Chapter B 3 : Removing Optional Modules

This chapter explains how to remove optional modules that were previously added to your Advanced Revelation system using the Advanced Revelation Installation utility.

Use the procedure described in this chapter if you want to remove an installed Environmental Bond, third-party software, or an add-on system utility.

When you run the Remove process, it will remove the module and the routines that support it from your base set of Advanced Revelation system files on the SYSPROG account. The “base set” of files consists of the Advanced Revelation system files that are currently attached, including all global files such as COMMANDS, SYS.POPUPS, SYS.MENUS, etc.

Once the process is done, you will be logged out of Advanced Revelation. When you log back in, the removed module(s) will no longer be available for use in any account in Advanced Revelation.

The Remove process only removes optional modules that were installed using the Advanced Revelation Installation Utility programs. The Installation process is described in the “Installing Advanced Revelation” chapter.

To remove an optional module, follow these steps:

Step 1

If you are using a network version of Advanced Revelation, make sure that only your station is using Advanced Revelation while the Remove process is executing. Other stations should log out of Advanced Revelation before you begin the Remove process.

Step 2

Log on to your existing copy of Advanced Revelation as the INSTALL user. At the operating system prompt, enter:


The Installation Utilities menu displays.

Step 3

Select the Remove option at the Installation Utilities menu.

Step 4

Advanced Revelation displays a popup that lists the optional module(s) that are currently available on your Advanced Revelation system. Select the module(s) that you want to remove and press [F9] to begin the removal process.

Step 5

Advanced Revelation will identify the module that it is currently removing. Another message displays when the removal is complete. You are automatically logged out of Advanced Revelation.

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