
Editor++ Code Templates

Code Templates are pre-built code snippets that can be inserted into an active record within the Editor++. This Help topic discusses the creation and use of Code Templates. Included in OpenInsight are sample Code Templates.

Inserting Code Templates

Creating Code Templates

Sample Code Templates

Place the cursor in a new or opened Stored Procedure. Select Code Templates from the Utilities menu.


A popup of available code snippets will be displayed. Select the Code Template or Templates you would like to insert into the Stored Procedure.


Click OK. If a Template has a place holder for user inputted data, fill in the data as necessary.


Data was entered in the Value column of the edittable. The parameter within the code snippet will be replaced with the corresponding value.


Code Templates are stored in the SYSCODETEMPLATES table. To create a Code Template, open a new record within the System Editor++. Enter a code snippet and then save the record in the SYSCODETEMPLATES table.

  • When creating a Code Template, you may enter replaceable strings within the template. Replaceable strings must start and end with the percent (%) character, i.e. %FILENAME%.
  • The following replaceable strings are constant : %USERNAME% and %DATE%. %USERNAME% will be replaced with the current username and %DATE% will be replaced with the current date.

V119 Sample


Btree.Extract Sample


Loop...Readnext Sample


Open File Sample


Program Header Sample


  • guides/programming/programming_in_openinsight/se_code_templates.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by