The PROPERTYGRID control is a custom grid control that is specifically designed for editing and displaying properties and attribute ("property items") of an object. The name and value of each property item to be edited is shown grouped by category, along with editing options determined by the property item type.
The control itself is split into two areas:
- A grid that displays the property items. Each item displays the name of the property along with the current value (the width of the name and value columns can be adjusted by the user at runtime. Editing options are determined by the property type. The categories can be collapsed or expanded to show and hide a set of associated properties.
- A description panel at the bottom of the control that contains brief notes about the currently selected property (this panel is optional and can be hidden). The height of this panel can be adjusted at runtime by the user.
Property Items
The Property Grid control exposes a list of property items for editing. Each property item is specified by a dynamic array of up to 9 attributes (normally @vm-delimited) with the following structure:
<0,1> Category
<0,2> Name
<0,3> Type
<0,4> Value
<0,5> Options
<0,6> Description
<0,7> Disabled Flag
<0,8> Item style
<0,9> Iconv
<0,10> ErrorText
<0,11> Default Value
<0,12> Option Values
<0,13> Display Name
<0,14> Miscellaneous Value
Each attribute is described below:
This attribute is required. It is used to group items together for display.
This attribute is required. It is used to identify the property and must be unique for the grid.
This attribute is required. It describes how the property value is both presented and edited. It is a numeric value and can be one of the following types:
Type | Description |
PS_PGIT_STATIC$ | Displays a string value which cannot be edited. |
PS_PGIT_EDIT$ | Displays a string value that can be edited. An EditMask my be specified in the Options attribute. |
PS_PGIT_COLOR$ | Displays a color value that cannot be edited. The color is displayed in a box along with a common name for the color or an RGB value. |
PS_PGIT_GRADIENT$ | Displays two colors in a gradient box along with their common names or RGB values. Cannot be edited. |
PS_PGIT_FONT$ | Displays a font name and size (in the style of the chosen font). Cannot be edited. |
PS_PGIT_CHECK$ | Displays a checkbox along with optional text (specified in the Options attribute). |
PS_PGIT_FILE$ | Displays a file name and path. |
PS_PGIT_FOLDER$ | Displays a folder path. |
PS_PGIT_COMBO$ | Same as PS_PGIT_STATIC$ except a dropdown button is shown too. The dropdown list is specified in the Options attribute. |
PS_PGIT_EDITCOMBO$ | Same as PS_PGIT_EDIT$ except a dropdown button is shown too. The dropdown list is specified in the Options attribute. |
PS_PGIT_BUTTON$ | Same as PS_PGIT_STATIC$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button raises a PROPOPTIONS event. |
PS_PGIT_EDITBUTTON$ | Same as PS_PGIT_EDIT$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button raises a PROPOPTIONS event. |
PS_PGIT_COLORBUTTON$ | Same as PS_PGIT_COLOR$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button raises a PROPOPTIONS event. |
PS_PGIT_COLORCOMBO$ | Same as PS_PGIT_COLOR$ except a dropdown button is shown too. The dropdown list is specified in the Options attribute. |
PS_PGIT_COLORDLG$ | Same as PS_PGIT_COLOR$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button displays the standard Windows Choose Color dialog to change the color. |
PS_PGIT_GRADIENTBUTTON$ | Same as PS_PGIT_GRADIENT$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button raises a PROPOPTIONS event. |
PS_PGIT_FONTBUTTON$ | Same as PS_PGIT_FONT$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button raises a PROPOPTIONS event. |
PS_PGIT_FONTDLG$ | Same as PS_PGIT_FONT$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button displays the standard Choose Font dialog. |
PS_PGIT_FILEDLG$ | Same as PS_PGIT_FILE$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button displays the standard Open File dialog. |
PS_PGIT_FOLDERDLG$ | Same as PS_PGIT_FOLDER$ except an options button is shown as well. Clicking the button displays the standard Choose Folder dialog. |
Contains the value of the property item. This is usually a simple string except in the case of the following types:
Type | Description |
PS_PGIT_GRADIENT$ PS_PGIT_GRADIENTBUTTON$ | A pair of RGB values (usually delimited by @svm) |
PS_PGIT_FONT$ PS_PGIT_BUTTON$ PS_PGIT_FONTDLG$ | A standard OI @svm-delimited FONT structure |
PS_PGIT_CHECK$ | A boolean value (TRUE$ or FALSE$) |
Contains options specific to the type being edited.
Type | Description |
PS_PGIT_EDIT$ | Contains an @svm-delimited edit mask to use when editing the property (see the EDITLINE EDITMASK property for more information on Edit Masks) <0,0,1> Format Mask <0,0,2> Input Mask <0,0,3> Default Character If this attribute contains a single sub-value it is assumed to be an array of valid input characters as per the standard EDITLINE VALIDCHARS property. |
PS_PGIT_CHECK$ | Contains an @svm-delimited pair of strings: <0,0,1> Text to display if the checkbox is unchecked <0,0,2> Test to the checkbox is checked |
PS_PGIT_FILEDLG$ | Contains an @svm-delimited list of options for the Open File dialog box: <0,0,1> Dialog Title <0,0,2> Extension Filter string <0,0,3> Default extension string <0,0,4> GetOpenFileName Flags. Defaults to the following flags: OFN_HIDEREADONLY$ OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST$ OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT$ OFN_NOCHANGEDIR$ (always enforced) (See the MSWIN_GETOPENFILENAME_EQUATES insert) |
PS_PGIT_FOLDER$ | Contains an @svm-delimited list of options for the Choose Folder dialog box: <0,0,1> Dialog title |
PS_PGIT_COMBO$ PS_PGIT_EDITCOMBO$ | Contains an @svm delimited list of items to load in to the dropdown list |
PS_PGIT_COLORCOMBO$ | Contains an @svm delimited list of items to load in to the dropdown list in the format: <RGBColor> ":" <ColorName> |
Contains the text to display in the Property Grid Descriptions panel when the property item is selected.
Disabled Flag
When set to TRUE$ the property item is considered to be disabled - it is draw using gray text and cannot be edited - no combo button to options button is displayed.
Item Style
This attribute is a small set of style bits that control the inline editing when used with the following types:
The style bits are:
Style | Description |
PGIS_CENTER$ | Text is centered |
PGIS_RIGHT$ | Text is right-aligned |
PGIS_UPPERCASE$ | Text is displayed in UpperCase |
PGIS_LOWERCASE$ | Text is displayed in LowerCase |
PGIS_PASSWORD$ | Text is hidden, masked by the standard password character (●) |
PGIS_PASSWORDPEEK$ | Character is briefly revealed as it is typed. Only applies with PGIS_PASSWORD$ is set |
When displaying the following types the Item Style specifies if the item is a ColorKey value rather than a normal Color value:
The style bits are:
Style | Description |
PGIS_COLORKEYMODE$ | Item is a colorkey |
This attribute is used to validate the property value when it is changed. It should be a standard Basic+ Iconv format as per the standard VALID property. When set the system PROPCHANGED promoted event handler uses it to check the new value.
This attribute is used to contain text that is displayed when the property fails validation in the system PROPCHANGED promoted event handler.
Default Value
This attribute contains a default value that is used if the property value is null after a user has edited it.
Option Values
If the item type is a dropdown-list (PS_PGIT_COMBO$) then this attribute can contain an @svm-delimited list of “internal values” that correspond to the list passed in the Options attribute. When this list is set the property value may be updated using one of these internal values rather than an external one. Likewise when the property value is queried the corresponding internal value is returned instead.
For example, consider a property item that has three options: “Apple”, “Orange” and “Lemon”, each with an internal values (codes) of “A1”, “O1” and “L1” respectively. If the Option Values attribute is not used the resulting program might look like this:
$insert ps_PropertyGrid_Equates propItems = "" fruitNames = "Apple" : @svm : "Orange" : @svm : "Lemon" fruitCodes = "A1" : @svm : "O1" : @svm : "L1" propItem = "Test Properties" propItem<0,PSPG_POS_NAME$> = "Fruit" propItem<0,PSPG_POS_TYPE$> = PS_PGIT_COMBO$ propItem<0,PSPG_POS_VALUE$> = fruitNames<0,0,1> propItem<0,PSPG_POS_OPTIONS$> = fruitNames propItem<0,PSPG_POS_DESCRIPTION$> = "Testing a simple dropdown item" propItem<0,PSPG_POS_DISABLED$> = FALSE$ propItems<-1> = propItem; // ... add more items .. // Add the items to the grid Call Set_Property( @Window : ".PGD_TEST", "LIST", propItems ) // ... sometime later retrieve the selected code ... fruitName = Get_Property( @Window : ".PGD_TEST", "VALUE, "Fruit" ) fruitCode = "" locate fruitName in fruitNames using @svm setting pos then fruitCode = fruitCodes<0,0,pos> end
If the Option Values attribute is used then accessing the item Value is much easier, as can be seen in this example:
$insert ps_PropertyGrid_Equates propItems = "" fruitNames = "Apple" : @svm : "Orange" : @svm : "Lemon" fruitCodes = "A1" : @svm : "O1" : @svm : "L1" propItem = "Test Properties" propItem<0,PSPG_POS_NAME$> = "Fruit" propItem<0,PSPG_POS_TYPE$> = PS_PGIT_COMBO$ propItem<0,PSPG_POS_VALUE$> = fruitCodes<0,0,1> ; // Set the code propItem<0,PSPG_POS_OPTIONS$> = fruitNames propItem<0,PSPG_POS_DESCRIPTION$> = "Testing a simple dropdown item" propItem<0,PSPG_POS_DISABLED$> = FALSE$ propItem<0,PSPG_POS_OPTIONVALUES$> = fruitCodes ; // Set the codes propItems<-1> = propItem; // ... add more items .. // Add the items to the grid Call Set_Property( @Window : ".PGD_TEST", "LIST", propItems ) // ... sometime later retrieve the selected code ... fruitCode = Get_Property( @Window : ".PGD_TEST", "VALUE", "Fruit" )
Display Name
Contains alternative text to display for the property item, overriding the Name attribute.
Miscellaneous Value
Contains miscellaneous data that the developer wishes to store with an item.
Developer Notes
- Equated constants for the Property Grid control can be found in the PS_PROPERTYGRID_EQUATES insert record. - Because property item categories can be collapsed and expanded the Property Grid has the concept of a "visible" list of items, and a "fully-expanded" list of items, much like the standard OI Hierarchical Listbox (aka TREELIST) control. Therefore it should be noted which view the PROPERTYGRID properties and methods work against when using them. - Bearing in mind the above it should be noted that some Property Grid properties (like LIST and ENABLED) can be referenced with an index argument when used with Get/Set_Property. The preferred way of using such an indexed property is via the item name, not its position, as the name is always constant regardless of whether the item is visible or not. - Categories are never included when using a property or method that works with the item list.
For example, in "fully expanded" list below the "CheckText" item has a SELPOS and SELPOSX value of 8, not 10, as the categories are not included. Likewise, in the "visible" list on the right the Data category has been collapsed. In this case the SELPOS value is now 2, but the SELPOSEX value is still 8.
"Fully expanded" list "Visible" list