INTERACTIVE property (System)
Specifies if the Presentation Server is running on an interactive window station (aka. "WinSta0"). An interactive window station is one where a logged-in user can interact with the desktop. A non-interactive window station is one where this is not possible, such as the environment in which service applications run.
Property Value
This property is a Boolean value. It returns TRUE$ if the Presentation Server is running on an interactive window station, or FALSE$ otherwise.
Property Traits
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
N/A | Get | No | No | No |
Applications that are not running on an interactive window station should not create modal windows such as dialog boxes because it will not be possible for a user to dismiss them.
Further information on interactive window stations can be found on the Microsoft Website under the topic "Window Station and Desktop Creation".
// Example - Check to see if we are running in a non-service // context before loading a modal dialog window IsInteractice = Get_Property( "SYSTEM", "INTERACTIVE" ) If IsInteractice Then // It's OK To load a dialog RetVal = Dialog_Box( "GET_USER_ANSWER", @Window, "" ) End
See Also