

The OI Console makes use of the OEngineServer which requires the Java Runtime Environment on the server where the OEngineServer is installed. The Java Runtime Environment can be downloaded from Oracle at:

OpenInsight 10.0 and above requires the 64-bit version of Java.

Make sure that java is in the system path in environment settings.


The OI Console is a browser based management console written with OpenInsight for Web (O4W). The minimal suggested browser versions are: Chrome X+, FireFox X+, IE X+, Opera X+, Safari X+

The OI Console uses advanced web technologies to deliver an interactive and dynamic web experience. For the best results system administrators utilizing the OI Console should use the most current versions of their web browser. System administrators may choose to use older versions of their web browser, at the risk of reduced functionality.

  • guides/oi10/console/requirements.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by