
O4WFacebook routine

Provides various Facebook functionality.

O4WFacebook(action, param1, param2, param3, param4, styleInfo)

The function has the following parameters:

"Action" ParameterDescription
INITLoads the required FaceBook scripts.
ACTIVITYDisplays Facebook activity information
LOGINGenerates a Facebook login button on the page.
LIKEGenerates a Facebook "like" button
LIKEBOXGenerates a Facebook "like box"
LIVESTREAMDisplays the Facebook stream.
COMMENTSCreates a Facebook comment box.
FACEPILEGenerates a Facebook facepile.
RECOMMENDDisplays a Facebook recommend box.
"Action" ParameterParam1 Value
INITMust contain the "appid" your application has received from FaceBook.
ACTIVITYContains the optional domain to display information about
LOGINA flag to indicate whether you wish to show the users face when they have logged in (pass "1" to set this flag).
LIKEURL to "like". if not specified, the current page URL is used.
LIKEBOXThe URL to like.
LIVESTREAMMust contain the appid of the application whose stream you wish to display.
COMMENTSContains an optional unique ID
FACEPILESpecifies the maximum number of rows to display.
RECOMMENDContains the optional domain to recommend
"Action" ParameterParam2 Value
INITContains the optional url to use for initialization (normally this would only be overridden if you wished to use a non-English interface).
ACTIVITYOptionally controls display of the information

("" (the default) for a normal display; "0" for a display without headers or recommendations; "1" for headers but no recommendations; "2" for recommendations but no headers)
LOGINIndicates the maximum number of rows the login should consume.
LIKEControls the display of the like button.

"0" for the standard display without faces

"1" (the default) for the standard display with faces

"2" to display as a button with a count

"3" to display as a box with a count
LIKEBOXControls the display of the like box

"" (the default) to specify a normal like box

"0" to display without either a header or a stream

"1" to display with a header but no stream

"2" to display with a stream but no header
LIVESTREAMContains a unique ID to associate with the stream.
COMMENTSContains an optional maximum number of posts to show.
RECOMMENDControls display of the information

"" (the default) for a normal display

"0" for a display without headers)
"Action" ParameterParam3 Value
ACTIVITYOptionally controls the color scheme (specify "1" to use the "dark" color scheme instead of the default light color scheme).
LIKEControls the color scheme (set to "1" to use the alternative "dark" color scheme)
LIKEBOXContains the connections information.
RECOMMENDControls the color scheme (specify "1" to use the "dark" color scheme instead of the default light color scheme).
"Action" ParameterParam4 Value
ACTIVITYOptionally specifies the border color.
LIKEKeyword to use (set to "1" to use the alternative "recommend" instead of the default "like" keyword).
RECOMMENDSpecifies the border color.
"Action" Parameter StyleInfo Parameter
ACTIVITYOptional width, height and font can be specified via StyleInfo.
LOGINOptional width can be passed via the StyleInfo.
LIKEOptional width and font can be passed via StyleInfo.
LIKEBOXOptional width can be specified via the StyleInfo.
LIVESTREAMOptional width and height can be specified via StyleInfo.
COMMENTSOptional width can be specified via StyleInfo.
FACEPILEOptional width can be passed via StyleInfo.
RECOMMENDOptional width, height and font can be specified via StyleInfo.
  • guides/o4w/o4w_api/o4wfacebook.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:19
  • by