Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WLX% WC_WLY% WC_WRX% WC_WRY%

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 AUG 19922.12+EXPERTWC_WLX%, WC_WLY%, WC_WRX%, WC_WRY%, WINDOW_COMMON%
WC_WLX%The left border position. Note that this (and the three variables following) are normally only amendable at either pre initialisation directly in @Record, or in post initialisation. After this the contents are not normally checked again, unless the user toggles into table mode.

If it is required to change this, or any of the following values on the fly, the only way to do it seems to be to use the fact that it is checked when toggling into table mode, that is, set the new WC_WLX% value, and set WC_Window_Action% and the appropriate WC_Reset% value. Note though that as it is not desired to actually toggle the window mode, the value of WC_Table_On% should be toggled first.
        Subroutine Change_WLX
        * Designed for use on a softkey
          WC_Wlx% = 25 ; * Set to whatever
          WC_Table_On% = Not(WC_Table_On%)
          WC_Window_Action% = 1
          WC_Reset% = 2
WC_WLY%The top border position (see above).
WC_WRX%The right border position (see above).
WC_WRY%The bottom border position (see above).

(Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 13,14)