Chapter B 2: Updating and Enhancing Your Advanced Revelation System

This chapter explains how to install optional modules (including Environmental Bonds) as well as Product Upgrades and Maintenance Updates supplied by Revelation Technologies Inc. In addition, there is an explanation of how to upgrade user accounts after you have upgraded or updated your system.

To run the procedures in this chapter, you must have Advanced Revelation version 2.0 or above already installed on your computer or network.

Follow these instructions to add optional modules, including Environmental Bonds, third-party software, and system utilities, to a copy of Advanced Revelation 2.0 or higher.

The Advanced Revelation Installation Utility can install many, but not all, third- party software products. Refer to the documentation provided with the software (or provided by your developer) for installation instructions.

When you run this process, information from the optional module disks is copied directly into your base set of Advanced Revelation system files on the SYSPROG account. When installation is complete, you are logged out of Advanced Revelation. When you log back in, the newly installed modules are available for use in the SYSPROG account. From then on, whenever you create a new account, all installed optional modules are made available to the new account automatically.

If you are adding optional modules to an existing system:

  • Install Product Upgrades or Maintenance Releases, if any, before installing the optional modules. See “Installing a Maintenance Update or Product Upgrade” below.
  • After installing new modules, you must run Upgrade Account to make them available to users in other accounts on the system. See “Upgrading User Accounts” below.
  • Be sure to back up your system after you have installed optional modules. If you are using a network version of Advanced Revelation, make sure that only your station is using Advanced Revelation while the installation process is executing. Other stations should log out of Advanced Revelation before you begin installation.

Step 2

Log in to Advanced Revelation as the INSTALL user. At the operating system prompt, enter:


The Installation Utilities menu displays.

Step 3

At the Installation Utilities Menu, press I to highlight the Install option and press [Enter].

A message prompts you to insert disk 1 of your module set into the diskette drive. Insert the disk, enter the name of the source drive, and press [Enter]. For example, if you put disk 1 in drive A, enter:


Advanced Revelation displays a popup that lists the modules provided on this disk set. Move the highlight with the [ q ]and [ T ] keys to a module you want to install and press [Enter]. Repeat to select more than one module. If you change your mind, re-highlight the module and press [Enter] again.

Press [F9] to begin installation.

If you find that the Installation program cannot read the first disk in the optional module disk set, it is likely that this third-party product must be installed some other way. Refer to the documentation supplied with your disks.

Step 6

The Installation program next displays a popup window with three options:

  • REPORT lists files and records that will be affected by the installation. This report will help you decide if the installation process will interfere with customizations that you have made to your Advanced Revelation system.
  • TEST checks all of the disks, one by one, for errors. This process takes several minutes.
  • INSTALL starts the installation process. Once you have selected INSTALL, you cannot stop or reverse the process.

Warning! Once you have begun installation, do not attempt to cancel it before completion. If you attempt to cancel in mid-installation, the module will not be fully installed, and your system may not work properly.

Run the installation options in order (REPORT, TEST, and INSTALL), and follow the screen instructions, or press [Esc] to cancel the installation process.

Step 7

When the installation is complete, you will be logged out. You can add more modules to your new Advanced Revelation system by repeating steps 1 to 6, above.

If you are adding optional modules to an existing system, you now must run the Upgrade Account process to make the new modules available to users in the existing accounts on the system. See “Upgrading User Accounts” below.

Step 8

Now you are ready to log on to Advanced Revelation and begin using your new software. For information about logging into Advanced Revelation, turn to the “Logging On” chapter in this section.

In Advanced Revelation, the WHO window lists the optional modules that are currently available on your Advanced Revelation system. To display the optional module information:

  • Log in to Advanced Revelation.
  • Press [F5] to access the TCL window.
  • Enter WHO to display the WHO window.

When the WHO window displays, press [PgDn] to view optional module information.

Follow these instructions to install Product Upgrades and Maintenance Updates for your installed copy of Advanced Revelation 2.0 or higher.

If you are using Advanced Revelation for OS, special instructions may be provided for your Product Upgrade or Maintenance Update. In this case, follow the procedure supplied with your new disks.

This process copies information from the Product Upgrade or Maintenance Update disks directly into your base set of Advanced Revelation system files on the SYSPROG account. Once the process finishes, you are logged out of Advanced Revelation. When you log back in, the new version of Advanced Revelation is available for use in the SYSPROG account. If you are installing this software on a network, you must have the ability to create new files and subdirectories and to read from and write to them.

After installing an Update or Upgrade, you must run the Upgrade Accounts process to make the new Upgrade or Update available to users in other accounts on the system.

Be sure to back up your system after installing an Update or Upgrade.

Check the Update or Upgrade documentation for any special installation instructions. In addition, check the README file on the Update or Upgrade disk for compatibility information. For example, if you are upgrading your copy of Advanced Revelation for DOS, you should check the README file to ensure that the upgraded version is compatible with any Environmental Bonds that you have installed.

Step 2

Back up your Advanced Revelation system files. The installation process adds and overwrites records in most of these files but leaves your application files intact.

Warning! The installation process makes permanent, irreversible changes to your copy of Advanced Revelation. If installation aborts or fails, you must restore your system from a backup copy. For information about backing up your system, refer to your operating system documentation or see your system administrator.

You can list the files affected by the Product Upgrade or Maintenance Update before you make changes. See Step 7 below.

Step 3

If you are using a network version of Advanced Revelation, make sure that other stations log out of Advanced Revelation before you begin the installation.

Step 4

Log in to your existing copy of Advanced Revelation as the INSTALL user. At the operating system prompt, enter:


Step 5

Select the Install option at the Installation Utilities menu.

Step 6

Insert disk 1 of your disk set and enter the name of the source drive. For example, if you put disk 1 in drive A, enter:


Step 7

The Installation program next displays a popup window with three options:

  • REPORT lists files and records that will be affected by the installation. This report will help you decide if the installation process will interfere with customizations that you have made to your Advanced Revelation system.
  • TEST checks all of the disks, one by one, for errors. In addition, TEST warns you if any system files required by the upgrade are not attached. This process takes several minutes. Warning! The Test process warns if a system file is not attached. In this case, you must attach the file before proceeding with the upgrade. If one or more system files are not attached when you install an update or upgrade, your system will not be fully upgraded and may not work properly.
  • UPGRADE starts the installation process. Once you have selected UPGRADE, you cannot stop or reverse the process.

Run the installation options in order (REPORT, TEST, and UPGRADE), and follow the screen instructions, or press [Esc] to cancel the installation process.

Warning! Once you have begun installation, do not attempt to cancel it before completion. If you attempt to cancel in mid-installation, the module will not be fully installed, and your system may not work properly. If you have optional modules to install, you can do so now. See “Installing Optional Modules” above.

Step 8

When you are finished installing the Advanced Revelation Upgrade or Update and any optional modules, you must run the Upgrade Account process to make the system changes available to users in the existing accounts. See “Upgrading User Accounts” below.

Advanced Revelation’s Installation utility makes changes to a base set of system files in the SYSPROG account. The base set of files consists of the Advanced Revelation system files that are attached at the time that the new software is installed.

If your system has accounts in addition to the SYSPROG account, you must run the Upgrade Account process after you install optional modules, or an Advanced Revelation Product Upgrade or Maintenance Update. The Upgrade Account process updates files in existing accounts, making the changes available to users in those accounts. You can either:

  • Login to SYSPROG and update files in all (or selected) user accounts.
  • Log in to a user account and update the currently attached files.

The Upgrade Account process uses the base set of files on the SYSPROG account as the basis for updating files in other accounts.

Be sure to back up your system after upgrading user accounts.

Upgrading User Accounts from SYSPROG

If you upgrade user accounts from the SYSPROG account, you have three options:

ALLACCOUNTS This option updates all non-SYSPROG accounts in one pass. ALL ACCOUNTS identifies all current accounts, allows you to select the accounts to upgrade, and then makes all necessary changes.

When you select ALL ACCOUNTS, a list of the files to be updated is displayed. For each account, you are prompted to enter the location or volume name of the current version of each file (the default is REVBOOT). This enables you to update the appropriate files for each account regardless of where the files are stored.

ATTACHED FILES The ATTACHED FILES option automatically updates all of the system files that are currently attached. The base set of files on the SYSPROG account are used as the basis for updating local versions of these files.

Log in as a specific user in the SYSPROG account. When you select the ATTACHED FILES option, a list of the files to be updated displays. Enter Y¥ at the prompt to confirm that you want to update the attached files. If a file has been updated already, it will not be updated again.

SINGLE FILE Update one system file in the current account using this option. For example, if you have a copy of the SYS.MESSAGES file that was not accessible to the Installation process, you can update it using this option.

The SINGLE FILE option updates the version of a file that is currently attached. The base set of files on the SYSPROG account are used as the basis for updating the local version of a file.

SINGLE FILE does not update the dictionary of a file automatically. To update a file and its dictionary, you must run SINGLE FILE twice, once for the file and once for the dictionary.

If a file has been updated already, it will not be updated again.

To execute the Upgrade Account process, follow these steps:

Step 1

Make sure that no users are logged in to accounts that you intend to update. Other users should log out while the update is executing.

Step 2

Log into Advanced Revelation on the SYSPROG account.

Step 3

Select the Management-Accounts-Upgrade Accounts options from the Advanced Revelation Main menu.

Upgrade Account is also an option on the Installation Utilities menu. Enter AREV INSTALL at the operating system prompt to access this menu.

Step 4

The Upgrade program displays a popup window listing the three options described above: ALL ACCOUNTS, ATTACHED FILES, and SINGLE FILE. Choose an option and follow the screen instructions, or press [Esc] to return to the menu.

Step 5

After determining that the correct user accounts have been updated, you can delete the UPDATE.LOG and UPDATE.CTL files that are in the subdirectory containing the AREV.EXE file. For more information, see “Note to the System Administrator” below.

Upgrading User Accounts from a Non-SYSPROG Account

Following the installation of new software, this procedure enables individual users to log on to Advanced Revelation and upgrade the files that they normally use. To execute the Upgrade Account process from a non-SYSPROG account, follow these steps:

Step 1

Log on to the account as you normally do.

Step 2

Select the Management-Accounts-Upgrade Accounts options from the Advanced Revelation Main menu.

Step 3

You are prompted to confirm that you want to upgrade all of the currently available files. Enter Y at the prompt to begin the upgrade process or N to return to the Account Management menu.

When the process is complete, you are returned to the Account Management menu.

If there is a password on the SYSPROG account, you cannot run the Upgrade Account process from anon-SYSPROG account. A message will report that the process could not attach to a file in the SYSPROG account. When the message clears, you are returned to the Account Management menu.

In order to use the Advanced Revelation Installation utilities most effectively, you should be aware of how the Installation Utilities function and how they alter or affect your system. The topics below address important information that you should review.

The Install program maintains two operating system files — UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG — in the subdirectory that contains your AREV.EXE file.

  • The UPGRADE.CTL file contains the location of each file in the base set of files in the SYSPROG account. The base set of files consists of the Advanced Revelation system files that were attached at the time that the most recent Product Upgrade, Maintenance Update, and/or optional module was installed.
  • The UPGRADE.LOG file contains information about all of the records and files that need to be copied from the base set of system files in SYSPROG to the system files in individual user accounts.

The Upgrade Account program uses the information in UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG to make updates to the appropriate files in user accounts. The way that the Install program maintains the UPGRADE.CTL file and UPGRADE.LOG file depends on the software that you are installing:

  • New UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG files are created each time you install a Maintenance Update or Product Upgrade supplied by Revelation Technologies. If an UPGRADE.CTL file and UPGRADE.LOG file already exist in the subdirectory containing the AREV.EXE file, they are overwritten by the Installation program.
  • When you install an optional module, such as an Environmental Bond or a third-party application, the installation process adds information to the existing UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG files. Installing optional modules does not overwrite these files if they exist. If UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG files do not exist, the installation process creates them.

Once UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG are created by the Installation pro- gram, the information needed to perform user account upgrades is available until another Maintenance Update or Product Upgrade is installed. At that time, the cur- rent UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG are overwritten with new information.

Warning! If you installed an Upgrade/Update or optional module on your Advanced Revelation system and have used the system for any length of time, you should delete UPGRADE.CTL and UPGRADE.LOG before installing any additional optional modules. If you do not, the Upgrade Account process will repeat all of the operations used to modify the system for the last Upgrade/Update or optional module and then it will add the changes for the new optional module(s). If the Upgrade Account program repeats instructions to create a file, and that file already exists on the account, there could be loss of data.

Following any modification to the system, you must update existing user accounts to make the changes available.

  • The safest way to provide the latest installed versions of your Advanced Revelation software and optional modules to your users is to run the Account Update program from the SYSPROG account.
  • Alternatively, you can notify your users that there is a new optional module or upgrade available. Interested users can log in to accounts as they normally do and select the Management-Accounts-Upgrade Account option from the Advanced Revelation Main menu. This calls a program that upgrades files in the current account to make the latest changes available.

If you want users to be able to update non-SYSPROG accounts using the Management-Accounts-Upgrade Account option from the Advanced Revelation Main menu, you must remove any SYSPROG password.

If you have a password on the SYSPROG account, the Upgrade Account process will be unable to read from the base files in the SYSPROG account and will not perform the Upgrade.

Once all accounts have been upgraded, delete the UPGRADE.CTL file and UPGRADE.LOG file in REVBOOT.

See “Upgrading User Accounts” above for details.

In order to install software on a network, you must have the ability to create new files and subdirectories and to read and write to them.

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