
Common GUI Methods

These methods apply to most GUI controls except where noted in individual control descriptions later.

*INVALIDATE Forces the control to repaint itself.
QUALIFYWINMSGQualifies a Window Message so it can be trapped in a WINMSG event
*SCALEFONT Scales an unscaled FONT structure relative to the current scale factor of the parent form.
*SCALESIZE Scales an unscaled SIZE structure relative to the current scale factor of the parent form.
*SCALEVALUE Scales an unscaled value relative to the current scale factor of the parent form.
*SETZORDER Changes the ordering of a control within its parent control's Z-Order.
*UNSCALEFONT Unscales an scaled FONT structure relative to the current scale factor of the parent form.
*UNSCALESIZE Unscales an scaled SIZE structure relative to the current scale factor of the parent form.
*UNSCALEVALUEUnscales an scaled value relative to the current scale factor of the parent form.
  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/common_gui_methods.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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