
ADDIDLEPROC Method (System)

The Presentation Server can maintain a list of stored procedures (the "IDLEPROC queue") that can be executed when the system is "idle" (i.e. there are no other Events or Basic+ stored procedures to execute), or at a specific time and date. These are referred to as "idle procedures".

The method appends a procedure and its associated data to the end of this queue.

SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( "SYSTEM",      





                              ExecDate )
ProcNameYesName of the stored procedure to add to the queue.
ParameterNoParameter to pass to the stored procedure when it is executed.
ExecTimeNoLocal time that the stored procedure should be executed, in the format "hh:mm:ss". If this is not specified the stored procedure will be executed when as the Presentation Server is idle.
ExecDateNoLocal date that the stored procedure should be executed, in the format "mm/dd/yy".

Returns TRUE$ if the item was added to the successfully, or FALSE$ otherwise.

The contents of the queue can be examined via the IDLEPROCQUEUE property.

// Example - add a request to the IDLEPROC queue:


   // Execute a stored procedure called MYPROC, passing it

   // a parameter of "DoStuff" and execute it at midday


   IsAdded = Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "IDLEPROC", 




                          "" )

IDLEPROC property, IDLEPROCQUEUE method, Common GUI TIMER event.

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/addidleproc_method_system.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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