
O4WGraphData routine

Generates a graph. To add data to the graph, call O4WGraphData one or more times.

O4WGraphDate(id, seriesName, xValue, yValue)

The function has the following parameters:

idThe Id of the graph as defined in O4WGraphStart.
seriesNameThe name of the series which data points belong to. You may specify multiple series with an @fm-delimited list of seriesNames and corresponding @fm-delimited lists of xValues and yValues.
xValueAn @vm-delimited list of x-values for the graph. On some graphs, where xValues would just be an incremental counter (1,2,3,…), you may leave the <xValue> null and O4WGraph will automatically generate the sequential values.
yValueAn @vm-delimited list of y-values for the graph. The yValue and xValue lists are corresponding lists.

Call O4WGraphStart to begin the graph definition process. When all the data has been specified for the graph, calling O4WGraphEnd will generate the actual graph.

  • guides/o4w/o4w_api/o4wgraphdata.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:19
  • by