
LISTX property (PropertyGrid)

Gets or Sets the full list of property items in the control, or an individual property item when specifying an index value.

If no index is specified then the property value is an @fm-delimited list of all non-collapsed items in the control - each item is an @vm-delimited structure as described earlier:

<0,1> Category

<0,2> Name

<0,3> Type

<0,4> Value

<0,5> Options

<0,6> Description

<0,7> Disabled Flag

<0,8> Item style

<0,9> Iconv

<0,10> ErrorText

<0,11> Default Value

<0,12> Option Values

<0,13> Display Name

<0,14> Miscellaneous Value

If an index is specified then the property value is a single non-collapsed item with an @vm-delimited structure.



At runtime an individual property may be referenced via a row index value using the normal Get/Set_Property index parameter. The index value may be the Name of the property item (case-insensitive) or the Position of the property item in the fully-expanded property list.

Category items are not included in the returned list (See the Property Grid developer notes above).

$Insert PS_Property_Grid_Equates

   $Insert Logical


   CtrlEntID = @Window : ".PRG_MAIN"


   // Set the full list of items...


   // Data

   //    Title    - Yadda

   //    SubTitle - Whatever

   // UI

   //    Visible - TRUE$

   //    Color   - 0xFF (red)


   Pgl     = "Data" : @Vm : "Title"    : @Vm : PS_PGI_EDIT$     : @Vm : "Yadda"

   Pgl<-1> = "Data" : @Vm : "SubTitle" : @Vm : PS_PGI_EDIT$     : @Vm : "Whatever"

   Pgl<-1> = "UI"   : @Vm : "Visible"  : @Vm : PS_PGI_CHECK$    : @Vm : TRUE$

   Pgl<-1> = "UI"   : @Vm : "Color"    : @Vm : PS_PGI_COLORDLG$ : @Vm : 0xFF


   Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "LISTX", Pgl )


   // Get the second item  

   Propitem = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "LISTX", 2 )


   // PropItem contains the "SubTitle" property item


   // Collapse the "Data" category

   Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "COLLAPSE", "Data" )


   // Get the current list of visible items

   Pgl = Get_Property( cCtrlEntID, "LIST" )


   // Pgl contains two @vm-delimited property items:


   //   Visible

   //   Color


   // Get the second item  

   PropItem = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "LISTX", 2 )


   // PropItem still contains the "SubTitle" property item


  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/listx_property_propertygrid.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by