
Set_EventStatus function

Sets the status of the currently executing event.

Call Get_EventStatus( Status, ErrorCode, ErrorArgs )

StatusYesStatus of the event. Can be one of the following:

"0" : Success, no error

"1" : Failure – error has occurred

"-1" : Failure – append error to existing status

(Equated constants for these values may be found in the RTI_SSP_Equates insert record).
ErrorCodeDependsContains a code indicating the exact nature of the error. This is usually a number prefixed by the string "EV".

Required if Status indicates a failure (1 or -1), ignored otherwise.
ErrorArgsNoContains an @Fm or @Vm delimited list of arguments associated with ErrorCode. They are used to replace numeric placeholder tokens in error text associated with the ErrorCode.



Equates for event error codes can be found in the EVERRORS insert record. Error information may be translated into a textual format by using the RTI_ErrorText function.

In some circumstances the Event Status is used to return data to a calling stored procedure and does NOT actually indicate an error condition. This can happen for the following "EV" ErrorCodes:

• "EV200": Used to return a result to the Presentation Server from a synchronous WINMSG event.

• "EV999": Used to return a value directly from Send_Event to a calling stored procedure.

$Insert EvErrors

   $Insert RTI_SSP_Equates


   * // Example WRITE event handler - check to see if we have all the

   * // data that we need.


   OK       = TRUE$

   ValidErr = ""


   GoSub ValidateFormData; * // (Assume this sets OK and ValidErr)


   If OK Then

      * // All good - let the system write the data record

      Call Forward_Event()

   End Else

      * // Failed - set an EventStatus to let the caller know that

      * // the was a problem. We can use one of the predefined EV

      * // errors or create our own.

      * //

      * // For this we'll use the EV_VALIDERR$ and also use the SYSMSG

      * // event to display a message.

      Call Set_EventStatus( SETSTAT_ERR$, EV_VALIDERR$, "" )

      Call Send_Event( @Window, "VALIDERR", ValidErr )




   * // Because we called Forward_Event we stop the event chain

   * // here by returning FALSE$


  Return FALSE$

Forward_Event, Get_EventStatus.

  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/set_eventstatus.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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