
Editor++ ContextMenu

The Editor++ has a context sensitive right click menu. The menu is displayed when a right click occurs on the tabbed panes within the Editor++.


New Stored ProcedureCreates a new stored procedure.
New InsertCreates a new insert record.
New RecordCreates a new data record.
New Window EventCreates a new OpenInsight Window Event handler.
New OS FileCreates a new Operating System file.
SaveSaves the currrent stored procedure.
CompileCompiles the current stored procedure.
CloseClose the current stored procedure.
Close AllClose all open windows within the Editor++.
Close All Other TabsClose all open windows within the Editor++, except the current window.
Undo Last CloseOpens the last closed window.
Add "<current source>" to FavoritesAdds the current item to the Favorites List.


New Stored ProcedureCreates a new stored procedure.
New InsertCreates a new insert record.
New RecordCreates a new data record.
New Window EventCreates a new OpenInsight Window Event handler.
New OS FileCreates a new Operating System file.
SaveSaves the currrent stored procedure.
CloseClose the current stored procedure.
Close AllClose all open windows within the Editor++.
Close All Other TabsClose all open windows within the Editor++, except the current window.
Undo Last CloseOpens the last closed window.
Add "<current record>" to FavoritesAdds the current item to the Favorites List.
  • guides/programming/programming_in_openinsight/editor_contextmenu.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:50
  • by