
CHOOSEDIR Method (Filesystem)

Displays the “Select Folder” Windows Common Dialog Box to allow the user to select a directory or folder name:

DirName = Exec_Method( "FILESYSTEM",    



                          ChooseDirOptions )
OwnerWindowNoID of the parent window for the dialog. This can be null, in which case the parent window is the desktop.
ChooseDirOptionsNoContains an @Fm-delimited dynamic array of options that control the behavior of the dialog. It has the following structure:

<1> Title

<2> Initial Directory

<3> Hide new folder button

<4> Show Files

The name and path of the selected folder.

The ChooseDirOptions argument is composed of four fields which control the behavior of the dialog – each field is described fully below:


<1>TitleText to display in the title area of the dialog just above the list of folders:

<2>Initial DirectorySpecifies the initial directory to display when the dialog is created.
<3>Hide New FolderIf TRUE$ then the “Make New Folder” button is hidden.
<4>Show FilesIf TRUE$ then files are displayed in the dialog as well as folders.

The CHOOSEDIR method is basically a wrapper around the SHBrowserForFolder Windows API function, so it is worth examining at the documentation for this on the MSDN website to get a better idea of the capabilities of this method.

Equated constants for use with the CHOOSEDIR method can be found in the PS_CHOOSEDIR_EQUATES insert record.


  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/choosedir_method_filesystem.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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