
FINDEXE Method (System)

This method returns name and path of an executable file (.exe) associated with the specified document file.

ExeName = Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "FINDEXE", File, Directory )

FileYesName of the document file to find the executable for.
DirectoryNoThe default directory for the search.

The name and path of the executable file associated with the specified document. If no association can be found a numeric Windows “SE_ERR_” code is returned instead.

This method is a simple wrapper around the Windows API FindExecutableW function - further information regarding this may be found on the MSDN website.

//// Example - find the exe associated with a text file//
   TextExe = Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "FINDEXE", "test.txt", "c:\temp" )


  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/findexe_method_system.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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