Precompiler options
*#INSERT <type>
Where <type> is:
0: Don’t touch $INSERT at all; add in any $INCLUDE items into the mainline code 1x per insert (current normal OI-mode behavior)
1: Add in any $INSERT or $INCLUDE items into the mainline code, 1x per insert (current normal CTO and AREV32 behavior)
2: Add in any $INSERT or $INCLUDE items into the mainline code as many times as they are specified in the code
3: Don’t touch $INSERT at all; add in any $INCLUDE items into the mainline code as many times as they are specified in the code
So, in a CTO or AREV32 program that uses $INSERT and you _know_ the insert item is already in OI format and doesn’t need to be precompiled, you could specify:
To have the precompiler skip over those inserts.
If, instead, you had a program where you wanted the insert items to be converted, and to be inserted however many times and wherever they were specified, you could specify: