ASYNCCURSORPOS property (System)
Retrieves the current cursor position in screen coordinates.
If the name of a window or control is passed in the index argument the returned screen coordinates will be scaled to DIPs based on the DPI and scale factor of the passed object.
Property Value
This property is an @fm-delimited array containing the cursor coordinates.
<1> X-Position
<2> Y-Position
Index Value
If set this should contain the name of a window or control to scale the coordinates too. The coordinates are then returned in DIPs.
Property Traits
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/A | Get | Yes | See Description | No |
This property is essentially a wrapper around the GetCursorPos Windows API function, so please refer to the documentation on the Microsoft website for further information.
// Get the current screen position of the cursor in pixels CursorPos = Get_Property( "SYSTEM", "ASYNCCURSORPOS" ) // Get the current screen position of the cursor in DIPs with // respect to the current window CursorPos = Get_Property( "SYSTEM", "ASYNCCURSORPOS", @Window )
See Also
CURSORPOS property