
Converting your application to Arev64

1. From TCL type: EXEC AREV64_CONVERSION_WIZARD in the PETROTECH application.


2. The Arev64 Conversion Wizard will launch. Click Next to continue.


3. Enter the name of the OpenInsight/Application to which the Arev application should be converted. The OpenInsight Account/Application must be an existing application.

Enter the name of the Arev Account/Application to be converted.

Click Next to continue.


4. Enter the location of the Arev application’s SYSTEM table. Click the Browse… button to navigate to the correct path.

Click Next to continue.


5. In the From Locations column, enter the location(s) of the Arev application’s files to be converted. Thses should contain all the locations necessary to run your existing application.

In the To Locations column, enter the location(s) of the new Arev64 application’s directory to which the existing Arev application files should be copied. The To Locations column data should not contain spaces.

Note: If the location does not exist, the system will prompt with a question to create the folder. If a path is not specified the data folders will be created in your OpenInsight directory. Revelation Software suggests that the data folders should be located within the OpenInsight directory for optimum performance.

The Double Click event of the edit table will display the Browse For Folder dialog box.

The location selected will be placed into the column and row of the edit table in which the cursor is active.

Click Next to continue.




6. Check the box to rebuild indexes.

Click Next to continue.


7. Check the box to replace dots with underscores in your dictionary tables.

Click Next to continue.

Note: Underscores are an OpenInsight convention. Clicking on the box will facilitate in converting your Arev64 applications to OpenInsight, however you will need to then manually retrofit all source code (functions, subroutines and dictionary symbolics) to recognize the underscores.


8. Check the box to recompile programs.

Click Next to continue.


9. Check the box to copy your tables. It is recommended that all tables be copied.

Click Next to continue.


10. Click Finish to complete the Wizard.

Note: At any point during the Wizard the Back button may be clicked to change settings or the Cancel button may be clicked to cancel the process.


11. Once the Wizard is complete the Arev64 Conversion window is displayed. The window will be populated using the information you provided to the Wizard.

The conversion information must be saved by clicking the Save Info button. A record containing the conversion information will be created within the SYSENV table. The key to the record is AREV32_SCREEN_RECORD_@DBID. The Load Info button will load the saved information into the form.



12. Enter the table names that contain programs that should be recompiled.

13. Click the Convert App button. The Arev64 conversion process will then begin. A series of messages will be displayed within the status lines at the bottom of the screen. Once the application has been created, the source files will be displayed in the edit table beneath the button row.


14. Messages being displayed within the status line.


15. Click the Save Info button, then the Close button. Prior to recompiling your programs the volumes must be detached and re-attached. Completely close OpenInsight and then re-open.


16. Please note that if you have relational indexes you must run AREV_TO_AREV64_RELATIONALS after your tables are attached.


17. Please note that if you have errors in your dictionaries you must run AREV_TO_AREV64_FIXDICTS after your tables are attached.



18. A report is produced showing errors in dictionaries.


19. Errors found in your tables containing programs are displayed.



1. From the OpenInsight IDE select Tool Panels. Click on OpenInsight Tables to display the volumes currently attached to OpenInsight.


2. Right click on any volume and select Remove Table.


3. All tables in the F:\AREV_PETRO\AREV21\PETROT volume will be removed.


4. Click the Yes button to save the database image.


5. All tables in the AREVBOOT volume will be removed.


6. All tables in the PETROT volume will be removed.


7. On the View Database Tool Panel, click the Add Tables button.


8. The PEROT volume does not contain any system tables, therefore all tables will be attached to the database.


9. Click the All » button to move all of your tables in the PETROT volume to the Selected Tables. Click Apply to add your tables.


10. The AREVBOOT volume contains system tables. These system tables should not be attached to the database and are not selected.



11. Once your tables are re-attached to the database the database must be saved.


12. Several tables may be already attached and the new version will need to replace the existing version.


1. The AREV_TO_AREV64 form will be utilized to resume the conversion process. From TCL type:



2. The conversion information that was saved in step 18 will be loaded into the form by selecting the Load Info button.


3. Select only the row(s) with tables containing programs for re-compilation. If tables with programs are not listed add them manually. Click the Recompile button. The recompile process will display messages in the form’s status lines.


4. Once complete, a report will display with the results from the compilation. Any programs with errors must be corrected and recompiled within Arev64.

Click the Close button on the Conversion form to complete the conversion process.


5. A report of compilation status is produced. Errors are listed at the bottom of the report.


6. From TCL type: RUN AREV_TO_AREV64_RELATIONALS to fix relational indexes.



7. From TCL type: RUN AREV_TO_AREV64_FIXDICTS to fix dictionary errors.


8. In order to emulate the Client/Server environment of Arev, it is suggested to modify the SYSENV CTO record within OpenInsight to not utilize the Engine Server. By default OpenInsight is configured to use the Engine Server.

From the OpenInsight IDE select Open, Record….


9. Select the SYSENV table and CFG_CTO record. You can create a CFG_CTO record for your specific application. In this example the record ID is: CFG_CTO*PETROTECH


10. Replace attribute 1 of this record with a “.” and save the record. OpenInsight is now configured for use with Arev64.


1. To launch your Arev64 application from the OpenInsight IDE select Consoles, Arev64. Make sure all your start up processes are set correctly.


2. Your converted Arev application launches to the Main Menu.


3. Existing windows run “as-is”.


4. By default Arev64 sets the default printer to the OIPI (OpenInsight Printer Interface) pseudo printer.



5. Any standard print output directed to the OIPI printer will display to the Print Preview window. The captured output can then be re-directed to any printer on the network, saved as a pdf or emailed.


6. To launch your application directly into Arev64 you need to set up your Application Entry Point. From the OpenInsight IDE select Settings, Application Settings...


7. Click the Setup Entry Point button.


8. Choose AREV64_STANDALONE_FORM as your Application Entry Point. Click OK. You must close OpenInsight for your changes to take effect. When OpenInsight is re-started your application will launch directly into Arev64.


9. From the Form Designer for your MDI frame create a Quick Event that starts an MDI child window.


10. You can launch your Arev64 application as a child window from your MDI frame.


In OpenInsight 10, when using CTO or AREV64, it is possible to debug your processes using the graphical OpenInsight debugger (as opposed to the character-based alternate debugger that is used by default in CTO and AREV64). You must be using an EngineServer connection (as opposed to the “direct”, local connection specified with “.” in the CTO configuration record (found in SYSENV or the MD table of the application)).

Make sure you are running the EngineServer on your desktop, in a DOS command box using the java command (java -jar oesocketserver.jar), and not as a service.

Edit your CTO configuration record (named CTO*<username> in the MD table of the application you’re running in, or just CTO in the MD table, or CTO in the SYSENV table), verifying that field 1 contains your local machine ID (either “”, or “localhost”, or the actual IP address or name of the local machine), and field 2 contains the port that the EngineServer will be “listening” on (18088 by default) in its first value. The third and fourth values contain the startup and shutdown flags, respectively; set them both to “1”, and save your configuration record.

Your CTO record should now look like this:


Once you have saved your modified CTO record, you can start up CTO or AREV64. You should see a visible OpenEngine (OEngine) start on your desktop.

By default, when CTO or AREV64 starts up, the alternate debugger is automatically enabled. OpenInsight 10 allows you to change this dynamically with the RTI_SET_DEBUGGER command. From TCL in CTO or AREV32, issue the command:


Or from within a stored procedure add the following line:


This will re-enable the normal OpenInsight graphical debugger. Now, when you encounter a run-time error, or a DEBUG statement, the OEngine on your desktop will launch the graphical debugger, allowing you to step through your CTO or AREV64 routine.

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