
O4WLinkedIn routine

Provides various LinkedIn functionality, including alternative access to the new LinkedIn link types.

O4WLinkedIn(action, param1, param2, param3, param4, styleInfo)

The function has the following parameters:

"Action" ParameterDescription
INITLoads the required LinkedIn scripts.
COMPANYDisplays the LinkedIn "Company Profiler".
SHAREGenerates a "share" icon for LinkedIn.
PROFILEShows the LinkedIn profile.
"Action" ParameterParam1 Parameter
COMPANYThe company name.
SHAREContains the URL to share.
PROFILEContains the LinkedIn username to show.
"Action" ParameterParam2 Parameter
COMPANYThe optional name of the O4W section where this information should be displayed (if not specified, a new section will be created at the current location).
SHAREContains the optional title.
PROFILEContains the optional text to display.
"Action" ParameterParam3 Parameter
COMPANYControls the type of display ("" (the default) for popup, "0" for a borderless in-line display, and "1" for a bordered in-line display)
SHAREContains the optional LinkedIn name of the person who is sharing the reference.
PROFILEControls the type of display ("0" or "" for popup (the default), "1" for inline).
"Action" ParameterParam4 Parameter
SHAREContains the optional summary.
  • guides/o4w/o4w_api/o4wlinkedin.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:19
  • by