
End_Dialog subroutine

This stored procedure closes a modal dialog box and returns a value back to the caller.

Call End_Dialog( DialogID, RetVal )

DialogIDYesName of the dialog box to close. Must be in upper-case.
RetValNoValue to return to the caller.



This stored procedure is used to close a modal dialog box and return a value to the caller. If the dialog box was launched in synchronous mode the return value is returned directly from the originating Dialog_Box() call, otherwise the return value is passed to the caller's ENDDIALOG event instead. See the description of the Dialog_Box() stored procedure above for more details.

This stored procedure should only be used with modal dialog boxes that have been executed via a call to Dialog_Box(). It can be used with non-modal dialog boxes but there is little point as a value cannot be returned to a caller.

Note that The WINDOW CLOSE method can also be used with a modal dialog – it is the equivalent of calling End_Dialog and passing a null RetVal parameter.

See the Dialog_Box() function above for an example of how to use End_Dialog.

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/end_dialog.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/10/14 18:46
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