Managing Authorization Errors
- Authorization codes can contain odd character combinations. For best results, please highlight the code provided by Revelation Software or your software vendor, right-click to “copy” the text, and then right-click and “paste” the code into the Authoriztion Form.
- Authorization codes are no longer written to the OEngine.dll file. The authorization code is now written to the RevEngine.lic file found in your OInsight10 directory. This eliminates the need to have users log off and the need to stop your OEngineServer service to update your license. Please note that the update to the license will not take place until the user logs off and then logs back in to OpenInsight.
Your license file should look as follows:
- Please confirm that the information in your RevLicense.lic file is correct. If it is not correct please contact Revelation Software or your software vendor to receive a new code.
- Error codes:
Code | Description |
-1 | Missing authentication code information |
-2 | Missing signature field |
-96 | Mismatched feature field |
-97 | Invalid authorization code |
-99 | Missing feature field |
-100 | Bad authentication checksum |
-101 | Expired authentication code |
- Expiration types:
Expiration Code | Description |
0 | Never expires |
1 | Multiple notifications when expired |
2 | Single notification when expired |
3 | System will not boot when expired |