@ATTACK - @Help.Level

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords

@HELP.LEVEL The help level of the user currently logged in. Defined to be 0 (Advanced) 1 (Novice) or 2 (Intermediate). Note that whilst only two levels are documented in 2.0, all three still seem to work. The chief effect of the help level is to change the nature of the status line. At logon time the status line definition is read from the system file, items STATUS.DEFINITION, STATUS.DEFINITION1 and STATUS.DEFINITION2 respectively.

Note that changing @HELP.LEVEL changes @ENVIRON.SET<62> and vice versa. The two are identically equal and refer to the same variable. The same also applies to @DEST.ED and @ENVIRON.SET<63>. Can be amended.

(Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 9)