
EXECMETHOD property (Common)

Allows a method to be executed via the Set_Property and Set_Property_Only functions.

A @fm-delimited dynamic array of data containing the name of the method to call along with its parameters. The first field in the array is always the method name to execute (in uppercase).

<1> Method Name

<2> Param 1

<3> Param 2

<n> Param n-1

If any of the parameters are themselves dynamic arrays containing system delimiters they must be converted down a level before they are set, because the EXECMETHOD property handler will convert them back up a level before it executes the method.


This property exists as an optimization tool, to allow a set of methods to take advantage of the Property Concatenation feature (See Appendix A – Concatenating Properties ) that allows two or more properties to be set with a single call to the Presentation Server.

* // MISC property example


   $Insert Logical


   * // Save some data in the MISC property of the SYSTEM object

   Call Set_Property_Only( "SYSTEM", "MISC", UserSettings )


   * // Save customer data in the MISC property of the current

   * // window

   Call Set_Property_Only( @Window, "MISC", CustomerData )


   * // Do some processing and retrieve the data from MISC

   CustomerData = Get_Property( @Window, "MISC" )

Exec_Method function, Appendix A - Concatenating Properties.

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/execmethod_property_common.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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