O4WInputBoxOptions routine
O4WInputBoxOptions can be applied to an O4WTextBox, and adds support for enhanced (HTML5) input controls.
O4WInputBoxOptions(typeOption, minValue, maxValue, stepValue, placeholder, bRequiredFlag, bAutoFocusFlag)
The function has the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | |
typeOption | Can be any valid HTML5 input type, currently including "email", "url", "number", "range", "search", "date", "month", "week", "time", "datetime", "datetime-local", and "color". | |
minValue | When specified, defines the minimum allowed value. | |
maxValue | When specified, defines the maximum allowed value. | |
stepValue | When specified, defines the incrementing step. | |
placeHolder | Help text that is displayed inside the input control | |
bRequiredFlag | Marks the control as required. | |
bAutoFocusFlag | Sets the focus to the control. |
Note that O4WNumberBox is a combination of O4WTextBox and O4WInputBoxOptions("number"), and may be used as a shortcut for numeric input.
See Also
O4WTextBox routine, O4WNumberBox routine