
SELNAME property (PropertyGrid)

Specifies the name of the currently selected property item in the Property Grid.

When used with Get_Property this value is the name of the currently selected item. When used with Set_Property the value can be an @fm-delimited array with the following structure:

<1> Name of the property item to select (case insensitive)

<2> If TRUE$ then highlight the property item data if possible (optional)

<3> Original property item value (optional)


If item specified is not currently visible then the Property Grid is expanded.

The "Original property item value" is used by the system for validation purposes and allows the original value to be restored after an edit has failed validation in the PROPCHANGED event.

$Insert MsWin_VirtualKey_Equates


   // Get the current options key for the PRG_MAIN Property Grid control

   OptionsKey = Get_Property( @Window : ".PRG_MAIN", "OPTIONSKEY" )


   // Set the options key to trigger options by using the "F2" key

   Call Set_Property_Only( @Window : ".PRG_MAIN", "OPTIONSKEY", VK_F2$ )


  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/selname_property_propertygrid.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by