
DESCRIPTIONDRAWHTML property (PropertyGrid)

Controls how the Description Pane renders text. When set to TRUE$ a limited set of HTML markup can be used for formatting, otherwise the text is rendered in a plain format and any HTML tags are ignored.

The ENABLED property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$.


Using this property will slow down text rendering in the control, though the actual impact will depend on the complexity of the markup used, and may have no noticeable effect.

The markup used should be limited to the subset of tags as described in Appendix M, and it should be well formed - the control does not try to sanitize defective HTML.

$Insert PS_Property_Grid_Equates

   $Insert Logical


   CtrlEntID = @Window : ".PRG_MAIN"


   // Turn on HTML rendering in the descriptions panel

   Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "DESCRIPTIONDRAWHTML", TRUE$ )

Appendix M – The DRAWHTML property

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/descriptiondrawhtml_property_propertygrid.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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