CreateQueue Function

Creates a reference to a queue on an open engine created by the CreateEngine function.

Error = CreateQueue(Queue, Engine, QueueName, DatabaseName, UserName, Password)

The CreateQueue function has the following parameters.

QueueHandle for the queue. Pass null. CreateQueue will return a queue handle.
EngineHandle obtained from a call to CreateEngine().
QueueNameUse the same name passed as the named pipe name in the call to CreateEngine().
DatabaseNameThe database .dbt file to use.
UserNameUserName to log into the database.
PasswordDatabase password
// Create a queue on an engine created by CreateEngine in the SYSPROG account.

Error = CreateEngine(Engine, "\\.\REVCAPI_TEST",  "SYSPROG",**CREATE_ENGINE_OPEN_ALWAYS$,  1)**

Error = CreateQueue(Queue, Engine, "", "", "SYSPROG")
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/createqueue.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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