
O4WInputOptions routine

Defines additional input options based on the specified enabled flag (0=disabled,1=enabled) and <readOnly> flag (0=read/write, 1=read only). If <autocomplete> is set to “0”, then the input control will not allow the browser to “auto fill in” the value. Returns the option information to use immediately with a display element or input control.

optionInfo = O4WINPUTOPTIONS( enabled, readonly, autocomplete )

The function has the following parameters:

enabledBoolean. True is enabled, false is disabled.
readonlyBoolean. True is readonly, false is not readonly.
autocompleteBoolean. When set to true, the browser will be able to autofill the value.

the option information to use immediately with a display element or input control.

  • guides/o4w/o4w_api/o4winputoptions.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:19
  • by