServerOnly=0

When I run OI 10 SYSPROG I get an error dialog "Universal Driver" "Unable to access Linear Hash files." "Error = FS1020". Then "RevEngine" "Filing system installation failed. (REPOS_BFS – FS479) OpenEngine cannot continue". And I have to close OpenInsight.

Is there the equivalent of NetDrv.exe (in OI 9) for OI 10 that converts it from the UD to a standalone filing system?

How do I get this running standalone?

Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA

Dave - Typically the error you get when not running the UD 5.3 but OI thinks you should is FS1019. FS1020 means it cannot open the REVLOCKS file. Have you confirmed full rights to the OI folder?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 22 JAN 2022 01:14PM D Harmacek wrote:

This was the problem.

The top folder, \Revsoft, said it and the subfolders were all read-only. So I removed that.

Secondly, I went to Properties, and edited the rights for "Users" to allow Modify.

Do you think they will need the "Full Control"?


Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA

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