
O4WMobileButtonOptions routine

O4WMobileButtonOptions is applied to O4WLink or O4WButton elements when in O4W mobile mode and controls what transition effect is used when the button is pressed, and what icon should be displayed with that button (note that O4W will automatically convert links into buttons when in mobile mode).

O4WMobileButtonOptions(transitionType, iconName)

The function has the following parameters:

transitionTypeAvailable options for transitionType include "pop", "slide", "slideup", "slidedown", "flip", and "fade".
iconNameAvailable icons include "delete", "arrow-l", "arrow-r", "arrow-u", "arrow-d", "plus", "minus", "check", "gear", "refresh", "forward", "back", "grid", "star", "alert", "info", "home", and "search".
O4WLink("Second page", O4W_LINKTYPE_LOCAL$, "subsection1", "", "", O4WMobileButtonOptions("fade", "forward"))
  • guides/o4w/o4w_api/o4wmobilebutton.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:19
  • by