
PSSTYLEEX_N property (GUI)

Returns the internal Extended Presentation Server style flags in Numeric (integer) format.

The PSSTYLEEX_N property is returned as an integer:

E.g. 83120906

N/AGet OnlyNoNoNo

The individual bits in this property are used as flags internally to hold the state of various properties, and are normally changed via other property and method calls. For this reason the PSSTYLEEX_N property is read-only.

In general the meaning of the flags for each object differs based on its type. There are several "PS_" Insert records supplied with OpenInsight (such as PS_LISTBOX_EQUATES, PS_EDIT_EQUATES and so on) that have constants defined for each flag that illustrate their meaning further.

This property is the same as the PSTYLEEX property except that it returns an integer which removes the need to convert the data before using it, thereby improving efficiency.


* // Example - "manually" check the GLASSDRAG property

   * //           for WINDOW object


   $Insert PS_Window_Equates


   PsStyle = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "PSSTYLEEX_N" )

   If BitAnd( PsStyle, PSSX_WINDOW_GLASSDRAG$ ) Then

      * // GLASSDRAG is set...

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/psstyleex_n_property_gui.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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