Browser compatibility
O4W uses advanced web technologies to deliver an interactive and dynamic web experience. For the best results, users and developers should use the most current versions of their web browser. As of early 2018, these versions are currently:
Chrome 64+, Firefox 58+, Edge 41+, Opera 51+, Safari 5+ (Windows), Safari 11+ (mac)
The minimal suggested versions for full functionality are:
Chrome 63, Firefox 57, Edge 40, IE 11, Opera 51+, Safari 4 (Windows), Safari 10 (mac)
Developers and users may choose to use older versions of their web browser, at the risk of reduced functionality, by changing the version of jQuery that O4W uses. Changing to jQuery 1.12 (or earlier) allows developers and users to support older browsers including:
IE 6-8, Opera 12.1x, Safari 5.1+
Developers who choose to support these older browsers should carefully test any plugins and functionality that their web sites may rely upon.
For Mobile development, the minimal recommended browsers are the stock browser on Android 4.0+ and Safari on iOS7+. For a complete list of supported mobile browsers, please see:
Note: O4W displays a warning message on any browser that does not meet the suggested version and release requirements. The javascript to create and display this message is stored in the O4W configuration record, and this functionality will be updatable via DB Management,O4W Maintenance, Configuration Records, Browsers Tab.