
MDITITLE Method (Window)

Arranges MDI child windows in a tiled format.

SuccessFlag = Exec_Method( WindowID,       



                              SkipDisabled )
TileHorizontalNoIf TRUE$ then the MDI Child windows are tiled horizontally, otherwise they are tiled vertically.
SkipDisabledNoIf TRUE$ then any disabled MDI child windows are excluded from the tiling operation.

TRUE$ if the tiling operation was successful, FALSE$ otherwise.

This method only applies to MDI frame windows.

The arguments passed to this method have been changed from previous versions of OpenInsight to support horizontal tiling and the "SkipDisabled" option simultaneously.

$Insert Logical


   // Tile the MDI child windows vertically for the current MDI frame,

   // ignoring disabled windows.

   Call Exec_Method( @Window, "MDITILE", FALSE$, TRUE$ )

MDIFRAME property, MDICASCADE property.

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/mditile_method_window.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by