The RXI Files

Published 30 NOV 2012 at 07:30:19AM

Updated on 01 FEB 2013 at 07:30:19AM

As you probably know OpenInsight has plenty of command line switches and naturally for version 10 we've managed to add some more.  Here's a list so far of the old and new ones (We'll take a look at the new ones in a later post):

TB Taskbar ID
AP Application ID
UN Username
PW Password
SN ServerName
QN QueueName
AE AutoExec
CA Caption
DV DevMode
SM Show Monitor
NS No Spy
HI Hide PS
HE Hide Engine
BN Show Banner
SI Single Instance
EL Elevate
MD Minimum Banner Display
EP Engine Path
2D Use Direct 2D rendering
DP Use DPI scaling

Of course remembering to add all these to a shortcut can be tedious and error prone, so a new feature of OI 10 is the RXI (Revelation Xml Ini) file. This is basically a configuration file that stores the equivalent of these switches for a specific application and is parsed when the Presentation Server is first booted.

The contents of an RXI file are simple XML which looks like this:

 Revelation X Dev System

An RXI file can be created for each of your OI applications using the Application ID as the file name with an extension of ".rxi", e.g.

To use the RXI file specify the appropriate Application ID with the "/AP" command line switch when you start OpenInsight.  It is important to note that any of the settings contained within an RXI file are overridden by it's corresponding command line switch if the switch is present.

Another point to bear in mind is that just as with command line switches the information contained within an RXI file is only used when the Presentation Server is first booted.  For example if you boot into SYSPROG and then change the application to EXAMPLES the "examples.rxi" file will not be processed.  This is because the information in the RXI file can only be processed and applied at boot-time.

[Edit: 01 Feb 13 - AM switch renamed to TB and taskBarID]

[Edit: 08 Jan 13 - Added DPI Scaling modifications]

(Disclaimer: This article is based on preliminary information and may be subject to change in the final release version of OpenInsight 10).


At 29 OCT 2014 02:39AM Pascal Landry wrote:

Hi Carl, I often find myself limiting instances to processor affinity, would it be an advantage to add a switch to set this OS parameter? Thanks, Pascal

At 29 OCT 2014 10:30AM Captain C wrote:

Hi Pascal - how are you doing this at the moment? SetProcessAffinityMask()? I can look at putting a switch, or perhaps a property of the SYSTEM object. Would you want a hex-string so you can set the multiple processes or just a simple number?

e.g. /AF=0x1001 for processors 1 and 4?, or something like /AF=4

At 24 SEP 2013 11:38AM Captain C wrote:

Hi Don,

Currently there's no command-line switch to specify an actual file name. Do you want one?

The Oinsight.ini file is no longer used - is a per-workstation login banner something you would require?

At 24 SEP 2013 07:14AM Don Bakke wrote:

The RIX example has an option for BannerFile, but I do not see a corresponding command line switch. Was this omitted in the documentation or will it not exist as a supported switch? Also, what happens if the BannerFile is used and there is a Logon Banner defined in the INI file?

At 25 SEP 2013 01:37AM Captain C wrote:

Hi Don,

Hope your news is still getting better :)

The Application Manager is no longer part of the PS - I expect any customization options for the v10 IDE will be stored in LH. Basically the idea of the RXI file is to put in only info that is needed <em>before</em> the PS boots an engine - once it's past that stage we've got DB access so we can store anything else we need in there.

At 24 SEP 2013 03:26PM Don Bakke wrote:

Hi Carl,

I don't particularly want or need one. It was just curious to spot it and not find a command switch to go along with it.

And heavens no…I certainly do not need a per-workstation login banner. :) Getting rid of the Oinsight.ini is the best news I have heard all morning (but the morning is still young so maybe I will get better news later on. :D)

Now that you have brought up the fact that Oinsight.ini is going away, will there still be a way to customize the button bar?

Original ID: